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Wait for Fermi/GTX 300 series or just go 5-series Radeon?


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So I was thinking of getting a 5850 around March. Which is the rumoured date for the new Fermi chips to go on sale.


So with that knowledge, should I go Radeon right when I have the money or wait just a little while longer to see what NVIDIA pulls out of their storage?


I'm not a big fan of how overpriced NVIDIA is and I like the company, AMD, more in general. I'm using a Phenom as you can see and I find it fantastic.


But what do you guys thing? Just get the 5850 or wait on the off chance NVIDIA comes out with a better card along those lines for the same price?

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I've always liked NVIDIA cards better.


That being said, no decision should be made until you're ready to make a purchase. The component industry is too volatile to make decisions months in advance.


Once you have the money and are willing to drop it on a card, only then should you research your options. Doing so now is just a waste of time.

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That being said, no decision should be made until you're ready to make a purchase. The component industry is too volatile to make decisions months in advance.


Once you have the money and are willing to drop it on a card, only then should you research your options. Doing so now is just a waste of time.



Get the best card that's out at the time you're looking (which right now is ATI across the board) but could be Nvidia tomorrow

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So I was thinking of getting a 5850 around March. Which is the rumoured date for the new Fermi chips to go on sale.


So with that knowledge, should I go Radeon right when I have the money or wait just a little while longer to see what NVIDIA pulls out of their storage?


I'm not a big fan of how overpriced NVIDIA is and I like the company, AMD, more in general. I'm using a Phenom as you can see and I find it fantastic.


But what do you guys thing? Just get the 5850 or wait on the off chance NVIDIA comes out with a better card along those lines for the same price?

i'm waiting/saving

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if you wait for the next best thing.. you will always be waiting... id just an ati card.... if you remember correctly .... cards tend to get pushed back alot so who knows when the cards will actually be released... ive been reading as long as Q3 for the upper end cards... but again thats a rumor... goodluck with your choice which ever it might be

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If you have plenty of money,id go for the 5850/70 right now.Then afterwards if the fermi cards turn out as top of the class,you can sell the ATI card to offset the cost.But really,how much better do people think these fermi cards are going to be? Fermi owner: "yeah well i get 200fps in modern warfare 2,so neh" ATI owner: Jesus christ!! I only get 185fps!!!! Im selling my card right now!!" Meh.

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if you wait for the next best thing.. you will always be waiting... id just an ati card.... if you remember correctly .... cards tend to get pushed back alot so who knows when the cards will actually be released... ive been reading as long as Q3 for the upper end cards... but again thats a rumor... goodluck with your choice which ever it might be





I ordered a Vapor-X 5870 when it came out and Newegg put me on a damn wait list for almost 2 months. Either way if Nvidia releases it in March, it doesn't gurantee that you will get your hands on one in March cause it will surely be on high demand like what happened to me.



Save yourself the hassle and get a 5870

Edited by Queenz

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I ordered a Vapor-X 5870 when it came out and Newegg put me on a damn wait list for almost 2 months. Either way if Nvidia releases it in March, it doesn't gurantee that you will get your hands on one in March cause it will surely be on high demand like what happened to me.



Save yourself the hassle and get a 5870



This is a great point. Something that didn't even occur to me. I'll definitely take that into consideration. Thank you. I'm bookmarking the 5850 now :) Hopefully it'll be 299.99 by then. I really don't want to spend more than 300 on a card.

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