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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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To be fair, I put the Da Vinci Code on my no watch - no read list (right there with Titanic) for other reasons. (ahem sorry if this offends some of you...) But I CAN'T stand it when everybody I know is all about how great the book is and why haven't you read this yet Dan, you HAVE to read the Da Vinci Code! I'll tell you why, it because its the ONLY damn book you've read in your life, and you're telling ME, a guy who owns 300+ books, what I absolutely HAVE to read.


I can honestly say that I read this book about 2 and half years ago, back before everyone and their grandma had 3 copies of it. And wow Dan, 300 books lol. I thought my 75 was impressive on my part.

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I can honestly say that I read this book about 2 and half years ago, back before everyone and their grandma had 3 copies of it. And wow Dan, 300 books lol. I thought my 75 was impressive on my part.


To be fair...at least 80 of them are Star Wars... :eek:


Good thing they stopped writing good ones a few years ago.


As for Chuck Norris vs. MacGuyver....depends on the distance between them, the time they have before the fight, and how many toothpicks are available.


Ahem...way to change the avatar Travis, I knew it would suit your new persona :)

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I want a big fuzzy hug man... I am a nurse after all. :nod: I give lots of big fuzzy hugs even though I'm NOT gay... lol. I love women, even 2-3 at a time. heh. Ok, so another guy might be present, but with 2-3 women there is more than enough to go around, oh wait, probably TMI... lol! Ok, I have a question(s) for you happy and momma :shake:


What is your opinion...

on sexuality? on the human tendency toward jealousy and polygamy? on more than 2 people at a time participating in sexual acts (not for porno purposes either)?



Well I don't know if my answer can stand up too much to Happy's since he pretty much said it all but I will add in my two cents if any of ya care.


Sexuality isn't who you are its an aspect of yourself just like gender, ethinicity, or where you grew up. People get hung up on small things and let it bug them while they are missing out on knowing good people. I was a fag hag for a long time so I know the importance of good gay friends, hehe. When you are a fatty, they make you feel like a million dollars and will go buy you another cheeseburger.


Besides when religious crazies say that marriage is a sacred institution and gays shouldn't be allowed to marry when they have been divorce twice isn't that a little contradictive? People need to worry about their own drama before they stick their nose in someone else's and gays should have a right to be just as unhappy as straight people.


Jealousy is a waste of time. I used to worry myself sick when I was bigger that Angry was going to leave me all the time cause I just couldn't get what he was smoking being with me. As I lost weight though, I saw that I was so retarded and that he loved me for me as klutzy, loud, and fat as I was he thought I was great. He loved me when I was fat so he wins and he supports me everyday. Having not had a boyfriend all through high school made me see how destructive jealousy can be and how wasteful and hurtful it can become so I don't do it cause like Angry said, I can't control other people.


Polygamy is stupid and i know I wouldn't want to be one of 10 wives for any man. Plus living in the house with 9 other bitchy women and the billions of kids, no thank you. Think about when they all hit their "cycle" for the month. I am suprised that the man is still alive living with all that.

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To be fair, I put the Da Vinci Code on my no watch - no read list (right there with Titanic) for other reasons. (ahem sorry if this offends some of you...) But I CAN'T stand it when everybody I know is all about how great the book is and why haven't you read this yet Dan, you HAVE to read the Da Vinci Code! I'll tell you why, it because its the ONLY damn book you've read in your life, and you're telling ME, a guy who owns 300+ books, what I absolutely HAVE to read.




I know this feeling EXACTLY




I've learned...that if you can get some retard to read a real book, even if it is the only one he will read in the next 7 years...then let him read it, and if you haven't read it...you should probably be reading that sucker because if an illiterate moron is reading it, it must be something that is damn well worth reading lol


like a chick movie...if your guy buddy tells you that some chick movie is kick-butt (like Wicker Park...watch it if you aren't afraid)...you think ???? wtf I really got to see this if Jimmy says its great...I mean, Jimmy...the guy that beat up 3 football players while his left (good) arm was in a sling?? digging a chick movie???


i suppose, sometimes I really wish I had that kind of blind faith...but then again I'd rather think for myself (sometimes).


i often wish I had the blind faith...I don't discount God, because anything is possible...but I am a realist...and even realists have some fascination-belief about "the beginning" but our version of God is not even close to organized religion's view of God. I mostly feel that a God would have no knowledge of us, or if he was all-knowing, then he'd know about us, but just ignores us because we are probably in the same boat with him as the serpent/snakes are in OUR bible...and we just can't believe that a God would ignore us or treat us like we treat low animals...


And it isn't some heavenly dude that rules all in a benevolent fashion


its some...i dunno...THING....some...presence? Some omnipotent being that is beyond what any human words or thoughts could come up with...and it has no real interest in human affairs...or maybe it DOES but we humans got it all wrong and think it IS a benevolent god when in reality he's using us for some purpose that isn't so positive but you know...realists believe that anything such a being would do is beyond the scope of human comprehension (ie to even get a miniscule glimpse of such a being's true....form? would be to probably kill you instantly because your brain would just overload).





but anyway



so like I was saying...it would be nice to have that 'blind faith' as we call it...others just call it faith.


being a realist..it's pretty %$#@$#@ scary sometimes because you WANT to believe in the organized religion version of 'heaven' (even moreso...the Islamic vision of it with like 70 virgins because you know they wouldn't be virgins for very long and you'd eventually get kicked right out of 'heaven' lol). But it is just to much fantasy.


And so sometimes you actually start to THINK...instead of just blindly believe what some book says...and try to use a little crazy science and some reality and some history or who knows....but you start thinking "what if we lived prior lives?"


or you figure...there's something about human consciousness that other animals don't have...maybe that is a "soul" but it's not the organized religion's soul...it is that unique...energy? or essence that makes us human and makes each human unique (however, uniqueness is actually the norm in all of nature). Maybe that energy transfers when you die to a newborn host that is empty...but the trauma of knowing you died makes you forget all of your previous experiences and so you must start again each time.


Or maybe Buddha was right


or maybe you just...die...because you are part of the hardest reality there is to face...that the earth and life itself is some abnormality...some ACCIDENT...something that happens only a few places in all of the entire known universe...or happens everywhere we just can't see it, but the reality is that there's no reason you and i and life and earth and the moon and galaxies exist...it just is, and that once you die, that's all there is to it...an accident called you...your spark just went out, and none of the other accidents all throughout the known and/or unknown universe have a clue, nor do they care except for a couple of accidents that you lived and loved with.





pretty scary eh?


thats a bleak, hostile vision of reality


luckily, like politically, I am right in the middle.


Organized religion turns me completely off, but as a human that is sorta smart, and has really wicked imagination...I can spend a lot of time formulating alternate realities that might or might not be valid...


but it all boils down to the same thing...


i don't have that 'blind faith' to just believe something that I can't see with my own eyes and has never been proven (only the bad things have been proven such as we bad jews killed jesus and then the church tried to kill the rest of the humans that wouldn't swear to their version of history which was written by a bunch of men a couple centuries after all the jesus stuff happened and throughout history religion is the #1 cause of war and death when it supposedly teaches us to love each other and live happy and praise god).


I wish I did have that blind faith sometimes, because sometimes my view is just too bleak.




So how long did it take you to write all that anyways Happy?


about as long as it took you to read it ;)

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To be fair...at least 80 of them are Star Wars...


Good thing they stopped writing good ones a few years ago.


as I try to tell my retard friends who are not really mentally retarded, but real mentally retarded men and women can read and comprehend better than these friends can so it's worse...


any reading is good reading


even if you are reading the nasty letters in Hustler


even if you are reading screwball conspiracy theories


even if you are reading DFI-Street


reading is brain exercise, and your brain needs all the exercise it can get




the one thing I don't understand...is how someone just cannot read a book...


I mean...a book...is so much better than television because you read the words and your mind puts all the pictures together...if you hate Tom Cruise, then he isn't the lead in the movie-in-your-head-from-the-book-you-are-reading...it's John Travolta...or whoever the hell you want it to be.


I was taught from a really young age to read, and to love reading.


my mom...was not a smart woman. 9th grade dropout, and her spelling wasn't the best, but that woman could read...and read....and read....I'm still finding her books laying around or hidden and she's been gone a few years.


Boy she loved to read and she made damn sure my brother and I loved to read. Even my sister, who only loves to read Jughead and Archie comics (and keep in mind she's 41 going on 42 this year) at least loves to read comics...which is better than just watching tv all the time right?


I hope




I grew up reading Ramona Quimby and Superfudge and The Great Brain and the moved into Stephen King because my mom had a heck of a lot of his books, and then all the great sci-fi and fantasy books and now that I am older, I like a good mix of everything because sci-fi can be...too hard, and have no story (just like a movie can be all special effects and no real story), fantasy can be some nerds trip into LSD land where he just invents . on every page in a terrible form of literatural masturbation....


Reading is great. I love to curl up with a book and get into it. A lot of people that hate to read...have just never read anything that was interesting...because if it is interesting...a good book is just impossible to put down....I don't know how many nights I only got like 3 hours sleep before I had to get up to go to school or work because I just couldn't put some damn book down...






but I suppose we still read as a society...all this stupid l337 5p3@k and bad grammar and such...which is worse than reading a good book.


If you want a good book...and you want some american history, and you want to read some dude's ideas that were PROGRESSIVE and WAY AHEAD OF HIS TIME...read Ben Franklin's autobiography.


That dude...holy crap that dude was smarter than ANY of us today, and he was liberal yet conservative (all of those dudes were back then...which is why they rebelled against England and we have such liberal Bill of Rights yet a strictly worded constitution).


And he was a master inventor


but mostly you will read his words and just be amazed thinking that this guy could be any dude living TODAY...which is weird since that was like what...250 years ago?


anyway...thats my reader-rant for the day lol

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oops Spyvie...please re-post your post that you deleted


I read it and was going to un-delete it but I always friggin hit "physically delete" instead because I'm a bonehead. It was a good post and I would like to let everyone else read it and let me have a reply at it (if you like my long-winded bs that is lol)

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Who would win in a fight


Chuck Norris








obviously with both in their prime



obviously Chuck Norris




come on man...the dude could INVENT his way out of a situation where he was trapped and tied up in a laser-prison with only 1cm of movement allowed on either side before he hit a laser beam and it blew up with 500000 pounds of TNT so even the slight expansion of his chest during regular breathing would break that 1cm barrier meaning he was certain to die...






an unavoidable fight with the master Chuck Norris????






you need to re-read that Top 30 Facts About Chuck Norris thread lol

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It wasn't that good, my communication skills suck. But here it is again:


What one believes to be the truth is often really a matter of perspective.


The truth is usually somewhere in the middle


Tolerance is a virtue,


Understanding is an amazing gift.


A change of surroundings can often be a quantum leap in one's thinking.


Forgive me, that wasn’t a question was it.



Ok, let me aks ya this…


Zoroaster says Dogs are good, Cats are evil, and I’m starting to agree with him.


What do you think Mr. G?

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You don't just wake up one day and say "holy crap I am gay!" and then go dress up in drag and go to Rocky Horror Picture Show 3 times a week.
He He... I remember going to The Rocky Horror Show dressed in a girl's school uniform back in the early 80's (along with about 5 other guys similarly dressed - nothing suss). Got some funny looks when I visited the urinal though :shake: and a proposal that I wouldn't wish to repeat here.



Now for my question... What's your view on positive discrimination and political correctness?

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I have never been one to really care what other people do, so long as it doesn't affect my family or friends.


As far as sexuality and religion goes. Same deal... Who cares.... I do love the bisexual women though.

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Guest caffeinejunkie


obviously Chuck Norris




come on man...the dude could INVENT his way out of a situation where he was trapped and tied up in a laser-prison with only 1cm of movement allowed on either side before he hit a laser beam and it blew up with 500000 pounds of TNT so even the slight expansion of his chest during regular breathing would break that 1cm barrier meaning he was certain to die...






an unavoidable fight with the master Chuck Norris????






you need to re-read that Top 30 Facts About Chuck Norris thread lol



very true if it was just a head on fight it would be Chuck all the way


but lets say macgyver and chuck were both dropped of an an uncharted island where they were to fight to the death


I could see macgyver winning with a plethra of traps


anyways that would be an interesting fight that could easily cause the end of the world :nod:

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