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Starcraft II


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Those toys aren't half bad actually. Need a new Hydra though. :P

I'd buy a Zeratul and a Hydra if the prices are reasonable. Infested Kerrigan would be cool too.



It's 9 challenge missions with three achievements apiece. In that screenshot, if you look to the right, you'll see that there are three achievements for the selected challenge (the greyed out symbols).


Ahh yes good catch, I'm definitely feeling a durr moment right now. :doh:

So that brings the Tally to:


Single Player

- 26-30 Single Player Campaign Missions (anyone see an official number yet?)

- 9 Challenge Missions



- Up to 8 player play (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, FFA)

- 5 Practice Matches (Optional)

- 5 Placement Matches

- Ladder Play (must play placement matches 1st)

- Non-ranked gameplay



- Single Campaign Missions - ?? (probably at least 2-3 for each mission)

- Challenge Missions - 27

- Multiplayer - ~153 (includes CO-OP)


Nothing new is leaked for the Single Player Campaign missions, they are doing a really good job keeping that sealed, but this was the early suggestions for achievements that Blizzard threw out when they announced the idea


Mission 1:

Backwater Liberator: Complete the mission "Liberation Day"

Flawless Liberation: Complete without civilian casualties

Backwater Speedrun: Complete in under 3 minutes on hard difficulty


Mission 2:

Artifact Hunter: Complete the mission "The Dig"

Revolutionary: Complete all objectives for "The Dig"

Flawless Throwdown: Lose no units

Quick Throwdown: Complete in under 3 minutes on hard difficulty


Mission 3:

Up and Away: Complete the mission "Zero Hour"

Zero Hour: Complete all objectives

Hold the Line: Lose no buildings

The Best Defense: Kill all enemy buildings on hard difficulty


So obviously subject to change since those were leaked in what 2009?

And if people don't care about achievements they probably just skipped this whole section of my post. :P

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And if anyone would like a little more of the story in addition to the cinematics, these two videos ("New Era" and "Uncertain Future") cover what happened during the actual missions themselves:

More on SC1 and BW Story


They are a bunch of still artwork images with narration, but I think those 2 movies do a really good job in summarizing what happened in the single player campaign missions in two short videos (~3-4min each)



Also remember those cheezy tests where you answer questions to see "who you are"? Take the Entrance Exam at the top of that page for the Terran version. First time I got Firebat. The description made me laugh - didn't think to copy it down, but I saved the other two that I got. Took it again but answered the questions a little more honestly rather than the ones that make me laugh


You Have Been Chosen To Become a



As you've guessed by now, this has all been a test. We know that you've always felt... different. When your mom told you that you were "special" for hearing voices in your head, she wasn't kidding. Our wranglers have identified you as an individual with tremendous psionic abilities. However, until you learn how to control these abilities, you pose a danger to yourself and everyone around you. Luckily, the Dominion has a place for "special" people like you -- the Ghost Academy. You are hereby recruited into this elite institute to train as one of the Dominion's elusive ghost operatives. Pack nothing for your journey. Where you're going, your past life is irrelevant.


I thought that was good too, but i was kind bummed i didn't get Marine ...so i tried again!


You Have Been Chosen To Become a

Thor Pilot


The Dominion military is always in search of brilliant individuals capable of formulating complex battle strategies. You are not one of these people. But if there's one thing we've learned over the years, it's that sometimes you just need someone who likes to smash things. From your test results, you're a perfect fit for this role. What better way to satisfy your borderline psychotic thirst for destruction than in the comfy pilot seat of one of the Dominion's most powerful weapons to date: the Thor! With this neosteel behemoth at your command, you'll be given free rein to obliterate as many of our enemies' air and ground forces as your uncaring little heart desires. Leave any notions of finesse behind you -- if you had any in the first place -- and report to the nearest recruitment center on Korhal IV immediately.





Check the Propaganda Contest section too - some people have some wicked talent. Wish I had that much skill with computer graphics ...wish I had any to be honest.

Edited by Fogel

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FFFFFFuuuuuuu... I just checked my email that is used for my battle.net account and I was invited to the SC2 beta over a week ago. Too late now, doh.

Edited by FUZi0N

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Also remember those cheezy tests where you answer questions to see "who you are"? Take the Entrance Exam at the top of that page for the Terran version. First time I got Firebat. The description made me laugh - didn't think to copy it down, but I saved the other two that I got. Took it again but answered the questions a little more honestly rather than the ones that make me laugh




I thought that was good too, but i was kind bummed i didn't get Marine ...so i tried again!


I got Ghost

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You Have Been Chosen To Become a


From your answers, it's clear that living life to its fullest has never been a problem for you. While you pride yourself on having survived over a dozen high-speed hoverbike crashes, the Dominion has taken note of the threat that your wild antics pose to the population at large. Fortunately, we've been looking for an adventurous individual just like you to pilot our newest anti-air and ground-support weapon system. We call it the viking, a modern marvel capable of reconfiguring between an air-superiority fighter and an assault walker. You are hereby summoned to the nearest starport to begin flight school. Make no mistake: only the most skilled pilots will ever master the viking. But if you do, fame and glory await!

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Well, it is only hours away. I personally don't give a crap about this game but I can't wait until it comes out to see how many Starcraft invloved violent crimes occur. :cheers:


I wonder how many Koreans will play themselves to death?

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While not a fanatic StarCraft fan like some I have been looking forward to this sequel ever since the first game was released way back in '98 I believe. Planning on running up to the local Wal-Mart at midnight and grabbing a copy but I must say, Blizzard should have released this game long ago. There is no real good reason it should have taken them over a decade to get this game out the door. I could say the same for the Diablo sequel. Many people who played these games back in the day no longer have any interest in video games and many of the younger gamers never played the originals and therefore will show little interest in these sequels. My 18 year old brother is a prime example. He was just a bit too young to get into them so Blizzard will miss selling these games to him. I think they would have made more money had they released this game and Diablo III sooner (although they'll still make tons, no doubt).


Stupid World of Warcraft ruined it for everyone. Why would they devote resources to developing sequels to their prior hits when they can just sit on their cash cow and watch the money roll in?

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