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How much do you charge for building PC's

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If it's a buddy I usually charge $20 for whatever they want (build/repair/whatever), if it's a random stranger I usually look at the machine, see how fcuk'd it is, then tell them how much ($20-40 usually). Complete builds I tack on like $50 at the most.

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i fix free for my local bros

i fix for 50-100 $ cdn for stranger

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I do $100 + parts for the build...otherwise, it's not really worth my time.


I also ask for 50% of hardware and 100% of peripherals (monitor, printer only usually) up front to protect my butt. Most people don't have a problem with this and the ones that do are usually sketchy anyways....lol

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you have to charge enough to cover warranty and the like you may not offer it but they will expect it, you built it you fix it if it goes wrong for any reason the first person to get called is you even if it's nothing to do with you ie psu goes bad , even if the person oc's it if it breaks your gonna get the call. no matter your there first point of contact in the pc industry for these people. so charge enough to cover any eventuallity and time taken to sort out there problems

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While I am definitely not a builder per se, having just completed my first build, now that I’ve done it, I want to do another, but can’t justify it, so would like to build for someone, but not likely to happen for the reasons in my following paragraph. For what it’s worth, parts and shipping plus 10% sounds reasonable.


My hesitation would come from someone taking the computer home, and proceeding to get online without a firewall or antivirus program, no matter how well I try to explain that kind of stuff. I recently sold an old Win98 computer. It ran like a slug due to it’s speed and age, but after reformatting, and reinstalling the OS, that puppy flew, even online. I sold it to a guy, and spent a lot of time explaining viruses, spyware and that sort of stuff. Two days later he calls me and wants me to take it back. He just can’t do anything on the internet with it. It’s too slow. I got it back, and it was practically trashed due to tons spyware and one virus. I had to format it again. The second time, I sold it on Ebay. No one local who was going to trash it and try to return it. I don’t think I could tolerate customers like that. How do the builders here at the Street handle situations like that?

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I install free software before handing it over, like Ad-Aware SE and AVG, there are other good ones I'm sure the streeters know dozens of killer free security apps.

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I install free software before handing it over, like Ad-Aware SE and AVG, there are other good ones I'm sure the streeters know dozens of killer free security apps.


You can install all that stuff you want to, and tell the customer how and why to use them, but you can’t force them to use them.

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You can install all that stuff you want to, and tell the customer how and why to use them...


'Til I'm blue in the face


... but you can’t force them to use them.


but I can refuse support if the issue is a recurring, user related issue. Everyone has limits, but generally they learn quickly, I have an effective way of explaining myself... I'm very frank.

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The free apps. you get over at download.com or majorgeeks.com are a godsend. They resolve alot of the issues my customers tend to have. However, some people won't take the time to learn how to operate them, making them almost useless.


Most of the people I do work for will admit their own ignorance, and I'll usually repair the issue at a discount and explain where they went wrong. The stuborn ones who wont admit any wrong doing, no matter how obvious, and demand a refund will get their money back and I stop doing business with them.


Your always gonna run into a few jerks, just cut your loses and be done with them, because nothing you do will ever please them.

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How do the builders here at the Street handle situations like that?


Included in my work order forms is a clause that states I am not responsible for software problems and they are not warranted.

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Actually nothing, built several rigs and installed OS for free, it's kinda fun to me and usually I learn something and so does the owner. I'll do it for anyone for free as long as I have time.

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