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What if God Disappeared


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I don't talk often about my beliefs....but I'll let a little out for this thread.

God and religion should never be mixed.

God is complete freedom, inward self love that reflects out to all that is.

Religion, be it Christian or Satanism, Muslim or Judaism, any religion...is a trap, a method of control, meant to keep followers in fear and slave to its dogma and rhetoric. A tool to separate peoples, breed distrust and instigate hate. Religion is the chain keeping multitudes some spiritual health and always far from their true power.

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I don't talk often about my beliefs....but I'll let a little out for this thread.

God and religion should never be mixed.

God is complete freedom, inward self love that reflects out to all that is.

Religion, be it Christian or Satanism, Muslim or Judaism, any religion...is a trap, a method of control, meant to keep followers in fear and slave to its dogma and rhetoric. A tool to separate peoples, breed distrust and instigate hate. Religion is the chain keeping multitudes some spiritual health and always far from their true power.


Well no duh


Even ancient civilizations used religion to control people and secure the leaders power.


It's called freshman history.

Edited by Krow

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Well no duh


Even ancient civilizations used religion to control people and secure the leaders power.


It's called freshman history.

You think so...

Such an obvious little detail, a fact known for ages....

Explain why there are hundreds of millions of people on this planet still following like sheep?

....really such a "freshman" fact, taught in all the schools, you'd think the masses would have gotten a clue by now..

Edited by PaiN

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Explain why there are hundreds of millions of people on this planet still following like sheep?


Cause they want to and they like religion. As simple as that.

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this thread is full of "I'm an angry teenager! give me attention! I am right! People are idiots! Look at me! Look at me!"


excluding Pain, who seemed to hit the nail on the head.

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if G-d disappeared, everything would cease to exist...


it's as simple as that.


however, such a thing is not theoretically possible...



as far as what people believe, most everybody probably has a different conception of what G-d is and how to explain things...or they simply take the easy way out and don't care...


put four or four million people in a room to talk about this sort of thing and there will probably be arguments, and even death...this is a very strong subject to handle.


man is dominant by nature and tends to want to rule himself and those around him, but that doesn't change the way things are...


this could be elaborated until one is blue in the face, but...


just take a look at the world and think about it, take the time to really look and think... man is also a very intelligent creature by nature... and you should be able to come up with your answer.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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Im not saying he exists or doesnt exist, Im saying the idea of a God, any God, helps people who believe in him deal with their problems.

This I can agree with. While I don't personally agree with it I can see how people who put their faith in a higher power could potentially be less stressed because they believe that higher power is watching over them. If someone wants to believe that a god is helping them so be it...if it helps them solve their problems there's no way anyone can say that's a bad thing.


this thread is full of "I'm an angry teenager! give me attention! I am right! People are idiots! Look at me! Look at me!"


excluding Pain, who seemed to hit the nail on the head.

...so says the guy who's younger than half of the people who have posted in this thread. :lol:


Apply your logic to your own post and it becomes quite comical.


if G-d disappeared, everything would cease to exist...


it's as simple as that.


however, such a thing is not theoretically possible...

I don't know what you're smoking but I'd certainly like to try it.

Edited by Waco

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put four or four million people in a room to talk about this sort of thing and there will probably be arguments, and even death...this is a very strong subject to handle.

And that in a nutshell is the problem with Religion.


I believe in evolution and science and in my ideal world, so would everybody else, to me it's illogical not too - but it's not an ideal world and a very large percentage don't think the same way and cling on to what frankly (IMO) are very dated and flawed beliefs. But people need something to believe in and it's a challenging subject to say the least!


My best friend is a practising Catholic and never misses church on a Sunday and often talks and gives readings. He is always accompanied by his wife and two children and his wife is the driving force behind this. I often discuss his belief and if you push him, he will actually admit he does not really believe there is a God, but feels it teaches his children good values and it's a good way to lead your life. If I look at how he conducts himself and how his children behave, then he is 100% right - they are honest, decent people who go out of their way to help others and never expect anything back. We often have discussions on the subject, but over a beer or wine and have never come to blows, we just have opposing views, but are still the best of friends.


If only everyone could share the same views about religion and live by the same moral code.

Edited by Great_Gig

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As for the stress argument, it makes sense. Today's life matters more to those without religion because they believe it is their only life, however, most religions give the idea of many or an after life, so the people will probably be less stressed by their current life since there's another 'round the corner.


Just don't think about the "end" of your life. Not very hard, just have fun doing other things :)

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As Great_Gig's discussion about his friend illustrates. It's not so much really about god but about morality.


Religion as a tool for good has a great capacity for good on this earth. Religion as a tool for bad has caused great heartache and pain on this earth.


An Islamic terrorist blowing up a market in Baghdad is no different than some redneck blowing up an abortion clinic in Atlanta if they are using religion as a reason to hurt people.


The point I'm trying to make is that human beings are flawed and since people are involved in religion mistakes will be made.


An excellent source on religion and its place in our society is practically anything by Joseph Campbell.

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I don't talk often about my beliefs....but I'll let a little out for this thread.

God and religion should never be mixed.

God is complete freedom, inward self love that reflects out to all that is.

Religion, be it Christian or Satanism, Muslim or Judaism, any religion...is a trap, a method of control, meant to keep followers in fear and slave to its dogma and rhetoric. A tool to separate peoples, breed distrust and instigate hate. Religion is the chain keeping multitudes some spiritual health and always far from their true power.

That is exactly my point! You're better at explaining it though... :D


I say the whole thing of religion is a joke. The guy in the video mentioned it at the end; It's a reason to get money from people.


But do not confuse with spirituality!! This is a completely different thing; spirituality is good for people.

Edited by The Smith

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