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Hello all! I have been coming here for a long time to get info, not really sure why i never registered until now, but i guess better late than never!


I have been building systems for quite some time, and I am very comfortable from the hardware perspective. But, really just recently started learning about Overclocking potential. Still have a ways too go, but having a good time learning!


Just want to say TY to all who post here, although I just became a member, I have came here for help and info MANY times! :)

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WELCOME TO OCC...................:)


about the sig i think you should make it ( life begins @ 220 mph , ends @ 400mph ) :lol: bad joke ..never mind it ..but i can not help keeping it inside my head ..

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WELCOME TO OCC...................:)


about the sig i think you should make it ( life begins @ 220 mph , ends @ 400mph ) :lol: bad joke ..never mind it ..but i can not help keeping it inside my head ..

funny guy...lol


Welcome to OCC !


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