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3000+ venice maxed out at 2800?

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Sheesh what is it with people and venice 3000+ lol! I would be darn amazed to get a cpu for 140 bucks, which actually dominates a 3800+ which costs the double amount of money, and HELL! Its on a box cooler! OMG lol thats just ridicilous

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Its a venice, they don't scale well with voltage at all....you have probably reached the limit of your chip, and a damn nice chip it is running 2.8 with 1.45v. Mine has problems getting over 2650 ;)

Mine scales exactly with the voltage i feed to it, LDT and chipset voltage have no effect tho.


1.38v : 2050mhz max

1.45v : 2340mhz max

1.52v : 2565mhz max

1.59v : 2862mhz max (my current setting)


After this i hit a wall tho, upping the fsb even one will give me a bluescreen when stresstesting, even if i pump 1.7v through it.

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What's your temps? Mine got too hot at 1.42+ volts (~50C) which caused instabilities. I'm at 46C load @ 1.5 volts now. :)

Running 1.472v @ 42-43 load 24/7.


that's the most bizarre thing i've ever heard! lowering your voltage increased your temps? i'm averaging between 42-44C load when using prime95 or folding@home. I am using the boxed cooler, so i have been thinking about the TT Big Typhoon to knock down the temp a few extra points. I have a great 2200RPM 120mm antec fan that's really quiet...so was thinking to get the Typhoon to go with it (although everyone keeps raving about the xp-90).


anyway, temps haven't been an issue...

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My 3000+ Venice runs 9x311 also, at 1.536Volts...I can go to 9x320, but it is not 100% prime stable ( crashes after ~8 hours), so I have it at 9x311 now, which is quite OK for me...my temps are 45°C max. under load with a room temp of about 25°C... :)

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that's the most bizarre thing i've ever heard! lowering your voltage increased your temps? i'm averaging between 42-44C load when using prime95 or folding@home. I am using the boxed cooler, so i have been thinking about the TT Big Typhoon to knock down the temp a few extra points. I have a great 2200RPM 120mm antec fan that's really quiet...so was thinking to get the Typhoon to go with it (although everyone keeps raving about the xp-90).


anyway, temps haven't been an issue...

Oops, that wasn't very clear...


The 50+ degrees was with the Zalman CNPS7700-AlCu. I got way lower temps with the big typhoon. Way quieter as well, I'm very impressed by thermaltake with this one.

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yea i think that u are like most of us.

at the limit of the on chip controllers

im on water and more voltage doesnt

seem to be the answer i can get into

the vary low 3 gig area but as soon

as i try testing it craps out. but at my sig

no problem no errors

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I'm at 295fsb with my 3000+ And I know if I drop my memory devider I can go higher on the CPU. I'm reaching the limit for my ram ATM. I can hit 300fsb but I'm not prime stable at that point. Good to hear there are people pushing these chips further then this...means I might be able to push it higher yet! woot!



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I have the same problem although it is a nice overclock, I cant get it over 2.8 on my 3000+ venice either I can boot in windows on 2.9 tried 3.0 it didnt even post :P although I got 0519 and some weird crappy little stepping so my voltages have to be high like 1.65V for 2.8 and 1.7 for 2.9 :O

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ok...i'm back and i'm doing much better. i was dealing with a heat issue, so I decided to mod the chip (took the IHS off) and put on a Thermaltake Big Typhoon and now i'm really kicking butt!


so far i'm running 2970 at 1.648V (1.500v + 113%), 29C idle and 38C load (with the case closed). i'm gonna do another burn-in and hopefully get the OC to what I really want...334*9 or 3.0GHz!!! I'll let you know how I do.


if you're interested in popping your top and going naked, you can read how i did it here.


good luck with your OC's!!!

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