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Stupid injuries

Guest Neezer_merged

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hmm a few years ago I managed to cut into the side of my leg with a chainsaw, when i was 5 i had the skin seperated from my face by a dog, dislocated my back at work a couple years ago, seperated all 3 muscles in my rotator cuff dumping my motorcycle, got road rash all over my face doing a no handed wheelie on my BMX when i was a teen, few eeks ago i jumped out of a boat doing 45ish miles an hour (no serious injury but i was pretty sore for a week or so), stuck a steak knife through my hand a year ago and had to have 2 surgeries to reatach nerves. i guess im accident prone

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hmm a few years ago I managed to cut into the side of my leg with a chainsaw, when i was 5 i had the skin seperated from my face by a dog, dislocated my back at work a couple years ago, seperated all 3 muscles in my rotator cuff dumping my motorcycle, got road rash all over my face doing a no handed wheelie on my BMX when i was a teen, few eeks ago i jumped out of a boat doing 45ish miles an hour (no serious injury but i was pretty sore for a week or so), stuck a steak knife through my hand a year ago and had to have 2 surgeries to reatach nerves. i guess im accident prone

ffs dude. stay away from sharp objects... and me lol

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Guest SuppA-SnipA

my bike: (not motorbike) 6th gear off a steep hill and not realising theres a brick in the middle of the road, i went flying a few good feet

had a couple of cuts and many bruises


but now a days the usual solder burns

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Strangely, I shattered the bone in my big toe once. Of course, I've got one more stupid than that. Was out drinking with friends (a common theme of this thread?) one night in Westport in Kansas City. We left the last bar around 2:30 AM and were walking to grab a cab. One of my friends ran up and jumped up on my back. Had no idea it was coming so was completely unprepared. My hands were in my pocket, so I had no way to break my fall as we crashed toward the ground. I hit the cement first with my forehead and nose. My friend's elbow thankfully kept my mouth from hitting, but his arm was shredded. I broke my nose, ripped about 2" of skin from my forehead, and ripped all the flesh away from the bridge of my nose. Left a skidmark on the sidwalk where I hit. It was an awful site, and certainly hard to explain at work the following Monday.

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Guest Neezer

I got my swimming bag sucked into the spokes of my front tire. at the time i was late for practice, so I was going really fast down a hill. I hit the ground with my shoulder and face. I got tiny little gravel in my face from the road, and I broke my scapula.

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Heh another one was when I was riding my quad around (by myself, not a good idea!). I went off of this jump, landed find, then went into a corner.


Needless to say I hit a rut and rolled it over. Stupid because it was my fault I was going too fast into the corner.

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I was screwing around with a bunch of friends one day. They both had bmx bikes and one was a sponsered dirt bike racer and I had a mountan bike with front shocks and a certer one that allowed the entire body to bend with the fulcrum by the pedals. After a wile of showing off between all of us I decide to try a front whellie by speeding up and hitting my front brake. I try this cautiously a few times but am only able to stay up for a few secconds at a time before falling back. So then I decide to speed up from about 20 meters back before hitting it. I get the front whellie but the energy from my approach becomes stored in all the shocks of my bike. It all releases at once and my bike is thrown into the air about two feet and I am thrown foward about 10 feet and tumble out of my fall leaving my arms hurting, my hands scratched, but for the most part im fine. As for my bike, the front rim was bent, the seat torn appart, and the chin shifter in the rear bent into the spokes making it unrideable.

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Punched a wall and shattered my right hand now I got a bunch of hardware in it. Since I had no insurance and worked off the books I had to pay ca $10,000 in medical bills and I lost the house I was renting, because I had barely enough income to survive on. My Landlord kept the entire $6,800 I payed to get into that place, even though my lease was almost up and I was never late with the rent before. I also did about $2,000 worth of construction and maintenance to the place. Once I moved out the cops showed up at my door claiming I stole my Landlords washing machine, but I had the receipt for it since I bought it myself.


Don't punch walls, or other inanimate objects, it can really fnck you up, not just physically.

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I have several stories... The worst is in the Darwin awards topic. Here's another one.


At school there's an event called the Tour de Laramie. It takes place the last week of classes and involves riding a bicycle to each bar and having a drink at each bar (I think there's something like 28 bars in Laramie). Me and two friends decide to do it, and start off with the crowd around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We finished up around 11 PM and were completely wasted. Being only 11, we decided to stay out and continue drinking. It all gets a little fuzzy as to what happened when, but at some point I was riding my bike along the sidewalk in front of a bar and just fell off. I was riding along and the next thing I know, I'm laying flat on my back with this guy asking me if I'm alright. Being drunk, I felt pretty good and got up to ride off to a different bar. What happened after that, I'm not sure, but I woke up on my friends couch and couldn't move one of my arms. I was stuck wearing the same t-shirt for 3 days because I couldn't move one of my arms enough to take it off. Fortunately, the day I was going to go see a doctor, I could move it enough to change my shirt and decided to forgo medical attention.

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