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My idle temps dropped approximately 10 degrees after I...


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used my air compressor to blow 3 months worth of dust out of my rig.


I know case maintenance is common sense but sometimes we procrastinate and put things off way too long.


This is just a friendly reminder that just because you have to "not be on the computer" for 35 whole minutes, dismantle your rig and lug it outside doesn't mean that we shouldn't clean our machines AT LEAST once a month.


It may be a pain in the arse and I preach it to everyone else when I have to work on their disgustingly dusty machines but it is worth it and if you appreciate technology you should take care of it just like a nice car.




That is all.

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I know case maintenance is common sense but sometimes we procrastinate and put things off way too long.


That is all.


I'm guilty as charged (with an excuse) your honor....I have procrastinated, :(

due to I've been waiting to move all the daughters belongings to L. A. so I can have my office back, which is now accomplished. :woo:

So, soon, I will transfer all the gamer stuff back where it belongs, and that will include a serious fall cleaning :cool2:

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I blow mine out semi annually (every 6 months or so), and I do it judging by how much dust has gathered between the cpu heatsink and its fan. Unfortunately, I dont see that big of a drop in temps, maybe a few degrees...

Edited by JBags

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