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now...wtf is positive discrimination? lol


momma thinks it must be something you Aussies have invented or its some down-under view...


personally, I think it is a contradiction no matter what it means (if taking literal meaning from the word)

Sorry, I was refilling laser cartridges - some of us have to work ;)


Positive discrimination (well, you guys might know of it as Affirmative Action) is an act that gives certain preferences to certain groups (who are often in the minority). An example would be a company stating that 50% of their upper management MUST be female. Another example could be that 30% of an intake for university must be Hispanic.


Now don't get me wrong, there are many groups around that get the rough end of the stick when it comes to rights and representation but using the examples I listed above, shouldn't this be done on merit/academic/skills basis? Not simply because an edict states that it MUST be a such-and-such percentage.


Here's a perfect example that I lived through... I worked in an IT network area years ago where the section manager had a "soft spot" for Asians (bear with me, this isn't being racist). If any Asian went for a job/promotion in the section, it wasn't worth the effort to apply because they got the job nine times out of ten. One ended up my immediate supervisor and he was simply hopeless and the only person in my area to crash an IBMc mainframe 5 times in 1 year! (Funnily enough, when I told my father who my immediate boss was he simply laughed. It turned out that my father had dealings with him as a telephony engineer 10-15 years prior and the guy was hopeless at that job as well.)

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Positive discrimination (well, you guys might know of it as Affirmative Action) is an act that gives certain preferences to certain groups (who are often in the minority). An example would be a company stating that 50% of their upper management MUST be female. Another example could be that 30% of an intake for university must be Hispanic.


ah yes...Affirmative Action


I hate it


I DO UNDERSTAND it, since corporations and governments seem to be run by the "Good 'Ol Boys" club...meaning they won't hire women nor minorities for managment/executive positions, even if they are more qualified than whites.


I don't like it because I honestly feel that race/color/gender should not even be a factor...it should be based on qualifications and attitude/personality...


but there's simply too many prejudiced persons in the world, mostly holding higher positions that do the hiring.


it's one of those tricky things...I hate it and it shouldn't exist...but yet it MUST exist for the sole fact that there's too much prejudice and if it didn't exist...women/minorities would always get the .-end of the stick



(but as you well know, sometimes women/minorities get hired that have NO BUSINESS doing a job but the company is forced to hire someone not-qualified or end up paying a big penalty...*sigh*...if only the world were a perfect place like I wish it to be in my mind...)

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Anyway...DFI hated the Street at first, but now Taiwan realizes it's potential, and they are definitely ok with it (they actually finally acknowledge it's existence!).


I think they owe you sexual favors.... or something really special.


EDIT: That better?

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I think they owe you a yeah you really can't say such a thing here.... or something really special.

what they owe me is a raise...but since I won't ever get one, I put up google ads and do my little partnership with SVC.com etc

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Guest bigr5026

what was the real reason for changine the name to happy games




did you pay for VB monthly


Do you update the fourms



and, what cellphone do you have

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what was the real reason for changine the name to happy games




did you pay for VB monthly


Do you update the fourms



and, what cellphone do you have



2. i lease the Vbulletin license for $70/year


3. yes, but I haven't in a while


4. Nextel i710 I think (my brother is a bigshot manager for Nextel Partners so we get Nextel phones)

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maybe theres a little Angry-Games on the way :eek:

maybe there will be wedding bells ringing in vegas ;)

no little ones on the way


momma and I decided long ago (actually I did, and every day she agrees more and more) no kids




we are too selfish to wreck our lives to raise some snotnose brats


besides...what if the kid turns out to be a serial killer even though we did everything right in raising him??? Who wants to be the parent of a Jeffery Dahmer???


plus...this is an ugly world and I wouldn't want to raise a child in it...


but mostly...its soooooo %^@#$#@ expensive...we want to spend all the money we make on US, not some brat that we are legally responsible for for the next 18 years.



as for wedding bells...when she gets a job teaching for the State, then we'll get married so I can get the killer insurance benefits lol...otherwise...why do we need to be married? I don't believe in that "living in sin" bs that religious nuts try to scream to us all the time about. I love her. She loves me. We don't need to be married to prove this.

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