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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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I think my week 19 Venice doesn't o/c too well. Currently settling for 9x275 1:1 2.5-3-3-6 at 2T. The board has no problems over 300; was running 8x317 using the 166 divider for awhile. Cold boot issues sometimes happen but this box stays up 24/7 most of the time. CPU voltage using Default +0.4.


You will probably see a whole lot better results by switching gears and setting volatge manually in the 1.45~1.475 range +.2 or +.3...I'd tell ya to keep an eye on yer temps but pretty much any monitoring software is next to useless right now (more so than usual)...


I've been bouncing mine around a bit and trying not to stay too long at the higher settings until a new bios arrives but so far so good. Just hope my bubble aint burst with a new bios!!!!! I like seein my rig at these high OC's :nod:

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I'm now at 2704 Plus @ +04V over default =1.568V CPU temp 39 idle. 10x270HTT...

Ram freq 180 3-4-4-8 temps seem good . bumped my chipset .01 also.


....I take that back bumping the chipset is helping a lot. still priming.



My 1.5Gb of mixed memory is at 3-4-4-8 and 180 ddr. :shake:

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Got a quick question for you guys. If I go from the system in my signature to the 939 board plus 3700+ SD, do you think I'll have to Format and reinstall windows or should it be okay since both boards use the nForce3 chipset.


I can vouch for this. I'm doing that exactly right now atm. I was using a Neo2, and switched to this. I first ran tests on a separate drive alone so that I won't damage the other disks if corruption would occur. After all the tests and such, I plugged my drives in. I had to fix the boot.ini a bit before it fully recognized which was my system disk, but after that, it was smooth sailing. The first time you boot, you will see windows detecting all the hardwares and associating the drivers with them. Since you already have all the proper drivers installed before, it's just a matter of Windows finding them. They should all still be somewhere in your windows/system32, so don't fret too much. I'm sure I took a slight performance hit, but nothing noticable. I still get the usual fps on games like CS:S. I'm just too lazy right now too do a new format, I'll probably do one a few months down the road heh heh. Not like I benchmark on my 24/7 OS, I have a windows2k drive w/ acpi set to multi for benching purposes :nod:


But yeah, it was ok with me.

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I'm now at 2704 Plus @ +04V over default =1.568V CPU temp 39 idle. 10x270HTT...

Ram freq 180 3-4-4-8 temps seem good .


Does'nt seem to stable ....


It probably won't be till you take a chance on the voltage...Mind you I aint pushin for you to take a risk yer not comfortable with or willing to take, only sharing with ya what I have done so far. My gut tells me this thing just aint gettin enough juice right out of the gate based on my OS failing to install until the voltage was upped...I may be completely wrong and only time will tell.


This is from 2 days ago...Take note of the voltage listed in cpuz...The bios was set at 1.55v +.30........I guess 1+1 don't equal two when it comes to this particular bios :D




I will tell you I spent 16hrs with this puppy last Saturday and another 18 with her on Sunday gettin to know her. No to mention every night after work till midnight. And I think I know her pretty damn well right about now...

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You will probably see a whole lot better results by switching gears and setting volatge manually in the 1.45~1.475 range +.2 or +.3...I'd tell ya to keep an eye on yer temps but pretty much any monitoring software is next to useless right now (more so than usual)...


I tried going 1.4x but the system wouldn't boot (others having same issue here). Temps are reading 40C at 1.55v but most likely things will stay put for now until a new BIOS comes out to fix the major issues. Thanks for the tip, I'll try it out later.

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I really could use some input.


Can someone please try and see if this board supports the MBM5 configuration file I posted. (Link below my sig.) http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread...98&page=1&pp=15


Question #1 - Someone said it does use the same ITE8712F sensors that the the NF4s, and NF3-754 used. Is this correct?

Question #2 - The spec sheet doesn't specifically say it supports DRAM voltage monitoring. Does it in SmartGuardian?

Question #3 - Does it support the MBM5 Configuration Folder I posted?

Should take just a minute to DL MBM5 from the thread. Don't run the configuaration wizzard. Just paste the files from my Config folder into your MBM5 Data folder after reboot and launch program.


Thanks for any help you can give me. Wishing you all huge overclocks and long Prime times.

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SX98 man, I downloaded installed with Install sys I/O driver = YES. Poll $2E and $4E = YES. Replace Icons in TASKBAR after 10 secs = NO.


GPU = 0 / GPU ENV = 0 / DFI CHIPSET = 0


Two fans showing though the cpu fan and the chipset fans and listed as 120/80 fan in panel. Not a big deal to me just need to re-arrange is my guess. Seems to work other than that and me not having it where it loads and goes to system tray.






I really could use some input.


Can someone please try and see if this board supports the MBM5 configuration file I posted. (Link below my sig.) http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread...98&page=1&pp=15


Question #1 - Someone said it does use the same ITE8712F sensors that the the NF4s, and NF3-754 used. Is this correct?

Question #2 - The spec sheet doesn't specifically say it supports DRAM voltage monitoring. Does it in SmartGuardian?

Question #3 - Does it support the MBM5 Configuration Folder I posted?

Should take just a minute to DL MBM5 from the thread. Don't run the configuaration wizzard. Just paste the files from my Config folder into your MBM5 Data folder after reboot and launch program.


Thanks for any help you can give me. Wishing you all huge overclocks and long Prime times.

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@ soundx98 - Here's a screeny. Hope that helps. I did change the sensor on the chipset fan and disabled the 80. Chipset is the only fan connected to the board...




EDIT: This is at default voltages except for chipset which is set at 1.85v and the vdimm which is set at 3.0v....No OC on nothin'

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