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Brink (360/PC/PS3)


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*sigh* 1 day 13 hours left to prepurchase brink. stupid different region based release dates


all the reviews seem to be pretty negative. but the thing is they aren't all consistent. gamespot praises the class system stating "Brink's class system is more successful, offering a variety of ways to contribute to the fight. The differences between the classes are fueled by unique abilities that you gain access to as you level up." while ign critisizes them "There are four classes in Brink, but there's a disappointing lack of definition between them."


ign praises the SMART system but gamespot only finds the flaws in it.


i personally think i'll either wait or pass all together.


Also why do so many FPS games thesedays have screwed up recoil? MOH, Brink, Homefront are the three most recent that come to mind. im sure there are others.

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it's cause a big thing about the classes is that each one is for certain mission objective,

Soldiers are really good at shooting and throwing nades and in some cases taking a lil damage

Engineers are really meant to be defensive and focusing on repair objectives, as well as building encampents of your team

Medics should be healing, healing, healing

Operatives are so hilarious once you grab a disguise, jump behind the enemy team, and bat down a guy take his clothing, and rinse repeat, also got some cool grenades and hacking


but fact is if your not focusing on what your class is doing, than all your class is is a guy a with a gun, and then there are little differences in the classes


as far as SMART system, it's a lot of fun, only thing i don't like about it is that it's automatic, which doesn't involve sick like if it was a series of button combinations, SMART certainly makes Operatives job easier

but don't let the hype confuse you, SMART isn't the center of the game it was a new feature interested simply to make your job easier, and it seems mostly only on Operatives


my only real complaint is that after you complete all the challenges, which if your good at fpses, takes just a lil time and a lil effort, you've already got all the guns, and once you hit 20 the only thing you have left is making more characters and lvling them


i want them to add something else, that isn't just achievements, that make you try hard for it, be it new neat clothing, or a golden revolver, or something else that doesn't really change things

also they could've fixed a lot of the bugs before they put the game out

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A PC specific review - http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2011/05/brink-for-pc-runs-great-plays-well-online-is-a-ton-of-fun.ars


Still waiting for PC Gamer to do one.




Brink Updates came out today (Details for 360/PS3/PC)


PC Update


On the PC side, we're pleased to report that we've put together our first game update, bringing two immediate improvements to Brink:


It greatly enhances the crash reports we're getting through Steam, with more detailed information coming our way from now on. While this doesn't sound very exciting for you as a player, it's really useful for the Brink team as it'll allow us to track down the underlying issues much more quickly and work on fixes for them – particularly stability issues relating to compatibility.


This update also fixes an issue where closing the game before getting to the character selection screen can corrupt your character data and make it unusable. Until the game update comes out, we strongly recommend not shutting Brink down during start-up to avoid this issue altogether.


Better yet, this update is already on the way to Steam and you'll get it automatically through the Steam client as soon as it's out.


In other PC news, we've also been working closely with the guys over at Bethesda Softworks to identify and solve any hardware compatibility issues that people have been reporting. For the AMD graphics card owners out there, make sure you've installed the latest AMD video drivers as that will solve a fair few of the visual and performance issues out there. Similarly, if you have an NVIDIA card and are experiencing issues with the game, make sure you've got the latest NVIDIA video drivers installed.


The next game update for the PC version is already in the works, and includes a fix for the FOV issue some of you have been reporting on the forums, among several other things. We'll have more information to share on that soon.





Edited by Krazyxazn

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as far as SMART system, it's a lot of fun, only thing i don't like about it is that it's automatic, which doesn't involve sick like if it was a series of button combinations, SMART certainly makes Operatives job easier

So when you say it's automatic, does that mean you could accidentally hop over a block or wall that you wanted to take cover behind instead?

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So when you say it's automatic, does that mean you could accidentally hop over a block or wall that you wanted to take cover behind instead?

Only if you're holding the button down. One problem I've noticed is that the SMART is also the sprint, so occasionally when you running by something you will start vaulting it, but you get used to it pretty quick

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Once you play the game for a bit, you get used to how to use it. I rarely run into the problem of accidental mistakes. However that video above took several takes to get a decent time and not me sliding off the top of columns when I wanted to stand on it. The maps aren't designed like that challenge though :( So, you won't run into many accidental moves.


Finished up the Resistance campaign. 12 hours logged into this game so far and it's been pretty fun.


Tomorrow I'll go back to play just multi-player.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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So all the reviews I have seen for the game are pretty terrible. I usually don't take reviews a 100% to heart, but this game really sounded like it needed some extra dev time. I applaud the idea of the game, new IPs are some of my favorite titles. I was really excited for this game last year when we saw it at E3...



I personally am going to wait for a demo.

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the game is really enjoyable, but it needs to be patched and tested

i also hope, all though i'm sure they will, that they will in the future release more content like missions, challenges, skills, guns and customization options


personal opinion

game is great

not enough challenges at all, was way to easy to get all the guns and mods

not enough guns, while it's not too big a deal, it is depressing knowing i already have all of them, also i'd like to see more mods, and i wish you could pick among several weapon skins



if you spec one class you can have every skill in the class and general, if you spec two you almost fit just right, i wish if you specced two classes you were just a little strained to decide on what you want to pick for neat things, like they could add another neat grenade or two to operative or something, i dunno

also, after about a day the character customization kindov goes bland a little


in reality, a call of duty game, is at least triple this in quantity of neat things to try and get, brinks got better gameplay a lot of fun, bugs are really good at buzzkilling

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the game is really enjoyable, but it needs to be patched and tested

i also hope, all though i'm sure they will, that they will in the future release more content like missions, challenges, skills, guns and customization options


personal opinion

game is great

not enough challenges at all, was way to easy to get all the guns and mods

not enough guns, while it's not too big a deal, it is depressing knowing i already have all of them, also i'd like to see more mods, and i wish you could pick among several weapon skins



if you spec one class you can have every skill in the class and general, if you spec two you almost fit just right, i wish if you specced two classes you were just a little strained to decide on what you want to pick for neat things, like they could add another neat grenade or two to operative or something, i dunno

also, after about a day the character customization kindov goes bland a little


in reality, a call of duty game, is at least triple this in quantity of neat things to try and get, brinks got better gameplay a lot of fun, bugs are really good at buzzkilling

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