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The "I Just Recently Watched Movies/TV Series" Topic


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Just finished the third episode of The Walking Dead, I thought it was pretty good.


Someone should make a thread for 'The Walking Dead'.



Seriously. If you're missing this show, you're missing out.


Also, its nice to have Conan back. I miss some of the old bits he had on NBC, but I think in time he'll get back to what he had before.

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Had the unfortunate experience of watching The Green Zone again. Good action movie, terrible plotline.
If you have the chance you should watch some of the special features.


The actors (besides Damon obviously) were actually all formerly deployed in Iraq. After working for so long with him on the movie they thought of him as their captain.

Quite an interesting behind-the-scenes feature.

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Just finished the third episode of The Walking Dead, I thought it was pretty good.


Someone should make a thread for 'The Walking Dead'.


My wife happened to discover this show OnDemand and we've been hooked. It's honestly better than most zombie movies I've seen over the past few years AND it's filmed in Atlanta (well, a lot of the first season is) right around where I go to school at Georgia State. If you look closely in the first or perhaps second episode you can notice the blue Georgia State G flame symbol thing on some of the light posts. Needless to say, I watch my back when I'm down there going between classes. ph34r2.gif

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I'm only 17 minutes in and I already like it.





Damn... This is what I hate about a series, I was getting so into it and now I have to wait 5 days to see the next episode.






Well they leave you hanging but at least there is another episode to take the story further. With almost every zombie movie they end the movie leaving you hanging and thats it,, no more.


I'm really loving this show

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Well they leave you hanging but at least there is another episode to take the story further. With almost every zombie movie they end the movie leaving you hanging and thats it,, no more.


I'm really loving this show

Problem is that there are only 6 episodes this season. After that we have to wait another year for the 13 episodes of season 2.

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