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Everything posted by wevsspot

  1. Well..... I changed the font color on the OP's post and now it's readable. However, since the post was questionable to begin with, and he/she included a link to an external site, I just gave swift kick to the OP.
  2. Are you referring to DFI Street (later renamed DIY Street after Angry's falling out with the LanParty team)?
  3. wevsspot


    That is a great buy on a more than capable pair of cards when teamed up in SLi.
  4. Not that it matters much....... but I was able to roll back to my original Windows 7 Pro and activate months after having installed the Windows 10 Pro free upgrade. The Creators Edition update totally screwed up my older laptop. The original W10 release and the Anniversary Edition update was working flawlessly up until that point.
  5. I for one am thrilled that AMD is seriously back in the game. Whom with a fond heart can't remember the glory days of AMD desktop processors like the XP 2600 Thoroughbred A/B. Takes me back to the days of NF4 chipsets affixed to DFI LanParty motherboards. I know that the particular article concerns Server class processors, but by all accounts the Ryzen looks pretty solid as well and eventually this technology has to bleed down to the consumer level right.................
  6. I can get onboard with that. Not necessarily because drive capacities have increased and pricing remains competitive. More so because in RAID 6 you can have a disk failure, more un-correctable read errors, and still rebuild the array and recover your data. But really, for the average home, small business user, I still believe that stand alone single drives stored in multiple locations offers the best most economical solutions. When you get into enterprise it's an entirely different scenario then. At our business some of our Master Service Agreements require that we archive all relevant quality, process and financial data for seven years after contract expiration. We still use tape backups in addition to our onsite / offsite data retention and storage solutions.
  7. The only RAID configuration I'd even begin to consider for backup purposes would be RAID 5 and that would require at least 3 physical disks. Personally I stick with 2 independent disks that I make backups on. One independent disk is locally housed in an enclosure, the other I keep offsite at my office (this in addition to the backup disk that is physically installed in my tower).
  8. Microsoft had one chance to get Edge right when they released Windows 10. Instead Edge was quirky, unreliable, wouldn't play some streaming online video sources correctly and the list went on and on. Then there were the security and privacy issues that compounded the conspiracy theorists (imagined, real or otherwise) about how much information MS was collecting about you while you were using the OS, much less the browser. Some folks (like me for example) even gave Edge the benefit of the doubt and came back literally months later only to find that nothing had really changed or improved in the meantime. It's awfully hard to improve market share or market penetration when your product is so much worse than what is already available from your competition.
  9. On many motherboards with LED status readouts, the AO simply means that the BIOS has handed over control to the OS (boot drive). This happens after all of the devices and hardware have been detected and initialized. I always though of it as "A-OK". I can't explain why you get different the two different random AO or 04 codes, but if the system is functioning properly I wouldn't worry about it. Remember, there are literally billions of motherboards out there that don't have onboard diagnostic LEDs And the ones that are still in service seem to work ok.
  10. That is pretty impressive..................
  11. Anything is possible. Main point was that an update roll out shouldn't have to booger your hardware or original install. Windows 7 is up and running on the laptop (again) without issue. Hopefully the Creator's Update won't screw up any of my other rigs
  12. Just a word of caution. This weekend I figured it was time to recharge my personal laptop and let Windows 10 grab all the updates from the last several months. It's probably been at least 3 months since I've had this particular laptop booted up. Back when Win10 was still a free upgrade I installed Win10 Pro on my HTPC, Gaming Rig, wife's newer Asus laptop and this MSI laptop. Things were going splendidly on all of those rigs until the Anniversary Update on my MSI laptop over the weekend. Windows did the update and afterwords it started taking my laptop 8-10 minutes to boot up. I reinstalled all of my hardware drivers, did a rollback etc. but all attempts left my laptop in this constant startup delay. Long story short, I got pissed off, formatted the hard drive and reinstalled Windows 7 Pro (using my original key by the way). Had to contact MS Activation Server but that went without a hitch.
  13. Yep, I've got the same visual representation in my Windows Sound Speaker configuration . And regardless of whether I choose Stereo or 5.1 I get the familiar "ding" when testing the speakers that are available and present (i.e. stereo = left / right, 5.1 = LF/RF/LR/RR/Center/Sub). My main thing is that when I use the 5.1 channel option anything played through a browser only comes through in Stereo and I can't use any of the advanced audio processing on my AV/R because the input is always detected as PCM. If I choose "Stereo" in the Windows Sound speaker configuration my AV/R detects all inputs regardless of source as Dolby Digital II and allows me to choose what if any audio processing I'd like to use. In that case I do get 5.1 channels of sound through all speakers in my setup. I guess if I'm thinking about it further......... If I choose the Stereo speaker option, is Windows 10 passing through additional compressed channels via HDMI, or is my receiver "faking" it when it's sending audio signals to all of my speakers? This discussion is primarily for TV watching; i.e. Netflix, Amazon, YouTube and my Movie library. I use PowerDVD for Bluray and DVD and it will passthrough Dolby, Dolby II, DTS etc. regardless of my Windows sound panel configuration.
  14. Here is my setup; HTPC AMD HD5770 HDMI Out to; Pioneer VSX-518-K AV/R Pioneer VSX518 Out to 5.1 speaker configuration Windows 10 Pro My Pioneer has auto input detection and here are my various scenarios; 1. Windows 10 configure speaker setup as "stereo" Windows 10 outputs two channel stereo via HDMI to my AV/R. AV/R shows Dolby Digital input and outputs sound to all 5.1 channels regardless of source i.e. Netflix (via browser), Amazon video (via browser) or any other streaming type website. It also does the same if I'm playing back movies from my movie library. But my gut feel is that the surround is simulated and not true since the source is only two channel. Anyone know if that is a correct assumption? 2. Windows 10 configure speaker setup as "5.1" Windows 10 outputs 2.0 or 5.1 audio via HDMI to my AV/R dependent on the original source material. If the source is 2.0 then the playback is 2.0. If the source is 5.1 then the playback is 5.1. The strange thing in this configuration my AV/R detects input as PCM regardless of the source. If I use the Windows 10 Netflix app, I get 5.1 channel playback if the source material has 5.1 or higher audio tracks. If I use a browser for playback I only get stereo - my guess is that Netflix via browser doesn't support HTML 5 or Silverlight. All Amazon video only plays back in two channel if I've got the speakers configured as 5.1. That is probably an Amazon video thing and might not have anything to do with the OS or hardware. 3. When playing bluray I use PowerDVD and have it configured to passthrough audio directly to the AV/R. This results in my Pioneer AV/R detecting DTS or Dolby Digital depending on the source and passing the audio onto my speakers without interference. Playback sounds perfect. So for all you running HTPCs and Windows 10, how is your speaker setup configured in Windows 10? Are you set to 2.0 Stereo or 5.1? Does any of your gear exhibit the same behavior as mine or am I on a boat all alone? IYHO what is the correct speaker setup configuration in Windows 10 when using an AV/R to decode and transmit the audio to your multi-channel speaker setup?
  15. If I remember correctly I spent $49.99 for PowerDVD Ultra. I'm on their mailing list with my public junk email address and they are constantly sending out sales flyers. If you don't mind not having the "latest and greatest version" you can pick up a prior revision here; https://www.amazon.com/Cyberlink-DVD-EF00-RPU0-00-PowerDVD-15-Ultra/dp/B00UV3VCLC/ref=sr_1_3?s=software&ie=UTF8&qid=1495568968&sr=1-3&keywords=powerdvd $39.99 / reputable seller / with a real install disk. I'm still using version 13 and it has worked fine on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and now Windows 10. My lifetime AnyDVD HD (Slysoft) subscription worked until about 2 months after the management changed. The last two updates to the original version started hanging on "trying to contact update server". I went ahead and purchased an annual license from RedFox and it has been working flawlessly now. Although I'm still torqued that they basically screwed all of us our of our lifetime license original purchase price.........
  16. Hey Grem, you can continue to battle the missing AACS and DRM libraries or you can bite the bullet and spring for PowerDVD or similar. Even if you get the AACS and DRM libraries properly updated and installed there still isn't any guarantee that VLC will play every BR that your throw at it. Another option would be to spring for some bluray rip software that would allow you to rip the decoded bluray content to your hard drive and play it from there. Don't mean to sound like a negative Nancy, but I've spent hours trying to get bluray sources to play reliably via VLC and at some point it just seemed like a losing battle. I went the PowerDVD route and also finally upgraded my installation AnyDVD HD and I sail through most everything now. Good luck.
  17. Hey IR, do you want me to delete your thread?
  18. And I still have two Crucial C300 128Gb SSDs that I bought in 2011 Both of them have been running almost 24/7 for all this time in RAID0. I'm sure that one or the other will eventually die some day, but right now they are like the Die Hard bunny.
  19. Thanks for the link Doc. I'll get some of that and keep a tube around the house. Would probably work on some other things as well. I bought replacement fans off ebay again for a whopping $16.99 with free shipping I've got some other drags on my finances right now, but at some point before year end I'll probably be graphics card shopping again. I bought the GTX 960 AMP! Edition cards for $118 a piece and it was one of those that I just didn't think I could pass up at the time. It sucks that one of the two cards was defective When I start shopping again I'll likely just jump up to a GTX 1070 and put my SLi / Crossfire days behind me. I'm at an age where I need to simplify Got a sale add today and the Zotac GTX 1070 Mini looks like a pretty sweet small - mid sized card that packs a punch at an attractive price point though.
  20. CMEO................ One of the two cards was defective Have to send them back to the retailer and they were the last two in stock. Oh well, guess I'll wait on my new fan assembly to arrive
  21. Gosh FG, I love you to death but lets not turn this into a SLi mid-range cards versus single high end card debate. I've been a Crossfire / SLi fanatic since they started making motherboards and video cards that supported it. Crossfire HD4850, SLi GTX 460, SLi GTX 670 and think I had a couple of GTS 8800 in the mix as well. I'm just playing and testing here. May be permanent, may not be. Thanks for the link, but that is the 2Gb versions, not the 4Gb versions.
  22. No worries HT. Glad that you found a solution that sounds like it's working great for you!
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