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Unofficial AMD Phenom and Athlon overclocking club

Guest ajmatson

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man nvidia can't even make decent chipsets for amd either, I got screwed with two of them for intel. One wouldn't run stable at all and the other couldn't overclock worth a spit


At least their cheap and have a unlocking program, I struggle to push the fsb even 10, (although that may be a memory issue)

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http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=611739 3.6Ghz @ 46 degrees C full load. CPU voltage is 1.55v. The Prolimatech cooler works better than I thought. Have another Phenom II to overclock tomorrow when the Prolimatech AMD backplate arrives. I'm switching my 2 Q6600s coolers to this cooler.


This motherboard has proven really stubborn. I can't overclock the bus speed no matter how much voltage I add. I'm satisfied with the overall results for this board and CPU and this is likely where it will stay. I plan to try and drop the voltage a bit to the CPU but everything else stays the same.


Settings are the following:

Bus Speed 200

Multiplier 18

CPU V 1.4875

CPU NB V 1.2250


DRAM V 2.05

NBV 1.28


Dropped the CPU voltage to 1.475v and it's running well @ 44 degrees C @ 100% load.


Had to bump it up a notch more to 1.4875 for stability. Still running @ 44 degrees C @ 100% full load.

Edited by rourkchris

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There are a few failed unlocks with the board u bought, even with modded BIOS, but u might get a better board or a better CPU, wich might unlock and be stable.

I wonder if more of the boards would work with the X3 720 unlocking, or if the results wouldt be consistent with the success and failures of the x2 550. Either way it's good but irrelevant that my motherboard can handle the unlocking, since I already have a 940. unless I can unlock the 940's HT cores.....(kidding...)

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The [0922APMW] stepping seems to unlock good with various motherboards and chipsets...


unfortunatly their quite difficult to track down now (at least in Aus.) there generaly selling earlier (at tiny stores) or much later ones (at big stores). But it seems like nearly all of them unlock

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Guest ajmatson
I shall be joining this thread soon, a Phenom II X2 550 is in the mail! Maybe it will unlock?


Nice King I can't wait to see what you get :)

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I shall be joining this thread soon, a Phenom II X2 550 is in the mail! Maybe it will unlock?


what board are you looking at/have? Any idea about what seral it is?

Edited by alexvision

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As soon as I get a new motherboard, I will hit you guys up. Although, with a low end 780g m-atx ASRock board i was able to get 3.9GHz out of my 550 x2

I am almost positive I can get much more out of it, we'll see!


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