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Dragon Age: Origins



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Get a healer in your party (Visit

Mage Tower

). Also level up one character up with herbalism.


Some characters just have a low health max. So you can decide whether or not stop leveling DPS stats and put some points into constitution or get them better armor or get the tank the keep pulling off targets attacking them. Use a lot of crowd control like Mind Blast on mages and there many slowdowns and etc. Rogue's have dirty fighting and other moves. Knockdowns from warriors.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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Get a healer in your party (Visit

Mage Tower

). Also level up one character up with herbalism.


Some characters just have a low health max. So you can decide whether or not stop leveling DPS stats and put some points into constitution or get them better armor or get the tank the keep pulling off targets attacking them. Use a lot of crowd control like Mind Blast on mages and there many slowdowns and etc. Rogue's have dirty fighting and other moves. Knockdowns from warriors.


Don't think I've gotten to mage tower yet. I just finished Osgarth.

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Don't think I've gotten to mage tower yet. I just finished Osgarth.



Sorry its off topic but thought i would ask since you all seem the type that might know considering the genre of this game. Anywho, I read somewhere but cant remember of a new MMO that is dragon age'ish that is coming out. Anyone have a clue what I am talking about?

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Just visit the mage tower for your next objective. After that the game should be much easier. One or two characters may still die during a fight, but if at least the healer is alive you can finish the fight without having to restart from a quicksave/save.

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Just visit the mage tower for your next objective. After that the game should be much easier. One or two characters may still die during a fight, but if at least the healer is alive you can finish the fight without having to restart from a quicksave/save.


Plus the healer has a mass combat resurrection, that will rez your guys who die who are all relatively close to each other. Great to have for those oh . moments...

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Underground (Deep Roads) and fighting


is difficult regardles of healer, magic level, or number of potions. Save often! That 2nd part, I'd really suggest you level up before you try... I think I attempted at level 12. :lol: Death! Lots of Death! I'm sure there is more to come that will be just as difficult.


I'm also not impressed with Shale (DLC).

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is difficult regardless of healer



Lol same here, I tired this about level 8 or so. The first attempt I got her down to 25% health, but every attempt after that I failed to even get to 75% health. I stocked up on a lot of fire resistance potions and items. So whenever I get the chance, I'll redo that fight.


This fight might be easier to just have 3 ranged classes and 1 tank. Although the only archer I have sucks at doing any damage whatsoever. If you had 3 casters, you better stock up on the mana pots. Even with Mage's Regeneration and Spellbloom spell, the mana regeneration during combat isn't very good.


I think my next attempt will be the same as my first group. Tank with any Fire Resistance gear I saved, Dual Wield specialty rogue, and two mage healers. My rogue puts out a lot of damage on his own, but his max health is so low. Dies quickly if you don't keep a constant watch on him.


Edited by Krazyxazn

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Yah, me too, I got the Golem and armor for free, they put on codes for it along with the game to redeem. I set the game on its highest difficulty on the get go, and at first I did not know what to do, thanks to you guys I got it right finally. You cant go at the enemies head on, you have to be tactical about it. That dang Hermit was a piece of cake when I figured out the tactics of using each of the characters wisely, and on the caverns, I lure the enemies to an ambush LOL.

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$1 mil from DLC alone.


I got Stone Prisoner for free and thought it was a neat add-on. I've been considering buying Warden's Keep. Anyone have WK and can offer their opinion?


I bought Warden's keep, it is alright... The DLC is pretty short both of them... you get party storage with Warden's keep. Which is nice that you can goto the keep and dump your stuff you dont want to destroy off....



I just got done with the dwarfs and the deep roads. maybe now is a good time to go see flemeth. I have kinda been putting it off as that character is played by Captian Janeway (kate mulgrew) ;)

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