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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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just an FYI ----


the latest stepping CACJE 0604 Opteron 146 ----- i got it upto 3.0Ghz no probs on 1.475v, 1.5v for prime stability i reckon but didnt have time to check it. runs cool too, only 41c under load.(Si-120)

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Ok, after 3 weeks tweaking, here's my Opty 146 and 2Gb Gskill PC4000 HZ's....


Interestingly, couldn't do this at 290x10.. failed Prime in minutes. 323x9 - no prob.... Go figure :rolleyes:


Prime stable. Not had time to run Memtest.



I'm sure I can get more... just need time (and help!) to achieve it... :)

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I just bought my Opteron last week from Newegg and the stepping is CAB2E 0602 I also just got a sli-dr last week to replace my Asus a8n-sli deluxe..... i couldnt run my ddr500 at T1 only T2 so changed mobo and could hit 272 @T1 but in order to get 2700 300x9 it took 1.65vcore, this is .1 higher than it did on my a8n :( still learning so im sure i will get it to run @ lower vcore but 310x9 is my max to run SuperPI 1M 300x9 Prime stable for 12 hours.....

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Got it all put together and running. Been playing around @2900 to 2970 but I had left the CPU throttle @ 50%, so I turned it off. That's what I get by playing around with the bios. I think there is a sweet spot somewhere in there. But for now, my first 12 hour+ Prime95 stable OC 2700 @ 200 1/01. Here's the screenshot.




GO HEELS! Run Heels, run. See the Heels run? Run over Duke? Run Carolina run. Wake is kinda scary right now, could pull it out, Yes you heard it first here, Wake Forest is my sleeper pick to win the ACC tounament. But I hope not.


Ain't life grand? Later folks.

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Hmm, these CACJE 0603FPMW's are popping up like wildfire now.


I was having temp problems with mine (maybe 52degrees isn't so much of a problem as it is an annoyance) so I popped the top off, cleaned the paste up, applied AS5 and glued it back on. I'd say it was worth it so far.









I think I'm going to have to switch my jumpers back to 16X even though the chipset is so much cooler. That VCore ripple is kinda annoying...

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I can't believe what a difference replacing the stock thermal paste with AS5 under your IHS made, that is awesome! Well am I reading that data right, before you removed IHS your temps during OCCT were around 52C? And then after removing IHS and replacing stock thermal paste with AS5 your temps went down to around 38-39C? That is just awesome, I really thought the most anyone would get by doing that woudl be about 2-5C at the most! Good job and good decision.

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So day 4 with DFI board and I now have my Opteron 144 running at 2900 323*9 @1.65v in bios 1.50*1.10%..... This is much better, I may be getting better results now b/c it has been running for a couple of days, also i noticed that my opty likes 1:1 and 166 divider better than the 150mhz.... dont know why but since my OCZ UCCC 2gb ram like to be run up to 270 the 264 doesnt bother it. Soo much more happy with these results. Also got it to hit 3000 mhz for the first time but it took close to 1.7v to allow it to be prime stable for 10 mins.... didnt want to run it any longer

So for now 2907 is where my Opty is at oh, cooling is SI-92 w/ cheap 92mm fan on it, better fan on the way :D

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OK, I've got questions.


What is stable? Is the OCCT 30 minute test stable enough to play games? Nothing important if it craps out. I assume prime95 stable for 4 hours or 2 hours before an error is not stable enough for seti, but is it stable enough if I don't really care about a hickup now and then. Is super pi any good st all? I can get super pi to run everything and then OCCT craps out as soon as the processor get pushed. If not worried about prime95 stable I think I can get this chip to run well over 3g. But until I go phase change or something, prime95 at 2900 is not happening unless I become more comfortable at the cpu bumping 49C. Or I learn more about memory timings, what in the double hades are those 'extra' memory settings? I see what there called and even read about some of them, but what are they? If I go up with them will that loosen my timings like the conventional timings? And will that allow me to run at a lower cpu voltage?


OK, Ok, I know that these questions proberly have answers only I can answer by tweaking, but is there a path to lead me down. Especially about the memory timings.

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I can't believe what a difference replacing the stock thermal paste with AS5 under your IHS made, that is awesome! Well am I reading that data right, before you removed IHS your temps during OCCT were around 52C? And then after removing IHS and replacing stock thermal paste with AS5 your temps went down to around 38-39C? That is just awesome, I really thought the most anyone would get by doing that woudl be about 2-5C at the most! Good job and good decision.


Not only did the temps drop, but the volts needed to run the test at 3.0GHz also dropped (this baffles me btw) which also helped temps.


What is stable? Is the OCCT 30 minute test stable enough to play games? Nothing important if it craps out. I assume prime95 stable for 4 hours or 2 hours before an error is not stable enough for seti, but is it stable enough if I don't really care about a hickup now and then. Is super pi any good st all? I can get super pi to run everything and then OCCT craps out as soon as the processor get pushed.


Stable to me is all of the above and more.


- 24hours prime/sp2004

- OCCT 30min test

- SuperPI mod 1.4 32M test

- 3DMark01, 03, 05, 06

- PCMark04, 05


All these have to pass at the same settings. Look at it this way... If you run system at stock settings, all of these things *should* pass unless something is defective. When you OC, and one of these things fails it's not stable anymore... is it?

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Here's yesyterday's work.

Couldn't hit 2900, Temps got too high for my taste. But the opty handled 2850 fine. I've just started and already thinking about a new cooling method fro the cpu. Air is never going to realize the full potential of this chip. Well, here's 2850




I took the screenshot just as I turned off Prime95, so you can see the MBM5 data, which is typical of the prime95 run.

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Hello Everyone. I just finished readin' this entire thread. That's some read, but well worth it. For many many reasons.

First I found where some of my nf2 friends went.

SoundX and Loggan26 babysitted me through the waitin' on my "toaster".(Thanks guys.)

and "Sparky's" here too." Yay "Sparky" Go Sparky Go! Sparky's got a prommie Yay" (DFI cheerleadin' Done!LOL) Back to topic before I get bouced.


Just ordered and opteron 148 from newegg should be here monday. Since everyone here is having pretty good luck on recent purchases there.(No cabbages anyway! LOL) Look's like maybe I'll get a CACJE or maybe a CAB2E. But won't know til it's here. If she clock's ok I'm happy. All the newegg reviews seem to also point @CACJE nobody's complainin".

I learned that when OCin' utt-bh5 or utt-ch5 or any high voltage memory off the 4v switch . To pump more volts to the (weither she seems to need it or not) cpu else the onchip controller could go pffft..... As I have some utt-bh5 so that's really important. I also have three sticks of ocz pc4800 2.5-4-4-8 That'll I'll also try(Of course)

I'm just gonna' be on stock cooling til I can get some water block's and build a pretty good W/C.(It's gonna' be ugly too!) So I'm not likely to do much overclockin'.(Hummm...heh!)LOL

I did promise my mom that I wouldn't overclock until I had windows and the drivers installed at least.LOL First I'll start w/ the utt-bh5 see I can qualify those sticks one atta' time. (They hate nf2!And I believe I have a bad dc controller) OCZ el ddr pc3500 gold gx. It would be nice to finally know if those sticks are really good or not.


I also learned that the oppies won't work on some dividers. Is that a bios issue or is that in the memory controller? Can we fix it? Is it fixed?.(Doesn't really matter the dividers I want to use seem to work.)


Dang I can't wait! LOL Processor gets here monday. Graphics card here wensday. Waitin' waitin' waitin'. LOL I'm sorry folks.


Ix thanks for the great thread, and everyone for the great info. "Clay"

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