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Ever Heard of CACJE 0546?


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So i recieved my new Opteron 148 after having RMA'ed the original that came with bent pins. Original had a CAB2E stepping(not bad but not that great of overclock)..well as my luck would have it i recieved a CACJE 0546 stepping Opty and have not heard or read any reviews of it's overclocking abilities. I was wondering if anybody has come across this stepping before and have any input and suggestions regarding OC'ing of this core.

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i got an opteron 148 CACJE 0546APAW for my new workstation, and i had no problems immediately running it at 2.75ghz 1.45v (250 * 11). i didn't actually try 1.4v, didn't feel like trial and erroring. it's prime stable for 13 hours (i stopped it), so it probably has a bit more juice left. i really require stability for this workstation though, so i don't really need to try for higher.

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That is the same processor I also have and I have had great luck with it! Just like you, when I first got it I had no idea about the stepping, had never heard of it. I have been testing, tweaking, testing, etc.. since I got it about two weeks ago. I went up to 2.97Ghz @ 1.45v (3-4-4-8 on RAM @ 270 on 2.75v) and it was stable there. I primed for 26hours with on errors, and superPI ran with no problems at that clock either but those are the only two main test's I have done at the clock speed besides lots of gaming. I tried lowering voltage to 1.425v but after 22 hours I got error on prime95 so I upped the voltage again and things stabled out. Because my RAM did throw a couple errors after 16 hours of Memtest I lowered HT speed to 255 @ 2.5-3-3-7 on 2.65v, at that RAM speed Memtest becomes stable (Ran it for 24+ hours with no problems, I only stopped it there because it is my only rig and I wanted to do some gaming. Long story short from what I have read and heard from other friends with same stepping this is a very good overclocker.

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I wonder why your having problems with your CACJE blinky, I havn't talked with anyone yet with those steppings that havn't easily got to 2.7Ghz on stock voltage and stock heatsink?


Well I got out of work early today so I could start my new built, finally got my DFI nf4 UT Lan Party Expert yesterday. I did alot of research on what I need to do and also checked out the stock speed database to get some idea of what BIOS settings to use (Just to get things up and running stable at stock speeds), wish me luck!

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I also have the 148 CACJE 0546BPMW and I am not able to get the same overclocks most here are getting with low volts. My max stable so far is 2936 @ 1.65v. I'm at a total loss as to why mine won't ramp up without adding all the extra volts. Temps are still fine though - 25c idle and 38c load (vapochill micro extreme).

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