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Tmod and loggan26's Bios Flash CD & Utility CDs NF/4/3/2+ATI

Guest Tmod_merged

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Would just like to thank tmod for putting together this tool, cause once i get it to work i'm sure it will be great :D


For now i'm having some technical difficulties that i hope someone in here will be able to help me with. So i extract the iso, i burn it with nero and then everything is fine and dandy, when i reboot and try to boot off the cd it boots only to a messed up first screen (the main screen where you choose what mobo you have and whatnot) at that screen i can't move the selection bar, and the colours are all messed up.


I have tried burning the iso with magiciso, and cdburnerxp as well, however i get the same problem. This is my first time trying to change my bios as i only recently put together this new rig, mind you this isnt the first problem i run into.


Anyways if anyone has any idea as to what might be causing this to happen that would be great, i really want to get my rig stable and everything so yah,




EDIT: :S just noticed how hard on the eyes the lime green in my sig is :D i'll change that right away

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Anyways if anyone has any idea as to what might be causing this to happen that would be great, i really want to get my rig stable and everything so yah,

Are you running a USB keyboard by chance?


Try a PS/2 keyboard and see if that changes anything.



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Guest Retratserif

Could I expect a possible increase in performance or an OC in one of your Expert Mobo Bios?


I believe my limit is because of the Chip its self, but if you think that one of your Bios may work better I will give it a go. I am about to re-install everything on my PC.

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Hey Retratserif,

I just barely got my SLI-D, before that I had an Expert and tried many different BIOS versions from TMODS CD. I actually had the best results using the same BIOS version as you except I used the modded version (still the same BIOS, just has more relaxed timings to help out with booting). Here's the linky to my recent Overclocking Database entry which might help with some settings to start out with on that BIOS if you try it out.





Does anyone know what date comes up when using E704-2BTA from TMODS CD?

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Hey T-mod. Is there a Way I can add a bios to the image, and how would I go about doing this.

The quick answer would be no you can't, But I will explain what you could do.


If you really have to add or change some bios's on the CD just name the bios file the same as one that already exists in the ISO and then reburn it.


You will have to remember the motherboard menu and number you used for your updated bios file.


My CD doesn't have the ability to just add bios files or different programs without recompiling the ISO.


Sorry about that!



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Has there been any updates to the 704-2bta in the last 6months? Or are they still the same?

Not that I know of.


I guess I could place some new SATA bios's in it but that would be the extent of the updates.



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