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Uncle KB

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grats KB. i have a nephew as well. ive only met him twice tho sadly. my sister is overseas so i dont get to hang with the lil fart knocker as much as id like. one good things he likes the same things i do. cars,food,video games, gaming (computer or xbox360) and sadly yes boobs. the kid is four and LOVES boobs. i swear it wasnt me who corrupted him LOL. that was all his dad (asshat)

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Nephews are fun when they get older, almost like a brother if you hang around em enough.




I've got 3 btw, three, four and nine...


just a guess here andrew but i think kayla mae will be a neice rather than nephew....but neices can be fun too i suppose...somebody has to teach em to pull heads off barbies :lol:


grats kb...!! :D

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Congrats! I'd probably start her off with something along the lines of a See n Say. A few years down the road, I'd get her a Mac. :D




...the kid is four and LOVES boobs. i swear it wasnt me who corrupted him LOL...

Hey now, there is nothing wrong with the love of boobage.

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Gratz KB (this might be the only nice thing coming from my mouth in your direction, so enjoy it :D).


Go for a linux pc, that's where all the goodies are at.

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But onto more pressing issues, should I get her a Mac for ease of use first, or let her dive right in with a Windows PC?


I've played on a Counter-Strike: Source pub where a three year old was playing alongside his father with a microphone.


He was actually getting kills and calling strats better than some of the other pubbers.


AKA it's never too soon.

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Nephews are fun when they get older, almost like a brother if you hang around em enough.




I've got 3 btw, three, four and nine...

I got a nephew age 7 and a niece age 8 months.

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