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2010 OCC update feedback thread

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It is correct for me.


Not for me. Its not exactly like the favicon is a vital part to make the forums work, getting it shown for all is probably low on the list of things to tweak/fix.


Also, I dunno if its just me, but whenever I click on a link in the forums, it doesn't pop up a new window or tab, it just goes directly to it from the forums page.

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Also, I dunno if its just me, but whenever I click on a link in the forums, it doesn't pop up a new window or tab, it just goes directly to it from the forums page.


That is actually being worked on now.

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Ya IPB is having us run a bunch of scripts to convert everything over. We are not sure why the PM's are not showing even though they are still listed. Just be patient well we run through all the scripts. The one that is running right now is supposed to fix the HTML issues in the forums.

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When I tried to "create a new album" with a category of "Member Made OCC Media", I got the following error message:


The following errors were found, please correct them:

You are not allowed to post images in this category so there is no reason for you to create an album in it


Has anyone else tried creating an album since the forum update? I tested out another category (Gaming Pics), and got the same error.


EDIT: Oh look, a new error uncovered...nested quotes are effed up --^:doh:

Edited by ClayMeow

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i tried to edit out some pics from my cp link but cp is connected to the forums... any idea how i go about getting in to update my sig and eliminate some older post pics ?????????

so then i guess i just have to wait to edit post pics....sounds like there are a LOT of changes going on...ok cool, i can wait...

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