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2010 OCC update feedback thread

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Thanks for the update Bosco! Upgrades of any kind always hit snags. I'm sure everyone understands and appreciates your efforts. Hope you guys get through this smoothly on the next downtime :)

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So is this because of the PM reinstating??

[#10227] You are not allowed to use the private messaging system.

I can't even PM fresh messages lol

Nevermind it's working again thanks guys!

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Alright update guys.


All of the PMs that were in your inbox before Wed are back. Anything that was sent from Wed until now have been lost. Well we could get them but it just takes so long.


Basically everything is now done updating and script wise. Now its just a matter of tweaking it. We did not loose any posts or threads well we corrected this so as for posting go hard all you want me are good to go :)


As for PM, not sure how many of you noticed but when you went to type in a name the search box opened showing you names that you couldn't read that was just fixed about a min ago. So now you can actually see the list of names.


We are slowly tackling things now that we got the PM thing out of the way. Over the next few days we are going to work hard to get things corrected. Scott aka sdy284 is working on a list so if there is anything you want to suggest please feel free to do so. I will look everything over and see what we will do.



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How about a "Today's Active Content" link along with the "View New Content" link near the top of the page. It would be convenient for anyone not signed in or if cookies are deleted.

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Thanks for understanding guys.


I never ment for this to happen I just want things to get done and over with so we can get the forums running smoothly again.


As for the windows opening in a new tab that was one of things we were going to do but we are not going to put in any more work until we redue the upgrade again but it will be done don't worry.


I will keep you guys posted.


I love the new forums, I think I will go copy the 1156/1366 competition now before the redo... :biggrin:

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How about a "Today's Active Content" link along with the "View New Content" link near the top of the page. It would be convenient for anyone not signed in or if cookies are deleted.



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I love the new forums, I think I will go copy the 1156/1366 competition now before the redo... :biggrin:


As you can see Dave your HTML issues were corrected :)

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