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The "I Just Recently Watched Movies/TV Series" Topic


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Avatar 2009


Was lazy and sat on the couch all day yesterday and got to Episode 6 of Band of Brothers. I had never seen this before as I have been watching every episode of The Pacific this year with baited breath. I think The Pacific is better for cinematography and they both have excellent acting and storylines.

Edited by krazypoloc

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Avatar 2009


Was lazy and sat on the couch all day yesterday and got to Episode 6 of Band of Brothers. I had never seen this before as I have been watching every episode of The Pacific this year with baited breath. I think The Pacific is better for cinematography and they both have excellent acting and storylines.

Yeah Band of Brothers was awesome but I haven't see The Pacific yet, my dad watches it though.


Just watched "When In Vegas" it was actually quite good and cute film to watch with a chick :)

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14 Blades

Bodyguards and Assassins

A Frozen Flower


just watched;


korney good movie of the week: pirate radio

korney badd movie of the week: district 13


... these movies are so bad there is an intense sucking black vortex created by them, so be sure to lash yourselves securely to immovable solid objects before hitting the play button :O

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I actually quite liked District 13.


I liked the docudrama/news report style that it was shot in.


I agree District 13 was amazing!


If you like comedies set in the same style you should check out Big man Japan. It is a mockumentary about Super Monsters (In the likes of Godzilla) attacking Japan and an a weird hero that can grow large and fight them. Really funny and a good watch.

Edited by jlqrb

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Just started one piece, am on the 49th episode.

How are you liking it, that's one of my favorite shows...though i guess if you're on the 49th episode, and you "just started it" then I guess you're quite happy with it haha


Just watched Arrested Development Season 1. It is the funniest show I have seen.

I've been meaning to check this show out!

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