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About road-runner

  • Birthday 01/18/1961

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  1. does anyone see pictures in my post I had to change permissions
  2. Decided to look in, havent in a long time... As mentioned no need to overclock anything any more computers are plenty powerful, just getting older got into classic cars and going to car shows is about all I do any more...
  3. I have a weather program software app what ever you want to call it its weatherlink for my weather station, how do I install it to run as service in the background seems like older windows had that option
  4. I use PC with blue iris software, the new colorvu hikvision poe cams are great they see well at night
  5. Nice point boost on newer cards, it doubled on 1080TI
  6. Welcome to the world of wireless, it sucks always has always will
  7. my 1080FE does Project ID: 16918 Core: OPENMM_22 Credit: 29000 Frames: 100 Min. Time / Frame : 00:02:33 - 891,684.1 PPD Avg. Time / Frame : 00:02:37 - 857,824.9 PPD
  8. Wonder why that is, oh well everyone will know soon enough I guess. What name you use over there I will post that you cant post lol
  9. I few questions if you do not mind on the folding forum I posted it over there https://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=36117&p=342975#p342975
  10. you got to complete 10 WUs for the passkey/bonus points to kick in
  11. Yes can you try folding at home for points per day, stanford at the folding forum says the client is ready
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