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Occ Christmas Contest


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Wow, a Merry Christmas indeed! I joined the forums for this!


By the looks of the site though, I just might stay!

Welcome to OCC - hope you manage to stick around a while!

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Email sent. prayers going out. Dave and the staff, keep up the great work. As we can see, the amount of vendors offering up as much as it is to such a great community shows that the effort has been worth it. If we didn't matter to the community, we wouldn't see the interest from them like we do. Keep up the hard work guys! I expect to see pictures of the winners hugging their new toys.

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I'm in :D Good luck everyone and a big thanks to my man Dave here for setting these contests up :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up:

You can suck up all you want you are still banned from the contest :lol:


I'm in :)


Bosco, have you considered making a script that'll email you back if you sucessfully enter? Whould be nice to know for sure.


I have thought about it but we never have had any issues.


Is there an age limit?



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I'm glad you put a post requirment on this....


Could that be my desire for new toys? No.... :rolleyes:

At least we'll be getting another 50 (times a large number) extra posts right before xmas :P



Can we win more than one? Cause I want them all...

On second thought, I'll let one of the 3850's go...and one of the 4830's or whatever card that there is 5 of...I can only run quadfire ;)


Anyone else noticed there are no nVidia cards? Is there a reason or just coincedence?

Just wondering...



Thanks Dave/Bosco/Admin/Man-On-The-Internets-Who-Gives-Me-Free-Stuff-And-Lets-Me-Touch-The-Llamas


Where'd that come from anyway? (The llama thing...The post came from my keyboard -_- )



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