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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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GI, are you air cooled? thats pretty nice, where do you get that windows tweaker as well?


No i'm liquid cooled. I set the vcore like the shot only for testing. My daily use i 300x9 @1.5 volts.


Are you talk about clock gen?



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Very Nice GIASAN,


Is that 3D Stable? How about a64 Tweaker Scrennie.


I think Im going have to RMA my board I can't get a windows install on a raid :confused: reboots every single time after loading the nvraid drivers right at "Set up is Starting Windows''


also there's a !WARNING Have Option ROM can not be invoke ect... can't make the rest of it. I only see it for a split second at the raid boot up screen.


I have also tried to install with 1 512 stick T2 command too. same thing.


any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it!



Thank, and teh ram are in 2T only.


For A64 TWK is the same that i have posted some pages before.


I'm on a raid 0 but haven't this problem. :confused:


I thik when the new bios come up this bord can do very well.



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what 'tweaker' are you talking about? All of the programs show their names so just google it, he's got CPU-Z, SuperPI, and Clockgen up there....one google of those names will bring up many places to download it.


Highest benchable I got was 2.6GHz with my 0518LBBLE APFW 3200+ venice =/ I'm praying after a new BIOS revision and some burn in time with this chip it'll want to go higher, but as of right now I'm not too impressed with it considering other people have gotten nice OC's even with a flakey BIOS...of course I don't know how long they'd have theirs and things like this or might have had it in a board like the Neo2 and have already gotten a 'feel' for it's capabilities whereas I haven't.


if I can reach 2.8GHz I'll be happy.


EDIT: I just now thought, theres no adjustments to the LDT voltage is there......any possibility of that happening in the future I wonder?



Mine isn't the Highest for the Cpu that chan do over 2800mhz, but for the 311mhz on the HTT and ram. Whit 166 divider i can hit HTT 330mhz @1.75 volts on chipset.




CPU is:


Venice 3200+




or ;)






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And one other thing is even with everything at stock clocks my temperature idles at 38c...drops down to 14~15 (which I would prefer to see :) ) and then shoots back up to 38..Pretty much stays at that temp even with lots of juice and a healthy OC...


I'm getting some whacked temps myself. According the Smart Guardian I get 39c idle (and it'll occasionaly drop to 14-15, like yourself). My load temps never exceed 41C!?!?!? But.....


Everest reports my temps as 31C idle and 33C load. This is with the stock AMD cooler and no OC. I'm coming from a 2.8 prescott, so these temps seem almost unreal to me (the P4 would idle at 48C w/ an xp-120).


Is it realistic to believe this chip only gains 2C on load?

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wow leave a few days and theres like what 5 pages of post to read :)


@rgone, thanks for the reply on PSUs etc..... deciscions made to order a OCZ at the same time when I get this board, sorry it took a few days for the TY, also thanks for the info on the MBM, thats good to know


@oldguy and giasan, thanks for keeping us updated with the tweaks, I have been jotting down on my notebook some of your findings so when I do decide to buy this sucka I dont have to read 66 pages of posts :) but the info will be useful


@everyone else, good luck with your boards

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wow leave a few days and theres like what 5 pages of post to read :)


@rgone, thanks for the reply on PSUs etc..... deciscions made to order a OCZ at the same time when I get this board, sorry it took a few days for the TY, also thanks for the info on the MBM, thats good to know


@oldguy and giasan, thanks for keeping us updated with the tweaks, I have been jotting down on my notebook some of your findings so when I do decide to buy this sucka I dont have to read 66 pages of posts :) but the info will be useful


@everyone else, good luck with your boards


Thank to you too.



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I'm getting some whacked temps myself. According the Smart Guardian I get 39c idle (and it'll occasionaly drop to 14-15, like yourself). My load temps never exceed 41C!?!?!? But.....


Everest reports my temps as 31C idle and 33C load. This is with the stock AMD cooler and no OC. I'm coming from a 2.8 prescott, so these temps seem almost unreal to me (the P4 would idle at 48C w/ an xp-120).


Is it realistic to believe this chip only gains 2C on load?


The only thing I've used everest for have been for the benchmark function. I just fired that up to see what's to see. The sensors look bass ackwards. Watch yer "aux" shoot up when you load... :sweat:


My Celeron D 2.8 idles at 51~53c and shoots up to 61-63c under load or higher...been a couple of weeks since I fired it up. Damn thing was the easiest to OC though with that big ole multiplier of 21!!!

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Hey I'm a n00b to DFI and 939 as well. I am considering either this DFI or the MSI. For some reason im strongly leaning to DFI. Unfortunatly I dont have time to sit this saga out and make the best decision...I need to buy a board tomorrow.


I have the OCZ 3200 Plat. Rev.2, but i think i have the TCC5 not the TCCD, since I just bought these sticks a few weeks ago. How do thoes fair on these boards compared to the TCCD? Also, can a bios update fix that 1T 2T issue?


Also, I have a 300+ Venice, and It can hit 300HTT with 1.475V. Right now it is mobo limited. What board do you think will be beter suited for the 300+ Strong overclock, the DFI or MSI?


Sorry if these questions have been answered...66 pages is alot. ;)


EDIT: 1 more thing. I have an AGP 6800GT with an NVSilencer5 on it. Is the chipset on the mobo gonna give me problems?

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Hey I'm a n00b to DFI and 939 as well. I am considering either this DFI or the MSI. For some reason im strongly leaning to DFI. Unfortunatly I dont have time to sit this saga out and make the best decision...I need to buy a board tomorrow.


I have the OCZ 3200 Plat. Rev.2, but i think i have the TCC5 not the TCCD, since I just bought these sticks a few weeks ago. How do thoes fair on these boards compared to the TCCD? Also, can a bios update fix that 1T 2T issue?


Also, I have a 300+ Venice, and It can hit 300HTT with 1.475V. Right now it is mobo limited. What board do you think will be beter suited for the 300+ Strong overclock, the DFI or MSI?


Sorry if these questions have been answered...66 pages is alot. ;)


tcc5 is unbinned TCCD. same IC's. dont listen to the rumors. OC's just fine.


i have a friend that has had 8 luck with his MSI. I'd say go with the dfi. :P

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@ HighwayAssassin - The 6800 OC deal is an NF3 issue, not a DFI issue so it doesn't matter which one you use. Read up on that lil tidbit, but I'm 99% sure that is the case. I don't think anyone worth a lick is going to tell you flat out, "A bios is absolutely gonna fix the 2T so every friggin brand of ram will work"...I'm sitting on some OCZ 4800's that are rock solid at 2T but not 1T. They were purring along at 1T in my LP 754 so I'm very curious to see if there is an improvement but I'm not gonna hold my breath ;)

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@ HighwayAssassin - The 6800 OC deal is an NF3 issue, not a DFI issue so it doesn't matter which one you use.


My bad man, I worded my question wrong. I meant the NF3 Chipset placement. It looks like its right below the AGP slot. My NVSilencer5 Heatsink is bigger than the stock Heatsink...do you think that will give me a problem? Physically installing it I mean. Will it fit?


And what is this NF3 issue you are talking about anyways?

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