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The HUGE BIG-BIG Windows Vista Thread


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Im having major video issues in Vista RTM..


For instance, Medieval TW2.. Can't even play it. Sigh.


I'm on the 9685 video drivers.. These helped me be able to watch movies.. Which had the same problem previously..


The screen will look like a nintendo game frozen.. all of the weird colors everywhere.


Used to do it with any videos, updated drivers.. just does it with Medieval so far.. Haven't installed anything else but WOW though... evga 7900gt, dfi lanparty expert, dual core opteron..

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Im having major video issues in Vista RTM..


For instance, Medieval TW2.. Can't even play it. Sigh.


I'm on the 9685 video drivers.. These helped me be able to watch movies.. Which had the same problem previously..


The screen will look like a nintendo game frozen.. all of the weird colors everywhere.


Used to do it with any videos, updated drivers.. just does it with Medieval so far.. Haven't installed anything else but WOW though... evga 7900gt, dfi lanparty expert, dual core opteron..



that's cause you got nvidia. lots of ppl with problems and nvidia cards. 8800s don't work at all.


one of theinquirer guys posted that vista rtm installed his nf4 raid array just fine.


i've not gone back to vista yet and probably won't til the final is released and i buy it.

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hi - i just installed vista - but have one day left


i was just wondering what score does everyone have with vista --


theres a program that checks your computer and gives you back a score - to give you a idea how good your experince would be with vista --


i was suprised that i got a 4.8 average score --


i know i dont have a top of the line video card - but my chip is pretty good and that shows as a 5.1 - hard drives were 5.9 --


is this a common score for vista ? how does every one score - ??


just curious what it would take to get a score closer to 10

what kind of hardware would you need :)

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thats pretty good then - what was the hardware that gave you the 5.9 - the overall score is the lowest score for any pieace of hardware --


my video card was 4.8 - so thats the highest my score would be no matter what i change --


what was your cpu - i have a 4200 - it gave me a 5.1

its running at 2.5 speed --


vista runs fine and aero is pretty cool - even if my score is 4.8 - the most it used in memory has been 1 gig while using nerovision - but even not using anything -- the memory usage is pretty high -


what hardware gives you the lowest score - which is your final score

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