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New DFI Lanparty UT NF590 SLI-MR2/G

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Looking at this forum section, only a few have problems, so far I see that DFI had a successful launch for this long waited board. A few of us did encounter the same problems and I even saw a review or two on Newegg with the same prob of having windows bsod during install and such but most of us have resolved the problem by increasing the ram voltage or removing one stick during install.


Even the OCZ guys have said that theres been problems with their ram on these boards actually on the NF5x0 chipset, you can't just blame DFI on everything when it was other suppliers of the parts was causing the problem.


My setup is running perfectly except for trying to overclock my video card which is not motherboard related, the ram I have I was worried because the reviews on Newegg mentioned it wouldn't work with the AM2 boards either. But I'm here to say thanks DFI for a great board, my first A64 rig.

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i have to conclude that their qc department is just a sham and really solves no real problems before release to the loyal dfi customers.its more like they have the attitude to let the buyers of the boards be there qc department.


your loyal customers are getting a little tired of this type of major problems from dfi.look at asus ,biostar,epox, and most other companies that dont have a quarter of these problems on initial release.



Motherboard Manufacturers cannot be expected to test the billions of possible combinations of PSU, RAM, CPU, and GFX card; they test many combinations to cover a broad spectrum of possibilities to ensure that most combinations will work out of the box.


Loyal DFI Customers do not want ASUS, Biostar, ePox, etc. boards. They want the performance/overclockability only offered by DFI. Comparing DFI to these mainstream manufacturers is like comparing a Porsche/Ferrari to a Toyota, Dodge, Honda, etc. Performance products have fine tolerances for error, while mainstream products allow for larger errors to guarantee that they just work but can't compete with the performance product (just like Porsche requires high octane fuel for optimal performance, while a Toyota/Honda only needs 87 to run).


p.s. I don't own an NF590 SLI-M2R/G board but all I've read indicates that it's one of the (if not the) best new board out there; I hope DFI will release their NF590 SLI-T2R/G conroe board, which has been (at least temporarily) cancelled due to problems with nVidia's C19 chipset revision.

p.s.s. my DFI board has been the best MB I've ever owned.

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If you own the boared then please respond.


Are you moving to a new board when Am3 is available?


Is this just a temporary hold over, or are you keeping the board and moving to AM3 chip as from what I have heard these are to support AM3?


I am tempted to get this board as it offers alot, and I love the lay out.


But I am hesitant because with AM3 not so far away, and DDR3.


If this is a sound option then yes I will snatch one up, but not if it will fall by the way side in 2-3 months. (Yes I am aware of Moores law, and how fast the industry goes through hardware, but I am looking for a board to have for a while.


Thank you ahead of time,


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Dont you just love it when guys throw that "I'm an IT professional" at you in an effort to make themselves more credible?? Truth be known it actually makes the satements less pursuasive in my opinion.


Here are the FACTS as I know them..... There is no motherboard manufacturer on the planet earth that can make a board that will initially support all hardware combinations available to the end user, period. As time permits BIOS versions are written to make more hardware combinations compatible. This does not mean that people should be deprived of purchasing a motherboard just because it does not support every hardware combination out there, thats just insane.


I can also tell you that every Nvidia AM2 motherboard out there will experience problems with some hardware combinations, trust me, I have tested many. I did experience problems setting up the 590 SLI-MR2/G board but I do not blame DFI for the problems, rather at this point I think it is more of a chipset limitation and memory compatability, and I think you can throw a sprinkle of CPU problems in the mix as well. As time goes by things will become more mainstream and compatability will increase.


These issues are not confined to the DFI products, we see things like this all the time over at the ABIT-USA forums as well, and the 590 series boards are giving some problems exactly like you see here.... some combinations work fine and others do not. If you visit the Forums of other motherboard manufacturers, you will see the exact same things going on. If a finger should be pointed, I would start with Nvidia, Memory manufacturers, and AMD for not refining the platform before release.


Be patient, the AM2 platform is still pretty green, but it will get better.

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Nice to see you around Lvcoyote :)


You are right... and also I think these few cpu's being incompatible mean they have a diferent architecture, or something... like you said a new BIOS might do the trick, or maybe not, but it means the diference is huge between cpu's and not the fault of the motherboard or chipset manufacturer.


That IT example is funny :D

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Guest DaddyD302
Is it me or does dfi put out boards late and always have so many major incompatabilities.


your loyal customers are getting a little tired of this type of major problems from dfi.look at asus ,biostar,epox, and most other companies that dont have a quarter of these problems on initial release.come on guys get it right.there has to be alot of other people like me that are getting fed up with this type of behavior from dfi and are looking elsewhere for new useable boards.


this is not meant to be disrespectiful to dfi ,just a common sence view from an IT professional.come on dfi lets get the problem fixed.



I'm sorry but, I don't believe a word you said. Did you actually go to these other mobo's site and read their problems? Not one single company who made the N-force 5 boards, had a trouble free mobo. They're all plague with problems after problems. Hell I was loyal to MSI till I got their newest mobo, and when I found out I had to send it back to get it fixed, I jumped to DFI.


That was the best thing I ever did, DFI had it's problems at first, but once it got going[with the right ram], it got going. I've never seen a well design mobo before with so many options. Being new at this, it's overwhelming, but theres alot of information here, and the guys here are VERY helpful. Only after 2 weeks[2 days of it being rock stable and OC], I already this board. Too bad, I'm a newbie and my HS sucks or I could've pushed it harder.


Say what you will, but do your research first before you say something like this, when all the other boards are having the same issues, or other issues. Two thumbs up for DFI!!

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Whats an "IT professional" ??? :confused:


As for Asus being like the holy grail of computers... who ever say that is totally mistaken. I like Asus motherboards, but being "problem free" is something they are not. What I really don't like its the lack of official user support forum, you have to go elsewhere for help and calling their support "hot line" doesn't work unless you live in the USA.


DFI, Abit, Epox and even the crappy and scary MSI have support official forums... :rolleyes:





"IT Professional": "Information Technology"... guy who specialize in telecomunications, computer technology, blah blah blah...


Does this mean this and other forums are filled with IT Professionals??? :D

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Whats an "IT professional" ??? :confused:


As for Asus being like the holy grail of computers... who ever say that is totally mistaken. I like Asus motherboards, but being "problem free" is something they are not. What I really don't like its the lack of official user support forum, you have to go elsewhere for help and calling their support "hot line" doesn't work unless you live in the USA.


DFI, Abit, Epox and even the crappy and scary MSI have support official forums... :rolleyes:





"IT Professional": "Information Technology"... guy who specialize in telecomunications, computer technology, blah blah blah...


Does this mean this and other forums are filled with IT Professionals??? :D


That's funny. Maybe you should have given the definition of "professional", which is simply Someone who gets paid for there craft, work and/or labor. I guess that means all dishwashers are "Professional dishwashers"...LOL.

I wouldn't take too much of what wesleys_dad has to say to consideration. The guy can't spell or even punctuate his sentences properly, how could he possibly be smart enough to build a computer properly.

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You really hurt my feelings :)


I've had some excellent MSI boards over the years, the K7N2-Delta was a great board, as was my K8N Neo2 Platinum (which I hesitantly let my daughter inherit when I made the DFI plunge).


Both of those boards are still running at home by the way :)


But this goes back to the IT Professionals narrow point of view, in most cases it's impossible to make a blanket statement about M/B quality. Most everyone comes out with a gem sometimes, and most everyone comes out with a bomb sometimes. In the end a lot of the problems are inherent in the chipsets themselves and not necessarily with the m/b manufacturer's implementation of those chipsets.


As for me, I see myself being a loyal DFI customer for many years to come, in no small part to this very Forum. Of course I'm still using the old "lowly" "budget" NF4 LanParty Ultra-D, but it has never failed me, not once.


Once DFI releases a premium Conroe board I'm there. For crap and giggles if no other reason.


And in closing I'd like to say that there is a world of difference in "enthusiast" class motherboards than workstation or server class motherboards. They each have their purpose, and trying to apply the acceptable/unacceptable compatiblity, reliability and performance expectations from one to another is silly.

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I think this proves how not everyone is as bad or as good as we think... some IT Professionals might have a wider view of things :)




You really hurt my feelings :)


I've had some excellent MSI boards over the years, the K7N2-Delta was a great board, as was my K8N Neo2 Platinum (which I hesitantly let my daughter inherit when I made the DFI plunge).


Both of those boards are still running at home by the way :)

Well, you are very lucky... my fifth K8N Neo2 Platinum died, well it sort of died: memory channel B died, there is no dual channel anymore :(


Looking to buy a little epox with nF3 250 chipset to replace it. Not sure how much the nF3 Ultra is better and faster, since 1600 mhz and 2000 mhz HTT don't make that huge diference. I just want to browse the internet, hear music, and run two instances of F@H with my new 4400+ 89w Toledo at a minimum of 2.4 ghz :D


Btw, the K8N Neo2 Platinum might have been the worse MSI board ever... and that wouldn't be as bad as how I was treated in the MSI support forum. Right now I posted a thread about my problem, and after some suggestions I was left on my own... its obvious the motherboard failed, why they won't admit it... who knows.

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OCZTony - Any updates on some of the new ram settings?


I started tweaking the ram settings tonight with pretty much trial and error at pc800 and its looking pretty good, I also have been running it at T1 for the past week with no problems. :)



I've gotten it pretty tight but I can't seem to get it prime stable for over 5 hours, I get about an extra 500 points in the Everest memory read benchmark from my prime stable 2860 memory settings. I'm just gonna hold off and read more about benefits from this.

I did notice changing the Tras from 15 to 10, 11 or 12 with a Twtr of 2 would give me an 115ish boost in memtest but showed no difference in Everest, anything higher or lower would come out the same. Another setting I noticed was the Trfc, on auto they were from dimm 1 to 4 was 105, 75, 75, 75, I couldn't get the first dimm to 75 to post and googled around and saw some info about this setting which said 75 was for 256mb ram, 105 for 512mb, 127 for 1gb and 192 for 2gb, I guess this setting really is for stability? My prime stable settings were left on auto so I left it there for now.


Still so much for me to learn. :D

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