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Everything posted by wevsspot

  1. Bump for price drop to $180 shipped in the USA.
  2. [SOLD] MSI GTX 980 Ti Gaming 6G - $180 shipped in USA. Recently upgraded to a GTX 1080Ti. This card was pulled from my main gaming rig during upgrade. Graphics card is in excellent condition and includes original retail box + original accessories. Purchased new from NewEgg on Sept 3, 2018.
  3. I can't resist................ Why are you modding the 3.3v rail?
  4. I haven't owned any LG monitors, but my house is full of LG TVs. I've got an older plasma and a couple of LED based sets. I've been really pleased with my LG TVs, so I'd bet that there monitors are just as good.
  5. Nice to see you back on board O.
  6. wevsspot

    New Forum ??

    I have nothing to say since I'm a way way old timer............................. Guess it's easier to read without needing my reading glasses
  7. Well, 59 hours in and I'm getting better I've adjusted some of the video settings and the game doesn't look as "soft" even though I've given up some eye candy. Frame rates are up over 100FPS and game play is pretty smooth. Still way too many hackers, but at least the game is almost enjoyable now.
  8. Overall I think that BFV sucks (as politely as I can put it). I'm a huge BF fan and have every version of the franchise through V now. The pattern is predictable for me after all these years. I'll start the latest version and think to myself "man I hate this latest version", but I keep playing and by the sixth or seventh session I'm all in and almost completely forget about the previous release that had occupied hundreds of hours of my time. Not the same with BFV. I keep playing it hoping to learn to like it, but after about ten hours of game play I'm still under-whelmed and totally frustrated. Snipers that can seemingly kill you with one shot from a mile away, tanks and other armored vehicles that feel like they move at a snails pace, people that have a KD of 500/5 and my list of gripes goes on. Don't get me wrong, the PQ is beautiful if you have the right video card and can run high/ultra or some combination of the two. But everything else feels like a change in the wrong direction.
  9. The first and simplest thing to do is try to use the internet with a different browser. If you're using IE or Edge, try Chrome or Firefox, visa versa whatever. As Slick pointed out it could be an issue with hardware acceleration. You Tube dropped Flash and started using HTML5 back in early 2015, so this could be an issue with the video engine included with whatever browser you're running. Also, as IR noted, it's never a bad idea to check for subsystem stability (i.e. RAM, CPU, hard drives) using the commonly available tools.
  10. Update: I may have stumbled upon the perfect case for me. Wish they came in white, but I can deal with black. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078K32G27/?coliid=I1A7ENZHVJU3EX&colid=38CSU2GHRPBLJ&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  11. That is a great case................
  12. If I could find one it would be high on my list I've got the 750D on the short list, but I haven't been able to find the 800 in stock anywhere.
  13. Just bemused and venting...................... So as some may know, I was able to upgrade my gaming PC over the Christmas holiday. And of course that got me thinking about finding a new case to replace my long-in-the-tooth Corsair C70. The situation resulting in this bemusement and ensuring vent (much of it of my own doing because I haven't been paying attention to cases in the last few years) is the difficulty finding a large selection of water-cooling able mid or full size towers that have 3 or more 5.25" drive bays. I know, I know.......... 5.25" drives are going the way of the spotted red-beaked recluse sparrow, but I also have an XSPC dual bay reservoir that needs a suitable home when I move into a new case. In about 72 hours of searching I've identified six cases that are readily available and match my criteria. So in what decade did case designers decide that we no longer wanted or needed multiple 5.25" drive bays in a case that also supported some sort of internal radiator installation?
  14. Waiting for Elite Dangerous to go back on sale again. Missed this year's "holiday sale"
  15. I'm screwed on the warranty any way since I bought the board used from a guy over at OCN. It's a crapshoot, but I got lucky.
  16. As mentioned previously, remove and re-seat memory modules. Then reset the BIOS to factory defaults. Clean out the insides of the laptop best your can including the cpu fan assembly and gpu cooler assembly. If you continue to get Memtest errors (and if you have more than one memory module, test each module individually and see if just one of them is faulty and causing the errors. I also agree with the others on RAID 0 on SSD drives, especially a laptop. Ditch that idea and install a single 480-512Gb SSD drive after you've cleared up the memory errors.
  17. Congrats on the upgrade / refresh Boink!
  18. Hey Boinker, here are some shots of the finished build. Sorry, best I could do;
  19. I really like the M2 drive. I installed it in the bottom M2 slot so to minimize lane conflicts and keep it as far away as possible from the heat generated by the CPU and GPU. It's snappy. As for the OC, you can't really tell in normal day to day tasks, but it has helped by increasing the minimum FPS drops in BFV and my video encoding times have improved a bit as well. I'm on water cooling, but nothing fancy. Single loop (CPU only) x1 240mm radiator and XSPC water block. Sorry I didn't snap any photos or create a build log. I could snap a few of the finished project powered up though. Speaking of photos, for some reason postimage.org deleted all of my BIOS screen shots, so I'm going to have to redo those as well and fix post #31.
  20. Anyway, for anyone with a Gigabyte Z370 board and i5-8600K here are some BIOS screen shots. Basically; 4.8Ghz at 1.224v and LLC = Turbo. And I'm using dynamic/offset voltage control so that my CPU throttles. Don't mind the "highlighted" entries, it just happened to be where my mouse was when I captured the screen shots.
  21. Back on topic............................ 4.6Ghz was a walk in the park 4.7Ghz just a few voltage tweak and increase LLC 4.8Ghz just a few more voltage tweaks and same LLC as 4.7Ghz As is my usual luck with Gigabyte boards this wasn't anything more or less complicated and things are as we say "toaster stable".
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