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Are you getting an iPad?



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  1. 1. Are you getting an iPad?

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Technically, you could dual boot all the original tablets that came with Windows XP. However, I fail to see the need to dual boot on a tablet.

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Why don't you tell me how many tablets there are that you can dual boot?


My work laptop is a tablet. You can dual boot that with no problems if you choose. Hell, I'd bet you can quad boot!


Fire Storm, you do appear to have missed the point. Look at Intel's processors. Why, in their current generation, do they offer a multitude of processors, rather than just one? Because there are features that some people don't want. It might be presumptious for Apple to decide what YOU want, but don't think for one minute they've ever put a foot wrong in anything at all.


They record record profits year on year. They might be over-priced beautiful objects for the best part, but they work pretty well and rarely have any quirks that upset people.


I personally, don't see much point in the iPad myself, but people are not doing very well to hide their fanboyism in this thread, whether intended or not!

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I mean things like allowing multitasking, a built in camera, USB ports, SD card reader, a gps that isn't wifi or cell phone tower based, HDMI port or some type of video out port, flash support all are not new technologies and could have been installed on the initial release of the Ipad.


It includes HDMI and a "video port" by way of the Apple iPod dock connecter interface. Though this does require the purchase/use of an accessory.


USB port and SD card reader are available via the Camera Connection kit. USB port has limited functionality, and the SD reader is only for importing photos.


Flash is a deprecate technology and quickly becoming obsolete. We can go ahead and move Silverlight into the same category. 70-something percent of all web video is now available in H.264. HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript can replace every other aspect of Flash not covered in the video category. Aside from that, you have the plug-in, security, power consumption, and other issues related to Flash. Why include something you know is an issue, and will soon be obsolete?


GPS isn't WiFi/Cellular based on the 3G iPad. It uses a Broadcom A-GPS chip.


A camera on the back of the iPad doesn't make since. On the front would have been very nice for video chats, but as it has been mentioned before, that's where the "next generation" comes into play. Also, if you really need something that includes a front facing camera, Apple has other products that offer that.

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It includes HDMI and a "video port" by way of the Apple iPod dock connecter interface. Though this does require the purchase/use of an accessory.


USB port and SD card reader are available via the Camera Connection kit. USB port has limited functionality, and the SD reader is only for importing photos.


Flash is a deprecate technology and quickly becoming obsolete. We can go ahead and move Silverlight into the same category. 70-something percent of all web video is now available in H.264. HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript can replace every other aspect of Flash not covered in the video category. Aside from that, you have the plug-in, security, power consumption, and other issues related to Flash. Why include something you know is an issue, and will soon be obsolete?


GPS isn't WiFi/Cellular based on the 3G iPad. It uses a Broadcom A-GPS chip.


A camera on the back of the iPad doesn't make since. On the front would have been very nice for video chats, but as it has been mentioned before, that's where the "next generation" comes into play. Also, if you really need something that includes a front facing camera, Apple has other products that offer that.


Fanboy much?

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Fanboy much?


I don't like Apple myself (I own some of there stuff) but we go a little overboard here on OCC with calling anyone who defends a specific company a "fanboy";



It includes HDMI and a "video port" by way of the Apple iPod dock connecter interface. Though this does require the purchase/use of an accessory. FACT


USB port and SD card reader are available via the Camera Connection kit. USB port has limited functionality, and the SD reader is only for importing photos. -

Stating that a feature of a product isn't an 'open' USB port and admitting that the SD card has only one use.

FACT, how very fanboyish D3!



Flash is a deprecate technology and quickly becoming obsolete. We can go ahead and move Silverlight into the same category. 70-something percent of all web video is now available in H.264. HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript can replace every other aspect of Flash not covered in the video category. Aside from that, you have the plug-in, security, power consumption, and other issues related to Flash. Why include something you know is an issue, and will soon be obsolete? - Probable occurrence, personally determinable via research. - OPINION


GPS isn't WiFi/Cellular based on the 3G iPad. It uses a Broadcom A-GPS chip. - FACT


A camera on the back of the iPad doesn't make sence. On the front would have been very nice for video chats, but as it has been mentioned before, that's where the "next generation" comes into play. Also, if you really need something that includes a front facing camera, Apple has other products that offer that.




D3, how dare you correct improper "accusations/speculations", bring up flaws/downfalls and give your opinion on on an OPEN forum.


If I was a moderator I'd ban you!

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I don't understand why people b**** about the iPhone/iPad. It's a great product for what it is intended to do.


No one is complaining that the Ipad doesn't work well it's just that it could have more features in it. The Ipad is an interesting device however it's still needs more work before I ever buy one and just because I'm not applauding apple doesn't mean I think it's trash or some mindless apple hater.


The way I see it when I buy something I like it to be fully loaded with everything because it's better to have it and not use it rather than finding out you need that feature sometime later and have to buy a whole new product in order to get it. But if some people don't like having extra things because it confuses or bothers them to much then and would rather pay more for less then that's that there choice to make. However I don't think you can consider the point of having a fully loaded product invalid from the start because there are some people out there like me who would like to have all that stuff without having to spend a ton of money in accessories and apps to do it.


I should just leave it at this everyone has a different opinion about how they like there tech stuff made.

Edited by fire_storm

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Flash is a deprecate technology and quickly becoming obsolete. We can go ahead and move Silverlight into the same category. 70-something percent of all web video is now available in H.264. HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript can replace every other aspect of Flash not covered in the video category. Aside from that, you have the plug-in, security, power consumption, and other issues related to Flash. Why include something you know is an issue, and will soon be obsolete?
Sorry, but that is complete opinionated BS. Go tell that to all the flash game sites. Flash is way more than simply video.

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Sorry, but that is complete opinionated BS. Go tell that to all the flash game sites. Flash is way more than simply video.



Just hop around a little bit on the web with your iPad.....you will find that just about every site that doesn't have an alternate "mobile" version will have nice little boxes with question marks in them all over the page. :)

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Sorry, but that is complete opinionated BS. Go tell that to all the flash game sites. Flash is way more than simply video.


As I said...

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript CAN replace every other aspect of Flash not covered in the video category.

I didn't say it has or will be, but it CAN be. Key word being: can. Some flash game sites will move to non-Flash, some will be turned into Apps (i.e. Farmville), while others will remain Flash and inaccessable. It's not an opinion, it is a fact. *shrug*

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Just hop around a little bit on the web with your iPad.....you will find that just about every site that doesn't have an alternate "mobile" version will have nice little boxes with question marks in them all over the page.

I wouldn't really miss these Flash ads...


Yes, HTML5 is the future, but the future is, well, not now. To those who think Flash is obsolete and HTML5 is ready for prime time:

Ian Hickson, editor of the HTML5 specification, expects the specification to reach the W3C Candidate Recommendation stage during 2012, and W3C Recommendation in the year 2022 or later.[8] However, many parts of the specification are stable and may be implemented in products:


The combination of CSS and JavaScript (especially with frameworks like jQuery) is very powerful, but Flash also has its advantages -- it's all about choosing the right tools for the right project. Farmville in cross platform CSS/JS? Not going to happen in the near future. Also, turning it into a platform specific native app doesn't replace Flash...

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I wouldn't really miss these Flash ads...


Yes, HTML5 is the future, but the future is, well, not now. To those who think Flash is obsolete and HTML5 is ready for prime time:



The combination of CSS and JavaScript (especially with frameworks like jQuery) is very powerful, but Flash also has its advantages -- it's all about choosing the right tools for the right project. Farmville in cross platform CSS/JS? Not going to happen in the near future. Also, turning it into a platform specific native app doesn't replace Flash...

Thats what I'm screaming....why limit your options needlessly and call them unneeded features? This just doesn't make any sense to me in a world where everything is sold in modular packages.

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