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ATi vs. nVidia


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nVidia has the 7800gtx



No offence intended but pretty much all of us know that and you've said that twice already. Once a point has been made, it's been made. No need to repeat it.




Anyhow, my first card was a geforce 440 MMX 64 MB DDR card. This was back in 2002 so it was alright (got it for about $60). Nvidia drivers seem to have less problems for computer games so I tend to prefer their cards. If I see a ATI card that outperforms a Nvidia in my price range (which is usually <200 for a video card) then I'll certainly consider getting it. But for now the 6600 GT ($160 for the XFX make) looks like the best in that price range.



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3 things i wonder about

1.) ATI is great when you consider price to performance.

2.) Nvidia card are more prone to be glitchy with fast writes

3.) Nvidia cards are huge, why?



I would agree with most of your points to a certain level but theres also:


1. ATI card drives have problems with a few popular games. For example, I'm a moderator over at a Rome: Total War fan site and many many people have had trouble with the ATI cards displaying things like flaming arrows. Even higher end cards would freeze up. I haven't had any problems with my nvidia cards and haven't heard many complaints from other people about them.


2. ATI is not the leader in all price ranges, and neither is Nvidia. If you have a $300 or so budget for a GPU the 800XL would be a good choice. For $160 a Nvidia 6600 GT... If price does not matter a Nvidia 7800 GTX is king of the $400-$500 range. It really varies on what's out atm, both are good GPU manufacturers though.


3. SLI. I realize crossfire is coming out soon but until it does Nvidia owns the Multiple-GPU market.




Just some more points to consider.



Edited by fatsheep

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I would agree with most of your points to a certain level but theres also:


1.  ATI card drives have problems with a few popular games.  For example, I'm a moderator over at a Rome: Total War fan site and many many people have had trouble with the ATI cards displaying things like flaming arrows.  Even higher end cards would freeze up.  I haven't had any problems with my nvidia cards and haven't heard many complaints from other people about them.




I had that problem with my x700pro. After extensive research (scratching my head and staring at the screen) I realized the problem was due to my computer having the latest ATi drivers and SP1 installed... Once I installed SP2 the flaming arrow no longer lagged up, they went smoothly.

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Guest Silenc3

Frankly There is no best, and never will be a best.

It will always be shifting back and forth, and when you want the best you dont look for a brand name. (in general)

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  • 2 months later...

the point is nvidia hardware renders while ati mostly relies on software rendering which is why you have a slow down because more transfer is required on the bus to the cpu lagging the bus and rendering time which is why they have so many driver problems all the time and why nvidia doesnt have problems. and now that the 1800 XT is out and the benchmarks show that the gtx and xt are even.....took ati long enough to catch up, nvidia will just beat them again. THE END.

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the point is nvidia hardware renders while ati mostly relies on software rendering which is why you have a slow down because more transfer is required on the bus to the cpu lagging the bus and rendering time which is why they have so many driver problems all the time and why nvidia doesnt have problems.  and now that the 1800 XT is out and the benchmarks show that the gtx and xt are even.....took ati long enough to catch up, nvidia will just beat them again. THE END.



What about that 39 minute window when the 9800 line ruled the roost? :lol:

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the point is nvidia hardware renders while ati mostly relies on software rendering which is why you have a slow down because more transfer is required on the bus to the cpu lagging the bus and rendering time which is why they have so many driver problems all the time and why nvidia doesnt have problems.  and now that the 1800 XT is out and the benchmarks show that the gtx and xt are even.....took ati long enough to catch up, nvidia will just beat them again. THE END.


first off, it's the x1800xl, not xt. Secondly, it doesn't match the 7800gtx, the GTX beats it in almost all benchmarks. It's slightly ahead of the 7800gt, so that's its competition right now. ATI needs to get their head together fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I Dont care who makes it I just want the fastest and best looking graphics I can get and (afford) and that means N but next week it could be A or N I dont care

I mean when you buy a card do you think about the guy on the production line soldering it who he is and such NO so why care what company made it either.

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I ran a 9800 pro for about 2 years and had no problems with it. Right now my 7800GT is running smootly for me. So to say the least, I think whoever has the best price:performence ratio are the leaders. Each company has their ups and down though.

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