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btw speedcrazy forgot to mention for the tests the res and msaa



kombuster - 1024 / 768 no msaa - fullscreen

ungine 1024 / 768 8x msaa - 16x af - everything at highest setting cept for dx10 (cause you dont have 11)

3d mark 06 standard edition the same as the download and run edition ... but you have a monitor of 1024 at 768.. so you cant even run the test O.o (monitor is needed 1280 / 1024) << big questionmark

furmark 1024 / 768 no msaa



goodluck and may the best rig win :)

Edited by WarWeeny

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3D Mark 06 wont work at 1024x768. You wont be able to run it.

Why dont you guys just wait until SpeedCrazy's got at least a half decent monitor ? Then you wont be living in the world of bottlenecking at 1024x768

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i have already done the benches so it wouldnt change it for me :P


damn good fps on dx10 unigene on 1024 / 768 xD


but il wait for speedcrazy's reply for the benches


i did:







i would like to do another one but dunno if speedcrazy can do it to. so il wait patiently (for my victory!! muhaha!)

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Yeah i can run 3D Mark 06 and if you waited till i got a half decent monitor you would be waiting a looong time. I cant afford it and i currently dont have a job. And unlike you nyt i dont have rich parents. :P

The war is on.

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I cant afford it and i currently dont have a job.


You are able to work but you are under age to play Resident evil ?? :P How old are you ? And stop avoiding the question by ignoring it :lol:


And unlike you nyt i dont have rich parents. :P


They're actually far from rich , we're average :P

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Yeah i can run 3D Mark 06 and if you waited till i got a half decent monitor you would be waiting a looong time. I cant afford it and i currently dont have a job. And unlike you nyt i dont have rich parents. :P

The war is on.


how can you run 3dmark 06 if your monitor isnt supporting 1280 / 1024? O.o

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Good luck ! Im getting my dual 6970's in a month and then you wont stand a chance :P


Not gonna do 6990 + 6970 in tri-fire?


Once i get my car situation dealt with, thats possibly on my list of awesome GPU configurations.

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IDK about the resolution but it runs fine.

And nyt, at least with agricultural labor you can start at ten. :P (not that im 10) And i have had odd computer based jobs and im working on a web design one. (no pay just experience) Its called entrepreneurial.

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Not gonna do 6990 + 6970 in tri-fire?


Once i get my car situation dealt with, thats possibly on my list of awesome GPU configurations.


I was going to get two 6970's first and then a third later . Maybe I'll get the 6990 but only if it turns out to be two full 6970's not downclocked (and doesnt run super hot)

But it looks like I'll be getting two 6970's . The 7 series is said to come in Q2 2010 so maybe I should wait , 32nm is much cooler too


And nyt, at least with agricultural labor you can start at ten. :P (not that im 10) And i have had odd computer based jobs and im working on a web design one. (no pay just experience) Its called entrepreneurial.


Lol, the guy at my local pc shop told me that when I turn 16 I can go work there , not for money though. I will do that as soon as I can , that way I can be there first for when new stuff arrives :P

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