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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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After being out of the loop for a bit, I noticed this board is back in stock at some of the no-namer shops around the net. Is the thing still too problematic to consider purchasing? I have no interest in weeks of troubleshooting.

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After being out of the loop for a bit, I noticed this board is back in stock at some of the no-namer shops around the net. Is the thing still too problematic to consider purchasing? I have no interest in weeks of troubleshooting.


This isn't ti mobo for you then ;)


But I prefer to call it weeks of tweaking.

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This isn't ti mobo for you then ;)


But I prefer to call it weeks of tweaking.


Stick in memory,cpu, leave everything at auto (no overclocking) this board should give you no problem. I have been happy with this board from day one.

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After being out of the loop for a bit, I noticed this board is back in stock at some of the no-namer shops around the net. Is the thing still too problematic to consider purchasing? I have no interest in weeks of troubleshooting.



No! Its no longer being manufactured,and hasn't been for a few months now. Lets use common sense people, why wouldnt they have it for sale at "major" online retailers if there wasn't a problem. DUH!!!! Get it throught your heads "THIS BOARD WAS/IS A HASBEEN,AND IS A FLOP!!!! If your able to get 30.00$ for it consider yourself lucky.


*Sorry someone had to say it.* If you don't believe me,call DFi yourself. :shake:

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Get it throught your heads "THIS BOARD WAS/IS A HASBEEN,AND IS A FLOP!!!!
While the absence of the board in the marketplace would seem to suggest your conclusion, in real terms I must simply disagree with this statement. Yes, this board has its, shall we say, idiosyncrasies, but to label it a "FLOP" is both narrow-minded and inaccurate. If you were to state "This board did not work for me," I would have no problem offering you advice and/or sympathy. But you are telling me, someone who has never overclocked before, and yet still managed to achieve 3.1 GHz with absolute stability, that my board is inadequate and even defective? I feel obliged to politely disagree with you, and hope you can respect my dissenting opinion.

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While the absence of the board in the marketplace would seem to suggest your conclusion, in real terms I must simply disagree with this statement. Yes, this board has its, shall we say, idiosyncrasies, but to label it a "FLOP" is both narrow-minded and inaccurate. If you were to state "This board did not work for me," I would have no problem offering you advice and/or sympathy. But you are telling me, someone who has never overclocked before, and yet still managed to achieve 3.1 GHz with absolute stability, that my board is inadequate and even defective? I feel obliged to politely disagree with you, and hope you can respect my dissenting opinion.


Well thats the nicest responce I've ever seen on the internet. :) Congrats on a great overclock. It may be a bit harsh,but a thread with 8000 post regarding one particular mobo,leads me to believe something went wrong somewhere. :)

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Well thats the nicest responce I've ever seen on the internet. :) Congrats on a great overclock. It may be a bit harsh,but a thread with 8000 post regarding one particular mobo,leads me to believe something went wrong somewhere. :)


LOL, I couldnt have said it any better.

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He did dissent rather well didn't he?


I have been running mine for months now with the 715 bios and raid 0. Got a few weird crashes this morning and looked and ye ole chipset fan had refuseth to turn unless bumped. I said ah hah you low lifed not running thang; you are going to the clean and lube shed for sure.


Chipset fan thru clean and lube shed and remove X2 3800+ and in with a Winchester 3000+ and taketh out the PC5000 that has run for months and replace with some plain jane TCCD and set 250FSB and bingo back to running. Of course I know to clear CMOS correctly and to remove the power (only) from sata raid array until I get it enabled and saved in bios and shutdown and reboot after hooking power to sata and then tune up ole bios and bingo we have windows.


Eyep a little quirky as they are proven to be for some but then the tricks are all there. Ah consider that NF3 chipsets are long out of production and that DFI has made a ton of NF3 250Gb boards and has no NF3 chipsets to make NF3 Ultra-D as that is a thing I have heard around the net. If you did not have a ton of NF3 chipsets on hand then you were shett out of luck.


Luck men.


RGone...with spinning chipset fan... Hehehehehe... :nod:


LOL, I couldnt have said it any better.

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Hi there :)


I'm having big problems overclocking my Opteron 144. The thing is I can't go higher than HTT 216 (that is with the 824 bios, I assume that's the infamous bug). The 711 bios sets my HTT to 339Mhz (WTF??) and the 705 always stays at 200Mhz whatever value I choose. Am I missing something or is there 3 different bios, all bugged???


thanks ^^

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Hi there :)


I'm having big problems overclocking my Opteron 144. The thing is I can't go higher than HTT 216 (that is with the 824 bios, I assume that's the infamous bug). The 711 bios sets my HTT to 339Mhz (WTF??) and the 705 always stays at 200Mhz whatever value I choose. Am I missing something or is there 3 different bios, all bugged???


thanks ^^


Yuppers...bugs abound and depending on your hardware it takes some tinkering. No getting around it. Try perusing the "tips and tweaks" sticky (if it's still there)...

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