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nF4 Memory Advice (updated 14/11/06)


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I need some help first off I can only afford to get 1GB of ram when I order my system but I will be upgrading it to 2GB of RAM a couple mouths after the main order. I’m trying to decide between getting 1x1GB now and another later or 2x512MB now and another later. I need to know if there are any other down sides to using 4x512MB besides running it in 2T (which has no real world effects).

Thanks for the help.


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Hello. Thank you for well written memory tutorial. I did read it through but there are couple of questions still left.


I already have TwinMOS PC3200 1GB Dual-Channel Kit (2 x 512MB, double sided, Winbond CH-5 chips) and if possible would like to use it in my next system built on Lanparty nF4 Ultra-D (the rest of planned hardware choices can be found in sig). I noticed that only BH-5 memory is listed in "Nf4 Verified Memory Support List" (that Angry-Games critical info thread). I guess those are only the few tested recommendations and so CH-5 might work as well as first post in this thread suggests. Or are there any known issues with this particular TwinMOS memory and Lanparty nF4 Ultra-D mainboard?


Bought that 1GB kit in summer 2004 for my Barton 3000+ (200FSB version) if this information matters. I guess they did not manufacture UTT (that stands for untested, right?) back then and so the quality could be generally pretty good.


Mainly I will run my system on defaul clock speed or do some minor overclocking. After reading this Memory tutorial I know that CH-5 isn't best for that purpose, but don't have extra money right now to buy another better 1GB kit. For now I would be happy even for stable 200MHz 2.5-3-3-8 @ 2.6V memory confiquration. Is that doable?


Thank you in advance and sorry for any and all grammar mistakes in my text. English unfortunately isn't my first or even second language.

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After a few weeks of waiting for the OCZ 2GB Platinum EB's to be in stock, I gave up. Anyone know if the 2GB Redline series from Mushkin are good for DFI? How does it fair against the 2GB OCZ EBs?




This ram seems to have the same timings and speed as the platinum EB's at stock settings. Does it overclock just as well?


I plan to overclock my system to 260-280.

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How can you tell what chips are on what memory modules?


Cause the heat spreader is on the chips, how are we certain a perticular module has the "supposed" chips?


There was a lot of speculation about this on several forums and the conclusion was that both are Infineon CE-6 (as is the G.Skill ZX, but lower binned).

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