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World's First Overclocking Magazine Launched

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At one of the IDF keynotes the other day, we launched, what we think is, the world's first overclocking magazine... The Overclocker. It's monthly and it's free and can be found at www.theoverclocker.com.


I'm very keen not to sound like a spammer here... We're not going to compete with anyone. We'll be pointing people to articles here. We've not got our own (proper) website and we haven't got our own forums. Instead we're going to use forums like these to post questions and send readers here to answer them (or ask questions here and get the industry to answer them).


Because overclocking is global it doesn't matter what country you're in when you read this magazine. In our first issue we cover overclocking in Singapore and Asus' world championships held in Hong Kong. There's some great video interviews with the world's best too - especially the guys from Team USA.


We've got reports on events, interviews with overclockers and the industry, reports on world record breakers and a handful of reviews. We want to act as a hub for the world's overclocking communities. Hopefully, we can work closely with the people on this particular forum.


Please let us know what you think... constructively please!


Best regards,


Nick, editor

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