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So I bought an Antec 900 to drown my sorrows :D

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Impressed with your OCs, the new 45s look promising :)


Everest is a top notch program, I use it all the time.


Prime95 v25.5 seems to stress the OCs a little harder than Orthors. The blend test is what I run. Never noticed before.....prime in task manager shows 2X the elapsed time for me also.


The 1T Command Rate started to get flaky around 900 MHz, for me. I switched (left in Auto) to 2T and raised the memory MHz to compensate, never looked back at 1T.

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  • 4 weeks later...



soundx98: rado, how is the Master's coming?


radodrill: (sort of a nod deal and passes doobie)


soundx98: and how about the rest of the projects?

radodrill: (same nod deal and takes another hit and coughs)


soundx98: little problem on my end too


radodrill: (the silent rado quizzical look)


soundx98: I bought another Antec 900 case. We'll need two radobases!




radodrill: (rolls eyes and another doobie)


soundx98: Snagged it for $69.99 before a $25 rebate. 45 bucks so I couldn't pass it up!


radodrill: (raises eyebrows)


soundx98: And I picked up an ASUS Maximus Extreme for $29.99 :D




radodrill: (raises eyebrows real high)


soundx98: Well it's just the barebones motherboard and missing all the accessories.

For $30 bucks I had to go for it.


radodrill: (makes some undiscernable hand gestures and facial contortions.)


soundx98: Yup, I know I'll need to buy some DDR3 and I think I've found something cheap but decent.

Just ordered them last night.



radodrill: (another quizzical look)


soundx98: well I heard a website was having a case modding contest and I wanted to get some parts together.

Just in case I had time to enter. And you have time for another base.

I'd like to get the "Twin Towers" thing going. :)

radodrill: (hold up two fingers on one hand and 4 on the other)


soundx98: I'm not sure if I'll go with another Dual Core or a quad core.

Not even sure the board works yet.


I talked with BlueAqua and he suggested that I bring it over to his place and we see how it does with a little LN2.

He's got a laboratory on top of a mountain with a huge lightning rod and sheet.

Last week he took his E8400 and ASUS Commando up to 5.6GHz




soundx98: yep, got a sweet MickeyMouse pot and a little test bench all set up.

Power supply and other nerdy stuff all set to go for a run.






BlueAqua put me in charge of pouring the LN2.

It was awesome.

Needed to keep it at minus 120 C due to a cold bug.






soundx98: So all the dudes at the street are ragging on me about updates.

The DFI P35/e8400 rig is all set to go except for the base.

And of course I'll need another one for the other 900 case.

Still not sure if I'll put the DFI NF4 system in it or the Maximus.

Dude I know you are swamped with projects but you can see the predicament I am in.

Oh and the ladies said to say Hi!


radodrill: (raises eyebrows very very high)


soundx98: Did you know that G-strings can make great sling shots?

Yup, I was firing fives at the club the other night.

as they spun around the pole I'd let it fly and they'd catch them with their (.)(.).


radodrill: (gestures wildly and stamps foot)


soundx98: I'll tell you why you weren't invited to the Club or BlueAqua's.

It's because you are too loud.

You need to tone it down a bit man. :D


radodrill: (gives soundx98 the evil eye)


soundx98: let's hang out here for a while and decide what to do next.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Rado showing me that he can light his thumb on fire.




He was extremely pleased with himself.

Obviously some trick he learned while completing his Master's when he should have been working on the RadoBase. :D


We both have birthdays this week so we aren't going to get squat done (partyin' and sheet) but we hope to get the RadoBases completed shortly.


Really happy with my new X3110.

Both cores read the same temps (using latest Real Temp) and they seem to track well (as opposed to being stuck or misreporting).

Clocks better too.




Also purchased a Zalman 9700 NT.




So I will be using the DFI LT LP P35/X3110/Zalman 9700 NT with Green CCFLs

in the SR-1.

And I'll go with the ASUS Maximus/E8400/Zalman 9700LED with Blue CCFLs in the SR-2.

Trying to do a little color coordination deal thingy here :)


Got a pic of both rigs:




I want them to be similar, but yet different looking.


Hterag asked a good question about the HDD mounting.

Yes, an additional hole would need to be drilled to securely mount the HDD due to the metal plates on the side.

I initially had them just secured in the front as I found it was an advantage to be able to lift up the rear of the HDD for cable management.




I managed to find some hard rubber washers about the same thickness as the metal side bar and put them next to the HDD.




The vibration is definitely less with the HDDs mounted this way.


Thought I would put some of MNPCTech's carbon fiber vinyl film on the optical drives to make them stand out a bit.

An awful lot of recesses and curves on the Samsung SATA drive but I was very pleased with how the "carbon fiber" turned out.




Pic of both Optical and HDD mounted in the case now.




Also found a hot deal on a new PSU.

Looks like Frys may be phasing out the Ultra brand as their Ultra X-Pro 600W EE PSU (ULT40053) is on sale for $49.90 INCLUDING SHIPPING.


It's got good reviews from Jonny Guru and SPCR so you may want to jump on this before they sell out.

Hale of a great deal!




I bought two.:)

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Dudes and Dudettes, these Ultra PSUs are simply gorgeous.


I hope someone else jumped on the deal cause at $49.90 each (free freight) and a lifetime warranty these are going to be tough to beat.

I can't find any Ultra PSUs on the website tonight so I'd bet there was a partying of ways and this was a one time blowout.


They have that shiny (oo look, Shiny) look with a dark gray "titanium" finish.

19" ATX 24-pin lead, 4-pin and 8-pin EBS, 24" (8x) 4-pin molex and 2x floppy, 2 SATA cables with 2x connectors each for a total of 4.

36A on the single 12v rail. 130mm fan to keep it cool.

(And the fan grill and screws are recessed, very nice touch)

And it might be the best black weave sleeving job I have ever seen.

And I mean freakin' ever! Just gorgeous.












Almost afraid to turn it on I'm so pleased. :)

One PSU was supposed to be a spare but I dunno.

May have to start another build :D


The Reviews:

SPCR - http://www.silentpcreview.com/article708-page1.html

Jonny Guru - http://www.jonnyguru.com/modules.php?name=...p=Story&reid=29

PCPER - http://www.pcper.com/article.php?aid=347

Tweak News - http://www.tweaknews.net/reviews/ultra_x-p...t_power_supply/

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Wow, those are sharp looking PSU's


Dont forget to pack an extra pair of Depends in yer fanny pack when you go a'partyin :tooth:


Happy Birthday dude, and Rado too i guess :P



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hey all im new to this forum and new to case modding,

First of all nice job soundx that case looks awesome!!! :eek:


I was just wondering if anyone has red UV SATA cables in their case, i was looking at some and they aren't red they are pinky/orange but not red! and was wondering anyone had seen any REALLY red UV SATA cable or now how to make them really red? its just that i have a antec 900 and i have some great ideas floating around my head about what i want to do.


Also soundx how hard was it to paint the inside of your case as it looks good but i dont want to stuff anything up if i did mine.


cheers all

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