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The HUGE BIG-BIG Windows Vista Thread


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Ok, here are the results:-


Windows XP - 3dmark 05:



Futuremark comparison page - http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=2263075


Windows XP - 3dmark 06:




Windows Vista - 3dmark 05:



Futuremark comparison page - http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=2263282


Windows Vista - 3dmark 06:




The results in 3dmark 05 were much lower overall in vista (1600+), but the CPU score had a MASSIVE increase, from ~7500 in XP, I got ~13000!!!! in vista for CPU score in 3dmark 05, this must be a bug as this is too much difference for it to be OS improvements imho.


3dmark 06 was lower in both overall and CPU for vista compared to XP (as expected), with vista having a score of 4648 and XP a score of 5127, BUT this is partly because the gfx clocks were higher in XP than on vista because vista would not work with coolbits, rivatuner, etc....

As for CPU score, in vista there was a decrease of approx. 100 from XP in 3dmark 06.

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gord27 - I got some pretty weak Vid Cards here. Can't even do the sharder thing with em.

But yes, 3D2006 comparisons seem to be in order for sure.

How about you running in XP and Vista with your ATI and posting and maybe we can get the charles19meister to do the same with his nvidia cards?


i haven't used xp since before i got my x1900xtx. i don't recall my cpu score in 3dmark 2k5 but i know in 2k6 is was ~2000. haven't run either bench in vista yet.


why do you guys think a higher cpu score on that test isn't possible with vista? clearly you're getting a higher fps. does the image look as it should? if so then isn't that all that matters? personally, i'm excited at the possibility of vista handling my dual core better then xp.


charles, it's also odd that your cpu scores in BOTH 2k5 tests are substantially higher in vista. soundx actually saw a slight drop on the second test but within margin of error. you're some 15% faster in the second test as well. do you have the amd optimizer installed? soundx does... i have not installed it for vista. wasn't sure if it's still needed and was trying to install the minimum amount of drivers possible so as to avoid bsods.



now, if only vista got rid of that lag when alt-tabbing back into games. it still takes just as long as with xp. they should make it possible to specify that certain programs don't free up ram when minimized. i don't understand the need to free up ~20% of my ram when minimized when i am only using 60% total when maximized.

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do you have the amd optimizer installed?

Sure do, but this score doesn't change much with or without it.


Personally, I have found vista to be faster and smoother to use in several areas, main one being day to day use but one example, I was amazed to find my internet downloads went from 1400 to 1800! (Which is what I sync at, 18mbps)


In general though I feel that it handles tasks smoother than XP, although as mentioned there is about 10% decrease in gaming because of aero (but I still get quite good fps with max settings in just about every game i've tried, obviously XP is higher on the fps)

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Sure do, but this score doesn't change much with or without it.


Personally, I have found vista to be faster and smoother to use in several areas, main one being day to day use but one example, I was amazed to find my internet downloads went from 1400 to 1800! (Which is what I sync at, 18mbps)


In general though I feel that it handles tasks smoother than XP, although as mentioned there is about 10% decrease in gaming because of aero (but I still get quite good fps with max settings in just about every game i've tried, obviously XP is higher on the fps)


weird about the internet speeds. xp should have been capable of those speeds as it's capable of gigabit transfer over ethernet just fine. i am jealous as i sync at about 1.4mbps btw.


i definately feel vista is faster and smoother and have no interest what so ever in returning to xp. shut down and start up is the same or faster then xp and that's without raid yet. i used ff in xp but ie7 seems to be working beautifully. every program and application i use work without flaws cept for the bf2142 demo. i'm just waiting on some solid x-fi drivers and a working raid solution that doesn't included installing from within xp.

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i'm just waiting on some solid x-fi drivers


The only thing stopping me from switching to vista altogether is lack of some solid drivers, the worst being shocking NVIDIA forceware in vista, it's got to the point where microsoft automatically installs superior drivers then NVIDIA.

X-fi drivers aren't great either but I haven't had any real dramas and there was a new one released in the last week I think.

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While I respect your opinions I'd have to recommend against using Vista as your sole OS at this time.

It's panning out to be a good OS but I would be very surprized if it doesn't take 6 months to a year to get all the glitches worked out.

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While I respect your opinions I'd have to recommend against using Vista as your sole OS at this time.

It's panning out to be a good OS but I would be very surprized if it doesn't take 6 months to a year to get all the glitches worked out.


Well, I do agree with this...


This was the same with XP, however I am amazed that Vista is giving me higher performance in many areas and I dislike having to boot back into XP after using vista. Obviously, I would at least wait for final before switching, but I just don't see myself being able to wait for a service pack as these take some time to come out, but as we can see with XP, the service packs do make the OS much better.


I'm not too worried about security as I am generally fairly paranoid with the software I use and with a combination of my netgear hardware firewall I haven't been hacked or exploited in over a year (aside minor adware, such as cookies which don't bother me too much).


I will give it a go as my main OS when it first comes out and if I am not liking it because of glitches/vulnerabilies I will revert to making it my secondary OS

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Agreed as well, I really enjoy testing new Operating Systems; Linux, Unix, Mac Os or Microsoft based, but no OS (excluding XP and Ubuntu) makes it past a week as the main OS. Either it's a lack of features that I've come accustomed to from using XP since day 1, or instability/bugs in beta versions of the software. I've tried every build of Vista since it's release to beta testers (5384 worked best for me), but I always go back to XP.


Now this also depends on your needs; if Vista covers all the different things you usually do on your PC, that's great and have fun, but be prepared for a possibly bumpy ride.


Personally I'll be waiting this one out for at least another 6 months (That doesn't mean I won't get future beta releases to play with ;))


I use XP SP2 with all unnecessary services disabled, VistaCG visual style, Vista RC1 Iconpackager icon theme and Windows Vista Ultimate logon for Logonstudio. That's close enough for me:




alternately I have used Vista Icons Pack v2.0 Ultimate (install Windows Media Player 11 after applying the patch) and that will skin the navigation buttons and icons in Windows Explorer as well.

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While I respect your opinions I'd have to recommend against using Vista as your sole OS at this time.

It's panning out to be a good OS but I would be very surprized if it doesn't take 6 months to a year to get all the glitches worked out.


i disagree. vista does everything i need to with solid stability. the only blue screen i've had with rc2 is when i couldn't boot to windows after installing ati rc1 drivers. did a fresh format and since then not a single blue screen. at least not since i switched to the marvell lan.


as i said, at this point there's no way i could go back to using xp. if vista couldn't do something that i required then i'd have no choice but it meets all my current needs and i prefer it over xp.


btw, since rc1 i've been using it as my only os. mostly without hiccups.

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