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Statistical data for a class assignment


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The professor for my statistics class is asking us to take a sample of a target population and use the data to characterize that population. So I figured why not take a sample of my favorite web forum to classify the correlation between age, gender, and computer literacy/affinity.


You are asked to identify a target population and infer some information about a characteristic of the population. Inferences should be based on materials covered in chapters 8 and 9 (i.e., quantile-quantile plot, normal quantile plot, box plot, confidence intervals, etc.)


Raw data should not be included (sometimes they may go into an appendix, which we will not use).


All I ask is that you provide your age, gender, and how tech savvy you think you are (beginner/average joe, Intermediate, High, Very high, Expert)



The report is due to the professor on 2-May-08, so please provide your data by 30-April-08


Thanks for your help, I'm sure I can count on you ;)

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Age: 41

Gender: Male

Tech Savvy: Very High


Considering I've been working on computers / networking / electronics for close to 30 years; keep upon daily tech and run a private business, I'd say I'm quite Tech Savvy. ;)

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Age: 28

Gender: Male

Tech Savvy: High


Hey my wife was a statistics tutor and always got A's in statistics, she loves it for some strange reason. Right now she's going for her masters, so she's pretty advanced, I am sure she'll be glad to help if you have any questions. Her forum name is P.T.K. btw.

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Age: 24

Gender: Male

Tech Savy = High


I'll be taking some crazy statistics stuff soon...I'm working on my BS in Computer Science. Lots of math :) I get a minor in Math just from the math classes I take.

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Guest Neezer



I like the idea...i am interested to see if you find anything of value here. ie. a correlation between age and tech savvyness....at a tech focused forum, there probably won't be too many people with low levels....might skew things a bit....just my 2 cents. but good luck

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