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The Official 'i Just Bought...' Thread


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Sennheiser HD 515's for $50

I know they aren't the greatest but for the same price as my broken Skull Candy Hesh's cost I will gladly step up to a respectable set of headphones for once in my life.

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I just bought ccokeman's Mountain Mod's U2-UFO case and 120.3 Thermochill radiator :D Can't wait to move my i7 from my 120.2 to a 120.3! Which means I will also need a new pump and res to run a 2nd loop for my gpu.

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That ruger looks great phil. But...

I prefer this.(not that i actually have it. yet)

Smith and Wesson 460XVR 460 S&W Magnum


That's definitely a serious revolver, but I'll stick with the .22/.22mag. I'd have to go to a range to shoot a centerfire gun more than a couple of times to keep peace with the neighbors. I can practice any time I want with the .22. I just load up with Colibris (375 fps), walk out on the porch or in the driveway and start shooting. :biggrin: If I want power I just put in the mag cylinder and load up with the 34 grain 2200 fps stuff. ;)


In fact...I think I'm feeling the urge coming on right now...BRB

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