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How much have you spent on mobile apps in the past 12 months?


Mobile App Spending  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. In the past 12 months, I have spent ____ on mobile apps.

    • nothing, I don't have a mobile phone (or other device) that supports apps
    • nothing, my phone (or other device) does not support apps
    • nothing, my phone (or other device) supports apps, I just haven't purchased any.
    • nothing, I use only free apps
    • < $25
    • >= $25 but < $50
    • >= $50 but < $75
    • >= $75 but < $100
    • >= $100 but < $125
    • >= $125 but < $150
    • >= $150 but < $175
    • >= $175 but < $200
    • >= $200
    • Prefer not to say

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The mobile and electronic app market is huge right now. There are more "app stores" than I care to count. Mobile phones, TVs, and other electronic devices are all coming with downloadable "apps". Some free, some not. This week, we want to know how much you've spent over the apst 12 months on "apps". Keep in mind, this isn't normal computer software or games we are asking about.


A few examples:

- Apple App Store

- Android Market

- Palm's App Catalogue / Software Store

- RIM's App World

- Microsoft's Marketplace

- Nokia's Ovi Store

- Samsung App Store

- Verizon's VZAppStore

- Sprint's Software Store

- Livescribe App Store

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I have the Blackberry Bold 9700, before that, I had the Blackberry Curve 8320. One thing I don't like is that if you buy apps and end up getting a different phone (switching from RIM to Android or Apple), those apps would now be useless.

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Nothing at all. My phone cost 10 dollars, so it doesn't support apps. It just makes and receives calls, like it's supposed to. It probably texts too, but I never do that. I don't think us humans evolved opposable thumbs just so we could use them on tiny tiny keyboards in sheer frustration. Especially when a phone call would be a lot more efficient.

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Especially when a phone call would be a lot more efficient.


Phone calls are rarely efficient for me. A question that requires a simple "yes" or "no" usually ends up with 15-30 minutes of explanation, other discussions, and formalities. Texting the same question often gets the desired result. Though, that's not the point of this topic. :P

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I have tons of free apps, but I dont buy many at all

I do buy lots of music using the iphone apps, does that count?


the poll should have been much lower, 1-5$ 5-10$ etc.

Edited by potatochobit

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nothing. don't have a phone that supports apps. I only need it to call and send / recieve texts. if i did need an app (which i never will) its as simple as talking to the person next to you, as almost every second person has a bloody iphone thesedays <_<

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Guest ajmatson

I have spend about $115 in apps, mainly for school and office like networking apps, VNC apps, and word/excel apps.

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"nothing, I use only free apps"



I've literally reached the iPhone app limit with just free apps, so there is absolutely no reason to pay for any. In other words, there are more than enough free apps available.

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