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Temp. Program

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Ok, So I've been here for a little while now, reading lots of questions posting here and there. Finally figure its time to live up to the name of the site, and overclock my CPU, even if it is just by a little bit. However, before I do that I wanted to know the temps of my CPU, I still use the AMD Stock heatsink on my Athlon x2 4200+ and was a little worried it might be running hot already. I downloaded CPU-Z but that does not seem to have temps. So can someone please recommend a program that will give me my CPU temps? And I've looked around by can't find an overclocking guide on OCC, Is there one? Or anyone know of a good one?


I'm a noob, its my first time (go slow :P) so all help is much appreciated. (I'm aiming for 2.4 Ghz stable atm)


Thanks friends :)

Edited by Seriphx

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just find one you like and use that one...dont use them all at the same time...that can have really bad results...


personally I just use OCCT that displays the temps...


I have also used Everest.....


I dont really care much about temps...as long as it passes and is stable who cares...? if it gets too hot it will either error out just plain crash or shut off...

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