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Guest Timmay

When you add white to red you call it "Pink", But when you add white to blue it becomes "Light Blue" WTF is up with that :P

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Holy flipside batman!!!


Quick!!! Have Momma check to see if there is evidence of alien infiltration.


Do the cats still recognize you


Call the exorcist.


What's the name of the medication you're taking :shake:

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I want a big fuzzy hug man... I am a nurse after all. :nod: I give lots of big fuzzy hugs even though I'm NOT gay... lol. I love women, even 2-3 at a time. heh. Ok, so another guy might be present, but with 2-3 women there is more than enough to go around, oh wait, probably TMI... lol! Ok, I have a question(s) for you happy and momma :shake:


What is your opinion...

on sexuality? on the human tendency toward jealousy and polygamy? on more than 2 people at a time participating in sexual acts (not for porno purposes either)?

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What is your opinion...

on sexuality? on the human tendency toward jealousy and polygamy? on more than 2 people at a time participating in sexual acts (not for porno purposes either)?



good questions


not sure I can answer them in this forum though...they (well, a couple of them) tend to fall outside of what is really acceptable here





1. sexuality:



you are who you are man...if you are a man and you like women, you were born that way.


If you are a man and you like men, you were born that way.


SOME swing to the same . because of abuse by sick bastards as children...but every single gay man and woman I have EVER met were born that way.


one of momma's cousins...they all knew he was gay by the time he was like 4 or 5 years old...someone in my family...he married twice and had 2 kids but he KNEW his whole life he was down with guys and he tried to swing the 'right' (as per Christians who view it as one of the reasons the apocalypse is nigh) way, but it always ended in disaster since he was always attracted to men.


This is just how it is.


I don't care how many religious fools say it is an abomination of God...if God created man, then God made some of them gay.




You don't just wake up one day and say "holy crap I am gay!" and then go dress up in drag and go to Rocky Horror Picture Show 3 times a week.


Religious nuts have no clue as far as I am concerned...or worse....they KNOW God created homosexuality (in nature, not just humans), and can't stand it. It frightens them somehow.


Like two gay guys living down the road are all the sudden going to make your two children gay.


Seriously...parents with narrow minds like that are what drives your children to be gay lol


Well ok, like I said...you are born that way. There's just no proof of anything but that (and the proof is the 99.9999999999999% of gays that will be perfectly honest and tell you that they were born that way....the other .00000000001% that denies this is STILL in denial, or has been brainwashed by the church to truly believe in nonsense like 'gay by choice, not by birth' and other nonsense like Intelligent Design and Evolution can't co-exist...or other dumbass things that are even worse like telling priests they MUST be celibate and then stick them in situations where they have to hang out with lots of young boys all the time....)



There's just no science and there's no proof...and a religious fruitcake on tv screaming "GOD MADE ADAM AND EVE, NOT ADAM & STEVE!!!!" is not proof....


Though as I was telling momma two nights ago, that particular statement is the one that I most thoroughly enjoy, the one I get the most 'chuckle' out of lol...it just kills me in the funniest way when I see that on tv or wherever...god made adam and eve, not adam and steve hahahahaha...I mean...tears actually come to my eyes sometimes when I hear it or just randomly think it to myself hahaha...like right now.


Seriously rednecks...that is a funny funny saying...but it is just so stupid. God made Adam, Eve, Steve, and Steve's friend Billy who also brought Tina along in case there wasn't enough booze.


Gay is fine with me.


I'm not scared of it or them.


I'm perfectly fine with women, and I never experimented with men, but I never had that urge either other than the usual crazy thoughts you have when you are growing up and going through puberty (i mean, how many wild crazy thoughts did you have going through puberty...from killing your parents to living on the moon and eating it because it was made of cheese, served by playboy bunny hookers that didn't cost a dime...).



As for others screaming about how it is an abomination...here's something for you


you say God made the earth and the heavens and such right


and God and Jesus himself said 'be tolerant because not everyone is just like you'


yes yes, the bible says blah blah blah...but the bible is so contradictory that it isn't even funny...they killed thieves and adulterers...no wait, turn the other cheek...kill the other army across the desert...no wait, let's make peace with them.


Don't eat this...no wait eat that, it is sacred...no it isn't, don't eat it...oh wait...it IS so go ahead.


The bible says a lot of things. A lot of good things like love your mother and brother and don't be loving on your best buddy's wife cuz he will kick your butt if he finds out and more than that it is just wrong because being buddies is based on trust and friendship and your buddy can't be trusting someone who shags his wife.


And a lot of really stupid things like "don't eat shellfish"


I mean...dude....were these people the worst cooks ever? Lobster and crab is SOOOOOOOO good.


and other things like "eye for an eye" (ok maybe that was some other non-bible dude, but i thought it was Mohammed, who was a maja-playah in the bible...)


And you know...in the old testament god turned sinners into pillars of salt for being gay, but yet it was ok to give your daughters over to strangers so the strangers could have their way with your daughters.



I mean...come on...a book tells you something is true when the book is mostly (all) hearsay in the first place?


I should write a book and say it is ok to give guys named Travis all your money, in fact....it is REQUIRED or you will end up in Hell where john tesh lives and you are forced to listen to him synth-duel with Yanni the pipe flute guy for eternity.



But back to the point...Jesus said love everyone, be a little more tolerant, will ya?


And religious nuts who scream the adam & steve bit...they are about the least tolerant of anyone ya know


look at DaVinci Code...the book...is a FICTIONAL STORY, and the movie is based on it...but the church don't want you to see it because you might think badly about the church?


I mean...is this the same reasoning that says "hey, don't watch violent movies because you will go get a gun and shoot people too"?


*I can defend this slightly though...as children, we watched kung-fu movies and Star Wars and IMMEDIATELY went outside and busted out plenty of teeth kung-fu'ing and 'lightsaber' fighting with sticks or metal pipes*






and the second-best one of all time


"The Gay Agenda"







so this is why that one is so funny




there's plenty of people who sit around and fantasize that there is this secret cabal of Jews that control the media, the banks, the world basically right


these people are nuttier than hell, and we all know this (if you have properly upgraded your tinfoil hat over the years so us Jews cannot penetrate your gentile minds anyway)



but when religious nutcases come on and talk about this conspiracy called "the gay agenda", i wonder why they get airtime and people take them seriously.


Come on man...it's so much easier to believe that Jews REALLY DO control everything since Jews are the best movie dudes, money dudes, political dudes (except no one will actually elect one of us jews...but the political campaign and political money guys...they are all jews...so its always a gentile that gets elected and that gentile is really just a puppet for his jewish master right?).



lol...i mean, how far-fetched is it to believe something that is at least based on a little truth (it IS true that hollywood jews and bank jews are pretty prevalent...as are lawyer jews and doctor jews and political jews...)



but this "gay agenda" doesn't even have a bit of truth to it...other than MAYBE the gays are all finally pissed off that religious nuts still want to brutally beat them down, and just want the rest of us to realize "hey, we are queer, and we are HERE".


I mean, this is the point I myself get from all the gay parades and gay things I see....it is no different than black athletes and rappers etc buying big gold gawdy chains and Escalades etc to let everyone know they are black and famous.


No different than big nose jews owning everything and proudly talking in that nasal-jew voice to let you know "IM A BIG JEW"



PS: for those of you that haven't figured it out yet...I am quite jewish by genetics/family history so I can make fun of me/us as much as I want and there's not much you can do about it other than complain to non-jews that I am bashing my own jew...people/race? Heck, I am not even religious at all so I am like a jew that really isn't a jew...like that molester uncle that every family has but no one will own-up to the fact they they are related to the guy....that's how jews feel about me haha



Back to the "gay agenda"


see...gays are like blacks and even mexicans/latinos...blacks finally got pissed and wanted some fair treatment, and so they marched and let everyone in America know "hey, we are black, and we are not gonna take it anymore"


Mexicans did the same in CA back in the 1950's right? They said "no more of this crap! We're not gonna take it anymore!"


same with Twisted Sister in the 1980's. I mean, the dude's dad wasn't gonna let them rock...and they all said "We're Not Gonna Take It!!!"


so why is it different for gays?


don't you still treat gays like they are from another planet?


someone must, because momma and I treat them like PEOPLE yet everyone else seems to crap all over them or want to beat them up or make fun of them (yet you %^$@#@#$'ers will call them in a heartbeat to decorate your house or do your hair lol).


What else would their agenda be???


Is it so wrong for their agenda to be "hey, treat us fairly!"


and if the church and religious people are supposed to follow Jesus's teachings and such...why are they so hateful? Where in the bible did Jesus himself say "oh hell no, that dude is so gay and my dad says if I hang with him, I will totally not get a car at 16!".


I'm pretty sure Jesus said "love everyone even if they are jerks or are gay or even Yankees fans".



i could go on and on and on and on about intolerance but you sorta already know how I feel about it.


(however...intolerance for RULES that are...COMMON SENSE and NOT HARMFUL TO OTHERS...like "READ THE DAMN RULES" and "SPECS IN YOUR SIG" and "FILL IN YOUR LOCATION!!!" are not really intolerant...just those of us that enforce the rules are intolerant of those that cannot follow the rules...and our rules are not from some ancient book written by dudes who were either


A. afraid of their own shadow...I mean, they thought an eclipse was a monster eating the sun and they also though stupidly that the earth was teh center of the universe as well as the earth was...flat...




B. man...these people understood power...how to get it, how to hold it, how to keep it for generations...millenia even....and look....people 2000+ years later STILL believe in such nonsense as 'homosexuality was created by the devil to turn you away from God!'


yet I always hear these religious people talk about how the devil cannot create anything...he can only destroy...only God can create...so it must be true that God created homosexuality....OMG I am so gonna get hatemail for that one I bet *sigh*






point is...tolerance is golden to a certain point (I mean, don't be letting THudna always overclock your stuff and keep killing it...you gotta stop being tolerant after a certain point and kick him out of your house)


tolerance of something that is NOT HARMING YOU...what a concept eh?


oh, and just for the record...gays don't sexually abuse boys and girls...that's probably 99% family members and sociopaths...gays hate pedophiles as much as us straight people do....if you don't believe me...ask one...ask a hundred...ask every single gay person you meet...you'll get the same answer unless he/she is a sociopath, or he is that molester uncle we talked about that you don't claim as being from YOUR side of the family lol











ok, we'll change colors (something a little more gay, but still a color that says IM A MAN DAMMIT!) as we change topics slightly





this one has always intrigued me


I equate it with being offended


look at momma's sig to understand this a little, or ask ExRoadie


why are people jealous?


Insecurity can be the only answer that makes sense.


Has Happy (hahaha that still kills me!) ever experienced jealousy?


well...duh...fo' sho' foo!





I experience a twinge of envy and jealousy everytime CPU KILLER tells me that ATI sent him a crate of X1900XT's....everytime someone I play hockey with makes a move that is impossible for me to make because I am not good enough...anyone that can play the guitar better than I am jealous of.




but that really isn't what you wanted to hear about right?


More like "jealousy towards your woman" or something?


Ok well, yeah, of course.


But see, I learned at an early age that I was never gonna get all the hot women my good looking guy friends had. I learned that hot chicks wanted to be my friend cuz i could do things for them, as well as get them together with my good looking guy friends.


The first few times I DID get a hot chick, I couldn't stand her talking to some other dude...some other good looking dude that not only was better athlete than me, but also wasn't on welfare and dirt poor like my family and me. I wanted to punch both of them in the mouth a lot.


But i never did...but the point is that jealousy is very natural to anyone who is insecure.




But what about if you KNOW your chick is swapping spit with that guy????


ok well that isn't jealousy...that is suspicion (and then rage lol) which is totally different.


Jealousy is THINKING that your chick is talking to that guy cuz she finds him more attractive, funnier, wealthier, etc.



That my friends, is your insecurities saying evil things to you, and you are listening.




Like I said, I learned at an early age that jealousy only could be harmful. I watched many couples form and then break-up over such nonsense.


Sure a lot of guys and girls cheated on each other...so jealousy is something that has it's place, and it is rooted in reality...


and not everyone can be like me...who feels like if she is gonna cheat on ya, then that is just how it is meant to be, and she'll do it with the next guy if not this guy that you are maybe jealous of.


I mean, once you put something in your mind that says "this person I am with I like or love, but I am also thinking about shagging this other person", that's cheating.


NOTE: if you and your partner agree to both shag the other person...that's a different story, and will be covered MAYBE later but I doubt it as it is that thing that falls outside of the forum's tasteful opinionated coverage...and before you cry about my giant rant on religious nuts and gays....re-read it and realize I preach tolerance above all else, which is well within this forum's coverage.




So anyway...jealousy is one of those things you have to fight...it is definitely an inner-demon.


When I was married...I never got jealous, because I met her after I cured myself (mostly) of it.


Her problem with me was never that I was jealous...she screamed at me a couple times to show some jealousy because of the fact that I never ever never showed any, she thought I just didn't give a damn at all about anything, especially her.


Thats the bottom edge of that cycle you have to be careful of...the axe swings both ways so to speak...never being jealous even a little can be misread as being apathetic and uncaring/unfeeling.


I used to just tell her "well...how about you just go talk to some guy and I will get all pissed off and rush up and punch him right in the eye? Will that make you feel better?"


and of course, I would sleep on the couch for a couple of days because when a woman is screaming at you, NO ANSWER IS THE CORRECT ANSWER.


But I always told her "me being jealous only ends badly because it is something that eats and eats and eats away at you and pretty soon, all you can do is think about your woman being with some greasy goombah running your fingers through the hair on his back and then I REALLY GET PISSED AND DO BAD STUPID THINGS"


so...how about we not allow me to get jealous and break everything that is breakable within a baseball bat's range, and you just accept that I DO NOT GET JEALOUS EVER.


Which isn't really true...because I get it once in a while.


But I never let it control me, and I never let it influence any decision.



Have I ever been jealous while with momma?


not even in the least



and here's the brutally honest reason why, and it might hurt some of your feelings, but momma will be shaking her head in agreement when she reads this:



momma was always attractive...but she was a big big girl....ok, so she was fat. There, I said it. But I fell in love with her anyway, which is way beyond my capabilities (well, my KNOWN capabilities anyway at the time) because I just don't dig fatties.


But there's always been something about her and no matter how big she was, I knew she was the one...the one single soul mate that I thought many many other women were (c'mon...every damn woman you are with except that drunk whore at the kegger you always think THIS IS THE ONE!!).


I think she...couldnt' believe that I really loved her...because she was honest with herself and she knew she was overweight...and it just doesn't compute to women who are fat and know they are fat and are UNHAPPY they are fat that anything other than some weirdo fat-fetish guy could love them.


I mean, hey...I was a kid and a mean guy too you know...I made fun of the fatties in school because it disgusted me (and you need to remember that my mother was probably 500+ pounds when she got sick with cancer, and my sister has always weighed in at about 300+ pounds...and it was always the most embarrassing thing on earth to be seen away from school with my mom, and even worse when mom had to come to school with me for something....).


Carly was the fatty...and while she went to a small school....she ain't no dummy and she knows that all the mean dumb stupid ugly nasty comments her friends made about OTHER fatties...she knew they said the exact same things about her when she wasn't around, and if they were truly good friends and didn't do such a thing, then everyone else that WASN'T her friend did it because we just can't help ourselves sometimes, and a lot of us think its the funniest thing on earth to brow-beat a fatty.



But anyway...so she finally accepted that I DID love her (c'mon...it's been 4 years or more we been together now! lol). And she finally accepted that I wouldn't leave her just because she was big.


I knew this...and she knew it...and me knowing that she knew this, made me understand that as long as I treated her the same (always loving her for who she was, regardless of what she looked like), she would know that I loved her as deeply as a person could ever love someone else.


(man, if you guys could only see this giant post I made in teh Admin section about love/cheating...you'd be in tears by God)



knowing that she would always feel this way, I accepted the fact that her life would bring her into contact with MANY men that were better looking than me, less lazy than me, nicer than me, wealthier than me....men that have everything more than I have, men that do everything better than I have, men that make me want to puke because they will always be BETTER THAN ME...I know she will be surrounded by men all her life in her job, her social functions, etc...but I never will worry that she, on some whim, would go home with one of these slobs and shag him.


Never will I worry that she would even HARBOR A THOUGHT that she might want to drop tongues with Bill from the History Sciences department at Junior Dumbass High School....even if Bill from History Sciences drives as Porsche and has a johnson the size of a breeding horse.




and see....here's the real beauty of all this...


I'm worry free...


and if she WERE to do something heartbreaking like this to me...then that is just how things will play out. There's no sense in me being jealous NOW over something that will probably never happen, but maybe a MINUTE, MINISCULE chance it might in some crazy parallel universe way.




If she IS a cheater...then there's nothing I can do but enjoy the time we have already had, and the time we will continue to have until she did cheat on me and I found out about.



I mean, why worry about something you have no control over?


I suppose I have a LITTLE control over it...if i started beating her, or verbally abusing her, or mentally abusing her, or any number of things we all know NOT TO DO in a relationship...then yeah...she probably would run away with some other jerk...would YOU want to be a with a jerk that beats you or cheats on you or does any number of dumb, ugly things to you?








as long as I treat her like I have always treated her (like she's the only person I could ever have loved in all of eternity...like we were together in past lives and each new life we have to find each other again to be a whole unit instead of wandering jews...tho she isn't jewish lol), she will never stray from me unless she's just evil or retarded like most women tend to be at some point in their lives.


I never thought my ex-wife would cheat on me...but it happened. I never thought a few others would cheat on me either...but it happens. Dirty women...ugh...almost makes you want to be gay right?


Except gays have the same faults as straights...they are jealous, they are cheaters, they are abusers....they are no different than you or I except they like doing the dirties with the same-. lol.






so there's jealousy...any questions?



(ie: don't be jealous...it's destructive...and if your partner is going to cheat on you...there's not much you can do about it other than not worry about it until it happens...but it probably won't if you aren't some jealous jerk who is always screening her phone calls or snooping through her address book to see if love notes show up...except like I said...sometimes you JUST KNOW she's cheating on you and that isn't being jealous, that is being suspicious!)












who invented this dumbass idea???


did those mormon dudes REALLY THINK THIS THROUGH?


and didn't they learn from previous history and civs that allowed this???



have you all ever see the Pepsi commercial with Cedric the Entertainer, and he's fantasizing about being stranded on a desert island with a lifetime supply of Pepsi AND two hot women?



yeah...you got it...


that's reality buddy.



one starts bitching that you are some broke mo%@$#$@# and the other starts bitching about you not mowing the lawn then they get together and start really bitching as a team about all your shortcomings and comparing what a loser you are to each other right in front of you like you don't even exist...



I suppose mormons and others have it a little different though...as the MAN is the dominator...the MAN makes the decisions, and the woman is small and insignificant and must always obey.


And the problem is they are born into this type of thinking and rarely know any better...but some do and escape and find happiness...and then again, maybe some dig this whole multiple wife arrangement.


Like communism, it looks foolproof and perfect on paper


when you actually add real humans and emotions into it though...it's the absolute dumbest idea ever conceived.



But there's always some that have it that way and like it. Personally I have never watched Big Love on HBO, but I can probably imagine that it isn't glorifying polygamy at all...I bet it is more Bill Paxton wishing for instant death everytime one of his wives does some bad . to him. Or maybe it does glorify it, I dunno, never seen it. Never will because I am not interested in it.


If they added goombahs who talked in italian accents and said things like "WHY YOU ALWAYS BREEEEAAAAAKIN' MAH BALLS???" then I'd...oh...yeah, you are right...that already is a show haha.



Well there you go. Polygamy is dumb.



I have been in love before, before I met momma. I know what real love feels like...and i don't have a clue how such an emotion can be divvied up between two or more persons...love is one of those things you don't share (unlike herpes).


You can't share it...it is all-consuming.


If you don't believe me, ask yourself this if you have children/parents that you love (or ask someone who actually does love their children or parents lol):


if you had to kill one of them, and had no choice other than to kill one of them...ONE OF THEM MUST BE KILLED NO IFS, ANDS, OR BUTTS IT WAS UNAVOIDABLE IN ALL SCENARIOS...which one would you kill?





you can't choose


that's what real love is


it is indivisible


you can love two parents equally


you can love more than one child equally


but you just cannot love multiple spouses equally.


Love is one of those things that honestly makes me truly question if God does exist...because real true love is such a brutal, gratifying, scary, wonderful, hateful, satisfying thing...it is all things and everything and nothing and whatever all rolled into one.


Love is something that can never be truly expressed by any amount of words, pictures, music...nothing. It just is, and if you've felt it, you know it, and you know EXACTLY what i am talking about.


ps: love does hurt


a lot


more than a lot actually


but that is another subject



anyway...polygamy is dumb. But it might work for some people. My opinion is that it is dumb haha.





as for multiple sexual partners...that's something that really isn't necessary to discuss here. I suppose none of this other rant was either...but honestly...what you do with your partner(s) in your bedroom is your own thing right?


If you like to poop on each other and you are both (or all) down with that, hey, thats great, but I don't want to know (and STOP SENDING ME PICTURES OF IT...I SAID I DONT WANT TO KNOW!).


If you only dig missionary and only to make children, otherwise . is a dirty taboo, and both of you feel this way...more power too ya man (and wife) cuz like I said...what you do and both of you agree on is something that no one else can take from you...


sorta like when I tell people they can NEVER let anyone tell them their overclock is a pile of crap...if you are happy with 200Mhz nad that is all you want....then 200Mhz is the best damn overclock you ever got and you are supa-happy with it.




as for pornography...


I don't NEED it...and most of the time i don't WANT it


but you know...I'm human, and humans are worse than cats as we are very curious, and worse than that...we are DRIVEN by emotions over instinct.


There's guys I know that are addicted to porno and strip joints


there's guys I know that preach fire and brimstone at even a little bit of cleavage showing in the most tasteful business suit on a woman


it's one of those things that if you dig it...I suppose there's nothing wrong with it.


I mean, who is getting hurt by it?


the people who make the porno are making it because they like to in some way


sure some are exploited and some are addicted to drugs and some men/women who are addicted to porno end up ruining marriages/relationships over it etc



but sheesh...grow up a little will ya?


If you don't like starring in porno...get out...eating dog poo out of public parks and sleeping under decommissioned train cars is better than being in porno if you really don't like it


if you are ruining your marriage or relationship because of your addiction to porno...get a freakin life dude...and go get yourself some help for God's sake. Grow up as I just said.


Porno is like booze, dope, whatever...moderation is always the best course of action if you can't abstain.


some people just can't abstain nor can they moderate. (some of you overclockers know EXACTLY wtf I am talking about).


If you are so dumb to ruin your life, and ruin or hurt the lives of others...you should be beaten until you are dumber than you already are for letting it get this far. Whether it be drugs, porno, whatever.


STFU, stop whining, and get your act together.




mind over matter


I never thought I would quit smoking after 15 years


but one day I told myself "stop being such a sissy little classy lady and just STOP BEING A SISSY LITTLE...."


and blammo i traded a healthy habit (hockey) for a bad habit (porno...er i mean smoking haha).


it is all about your mind


if you cannot get off booze, if you cannot get off porno, if you cannot get off tobacco, you are weak minded.






but hey...if it makes you feel any better...all of us are weak minded in some aspects.


I am no God.


I am human like you...I have my faults and addictions...I just choose to rid myself of the really really bad ones (like drinking 15 years ago and smoking this January) and keep the little ones (pizza/milk/cheese...since I am lactose intolerant like all jews seem to be and yet I eat this stuff knowing it will make me sick and then I cry like a stupid little girl the whole time about how my stomach hurts etc....but you know...the day pizza and watery bowels is a worse problem than smoking crack in a den of hookers that was built on a toxic flood plain...well...then it will be time to stick with the toxic cracksmoking hookers and give up pizza right? hehe)








no one is perfect



especially not Godless Angry_Games who sometimes acts ultra-pious but comes across mainly as a babbling retard.



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Well Put Happy_Games (Don't know if I'll get used to that) I've been brought up in two houses a lutheran one and a catholic one and you are completely right, except I think its all interpretation and/or omission of text.


especially not Godless Angry_Games who sometimes acts ultra-pious but comes across mainly as a babbling retard.


BTW Did you sign that with your old name or is that just me?

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look at DaVinci Code...the book...is a FICTIONAL STORY, and the movie is based on it...but the church don't want you to see it because you might think badly about the church?


This has been driving me nuts for awhile now.


Your dead on, FICTION. It just baffles me that the Vatican would release a religious decree against this movie. When you go to buy the book, where is it located? Religious History? Nope. Theology? Nope. Its located in the fiction section.


I went to go see the movie opening night and the road leading up to the theater were lined with people protesting the movie. I just don't get people, because that makes no sense to me. In what right mind can someone think that standing outside with signs and crosses yelling at me about how im a heretic and going to hell possibly think that their actions will make me turn around and not see the movie?


Good thing I am who I am. I just happened to have a dictionary with the definition of "fiction" marked. That led to one very heated discussion between me and one protester ;) .

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They did the same thing for Dogma too, it's scary how unimaginative some (a lot?) of people are.


To be fair, I put the Da Vinci Code on my no watch - no read list (right there with Titanic) for other reasons. (ahem sorry if this offends some of you...) But I CAN'T stand it when everybody I know is all about how great the book is and why haven't you read this yet Dan, you HAVE to read the Da Vinci Code! I'll tell you why, it because its the ONLY damn book you've read in your life, and you're telling ME, a guy who owns 300+ books, what I absolutely HAVE to read.



That and I really goddamn hate the people that thought it was real....I apparently need new friends.



Stupid reason yeah (I know) but its a good topic for conversation.



But anyways. Travis, the world would be a better place with more free 9logical?) thinkers like you. People are get so fed up with stupid things and blow them out of proportion (obviously I did for the whole Da Vinci Code thing, but meh)- and by this I'm mainly targeting religion. But thei ONE statement here is what must scare every damn person who is religious. It can be applied to anything, murderers, rapists, homosexuals, crossdressers, pedophiles, etc.


I don't care how many religious fools say it is an abomination of God...if God created man, then God made some of them____


Of course some friends of mine are deeply religious. Whatever, i suppose, sometimes I really wish I had that kind of blind faith...but then again I'd rather think for myself (sometimes). Sometimes i try arguing with them, using logical statements like that above, but it always comes down to either making them almost cry (the girls) or just getting really pissed off at each other (the guys).


Someday, hopefully something will come along and teach people to THINK.


Perhaps that'd be a bad thing though.


I dunno...anyways.


So how long did it take you to write all that anyways Happy?

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Guest caffeinejunkie

Who would win in a fight


Chuck Norris








obviously with both in their prime

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