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If any one is interested In COD2 http://fkmod.com/


Our Servers





{FKR} Match Server/ FK's Stock map CTF #7- FKMOD.COM





I'll post our COD/UO servers in a bit as well.


Cheers Viko AKA {FKR}Loki

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Thank you =)



Counter Strike Source DFI-Street [100TICK][ATLANTA]


Enjoy, I'll have a 2nd server up soon enough! It will also be a counter strike source server.


Hey, I tried getting on it last night but kept getting the "server is outdated" (or something similar) error. This is right after steam updated itself. I'll try again later this week. Can't wait to get torn apart by you guys :sweat:




Man, the new CS:S menu is going to drive me insane.

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Hey, I tried getting on it last night but kept getting the "server is outdated" (or something similar) error. This is right after steam updated itself. I'll try again later this week. Can't wait to get torn apart by you guys :sweat:




Man, the new CS:S menu is going to drive me insane.


I restarted the server today, and I connected into it fine. It should be working fine now.


What new CS:S menu?


and Yes, I do hope you enjoy getting torn up by me =)

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thanks ellisD its a great offer and deeply appreciated but servers are quite fussy and warranty only supports registered eec, Now I feel bad cos thats the second kind offer you've made and Ive refused sorry mate but thanks for the continued support.


Anyone got this Ram (I can pay postage and little extra if necessary) or would like to donate pls PM


Hey Dutch, further to my PM that I sent you, I called in a favour with a friend and he will let me have 2GB of ECC registered RAM for £45 delivered direct to you. Only thing is its PC3200 but, if that will work in the rig, albeit it bottlenecked, then meh!


He had it running flawlessly with an FX55 for ages but, now he has upgraded to Core2Duo so I asked him to let me have it cheap!


Its 2nd hand and made by a company I've never heard of tbh, SMART??? (saying that I dont buy a lot of ECC RAM) but, hey beggers cant be choosers


Let me know :)




BTW the server will need a JPEG server Graphic when it gets up and running, 800x200 is the dimensions so all you arty types get opening Paint...lol

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its in the options/preferences I'm offline for a couple of days back soon


appears that option has been removed in the latest update :( which occurred prior to me switching it off in the first place. i hate anything that automatically updates!

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Ok server update time...

Ive bought 1.5Gb of hynix EEC 2100 ram which is matched to the server Ive got most of it staring at me so I started pieceing it together tonight for an intial bootup early next week as long as the cpu's and ram are delivered on time, The OS was going to be MS server 03 which hasen't materialised so I'm going to look about at redhat distros/ apache OS, any recommends, also I could do with some HDDs IDE/scsi if anyone has any spare

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