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Amd Poor Farm


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Do any of you know where money comes from?? I agree AMD is doing some cool stuff, I just hope they don't run out of money before they make a profit. IBM did the deal so that they would be at the front of the buss if AMD goes under. IBM wants to make it's systems with it's own CPU. I can see all you AMD guys lining up to buy your IBM booked systems. LAUGHING!!!


They lost 1.5 Billion dollars on 2.5 Billion in sales they don't have much net worth left....


If AMD can truely DOUBLE it's sales it will still loose money. Even if 100% of every item sold over current levels was 100% profit they would still be loosing money.


I sure hope Intel loans them the money to stay in the game.....

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I sure hope Intel loans them the money to stay in the game.....


LMFAO. Intel won't, they want them gone.


Unfortunently if AMD does go under (once the new OS comes out it won't) then Intel's chip prices will probably double. Then performance will go down because there are no AMD to be better for gaming and there are no other GOOD chips for gaming.

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Intel very much wants them in the game. If they go away then it becomes and antitrust issue like it was with Microsoft. Intel NEEDS AMD to stay alive...

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Big companies whos sole purpose is to dominate a particular market, represent everyting that is wrong with our economy. When u shop for something its nice to be able to choose what u want, not have to buy it cause that company is the only one that makes it.

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ibm already did that. they owned cyrix for some time. 1 model line was all cyrix, then back to intel and amd for the next one. cyrix goes out the door to national semiconductor, then it's in the toilet for all of national. finally coming to rest with amd's friends at via.

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THIS CONVERSATIONS OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


this thread sucks always the same bull crap with amd vs intel please delete this sad post


And I use the word post loosely here


theres hundreds of these so if you like amd go with amd if you like intel go with intel no one cares anyyyymore GET IT!


THIS CONVERSATIONS OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Tony_Toughnuts

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Tony, you forgot one thing.... You can't end it without telling us if your AMD or INTEL... We all are waiting your words.....


Tony, please tell us what are you???


Tony, it can't be over until you tell us what you are???

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dude......if amd goes outta bizz and intel is left and they charge them prices i dont think it will matter cause they will go outta bizz too. why fight lets all be happy AMD.INTEL PEACE YAY!!! :);)...........lol k now continue the fight.

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OH you have to respect intel and the way the are consolidating thier funds!

By phasing out thier US programmers and sending as many jobs as they can to India

where a top programmer makes around $20 an hour vs the American programmer making $65 an hour calculating

beifits and monthly salery together, Intel has found a way to really bank alot of money through savings.


This is nothing new to the american worker, when seeel plants closed they said go to school learn tech jobs, right?

same thing with just about every industry that elected to save money by sending American jobs abroad because of the bottom line.

What happen when all the tech jobs have been shipped away?


I might like intel if I didn't know that

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It's so funny you say that. Intel is spending 2 Billion dollars to upgrade the fabs here in Phoenix so that they can make more chips here. Also they have about 10K employee's here in the valley. Of the 10K employee's 2K of them work in the fabs making chips and 8K of them are working on development... Perhaps you don't know everything you think you do about Intel. Yes, they have jobs all over the world including India, but certianly not exclusivly India.


I have about 2,000 employee's working for me, I'd say about 3/4 of those are outside of the US. I make parts for Nokia, Delphi, Shering Plough (a medical company) 3M INTEL and several other prominate companies. Do you have something against all of those companies, and our's becuase we are worldwide manufactures???


Trust me I'm in the manufacturing sector and I know all about closing factories and moving things offshore, I've done lots of it, but it's not a simple thing that you can brush over with a statement like yours...



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