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What is the worst thing you have ever ate. (Food only)


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Seriously, try to think of the single worst thing you have ever had the misfortune to eat.


Please nothing vulgar, food only please.I will start things off.


Buffalo Wing Pizza from Mad Dog's Bar.


First off, Mad Dog's in Grand Rapids MN have the best buffalo wings I have ever had. I had also heard great things about their pizza.

I figured two of my favorite food together would be good, I was wrong.



It only cost $15 with two soda's with free refills. One or two pieces were almost edible.



Ok the first thing I noticed when our Pizza came out was that the smell coming off of it was my my eyes burn, I could taste it with my eyes. The single most spicy smelling thing I have ever encountered.

Some pieces were completely soaked in blue cheese while other were flaming hot with a tablespoon of hot wing sauce in every bite.

NEVER cook blue cheese, especially not with buffalo wing sauce, the outcome is horrifying. It becomes hot liquidy, chunky burning death.

The chicken they used was not the same as what they used for their wings, it was grey and I am not even sure it was chicken. It was the consistency of room-temperature Velveeta.

To top it all off I was incredibly hungry and willed my way through about a quarter of the large Pizza. My mistake became apparant in the bathroom about an hour later. Hot fiery drain cleaner.

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The worst thing I ever had was a raw egg (not a chicken egg either). I was overseas and we watched it get laid and then a local guy picks it up, and starts rolling it between his hands like you make play-doh from a ball to a long string. He tells me that is the traditional way of cooking it (which I'm thinking it's not getting cooked it's just getting shaken up a bit. He then tears a small hole in the top and hands it to me and tells me to try it, so I sucked out the insides. It was like a giant gritty lugy.


The second grossest was durian. It's a fruit and smells like raw sewage. It's actually banned from the subway system in Singapore because of the strong odor.

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once had a egg that looked fine but when i tried the egg yellow it had started the proses of developing in a chicken............smelled real bad and tasted like real real bad.

did not eat for the next day or two.

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Worst thing I've ever had was a bucket of chicken at KFC. Tasted like garbage, so I put it where it belonged before even having a second bite. I nearly threw up that day, and felt sick the rest of the afternoon. Horrible aftertaste was well.

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Hominy. When I was a little kid we would visit my grandparents on my mom's side. They were very poor, backwards, Arkansas hillbillies. I guess it was the only vegetable they could afford in a can. I hate hominy to this day.

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The single worst thing ever was kung pao chicken from a place called Little Dumplings. I have never put a more disgusting piece of chicken from a Chinese restaurant in my mouth ever than this. It was dark meat first of all which I have never seen in Chinese food and it was fatty and tasted like crap. It almost made me puke and never have Chinese food again. Bye the way I love Chinese food. It was truly disgusting.

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well having done a chef education and all i have tasted some things that...arent in my favourite spot.


snail aka escarco


tastles but it feels like having soem kind of sticky rubber in your mouth




yes i have even eaten those buggers, crunchy with a bite.. tastes like rotten cheese with a really sour aftertaste




i can imagine people love to eat the birds, i for one dont like to eat em they are considerd ''wild meat'' and i dont like ''wild meat'' ... unless it is a woman then..... A SECRET!

Edited by WarWeeny

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i once dipped my chocolate chip cookie in spaghetti sauce

very bad idea tasted good wicked bad heartburn


Canned oysters and peanut butter and Tabasco sauce on crackers (mmmmmmmmmmmmm)


Fried pig skins and M&M's


Whip cream on a cheeseburger



Ps. No Im not pregnant just adventurous, There are probably more, this is all I can think of..


Im hungry know gonna go eat

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