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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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The board actually shows up now on newegg for sometime it wasnt even coming up. It still doesnt show in stock though hopefully they get everything ironed out I really need a good nforce 3 board. But I am gonna play the waiting game for now.

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Is running ram at 1:1(DDR200) 260x10 better then running 4:5(DDR166) 285x8 in games? If so how much better? I don't care for 3-5%

I need to get 2 GBs or ram for BF2 and was looking at http://www.geilusa.com/proddetail.asp?linenumber=36

they say it gets 260 1:1, I just want to be able to run BF2 as smooth as and they say 2GB of ram is th way to go.

What do you guys think?

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I wanted to find out if any of you guys are having the same heat issue I am. I reading about 60C via Speedfan under load, but is that correct? I searched this thread and saw alot of people saying their temps were UNDER what they believed the temps should be. I thought it could be a bad install of AS5, but I took the processor out and added a 3500+ with fresh AS5 and it still gives me 60C. It plays BF2 fine and passed an 18 hour Prime95 test. Could it be my heatsink not contacting the heat spreader well enough or am I just going to have to "assume" that I am alright? Here is a link to an image of my 3500+ OC with the temps and volts...



My Venice 3200 it's suppoused to be at 30°C one moment, 70°C an hour after that . . . and 10°C in five minutes . . . the heatsink is cold (as with my previous CPU), AS5 is applied correctly. Conclusion: the reported temperatures are just mad. If it passed 15hs of Prime95 I wouldn't worry much :-)



PS: @2.2GHz, default +.02V

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Guest bobyjo

I downloaded a program the other day that shows every memory setting on your system. Printable to see and use for tweaking the memory timings. The problem is that program is on the HD's that I had setup for the raid array. I do not have the raid array running now.




Old Guy::or anyone else that can help me with this, PLEASE DO. This is what happens when a person gets OLD. HaHa


PS the guy that was wanting to have some info on this board. I can speak from expierence, even if it is for only 3 days (on this board) IT IS FANTASTIC. I flashed from the 602 to 711 and all is super. No problems anywhere.

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I downloaded a program the other day that shows every memory setting on your system. Printable to see and use for tweaking the memory timings. The problem is that program is on the HD's that I had setup for the raid array. I do not have the raid array running now.





Thanks to Tictac and Codered for writing the A64 Tweaker...!


Here' the 3 revisions....







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Is running ram at 1:1(DDR200) 260x10 better then running 4:5(DDR166) 285x8 in games? If so how much better? I don't care for 3-5%

I need to get 2 GBs or ram for BF2 and was looking at http://www.geilusa.com/proddetail.asp?linenumber=36

they say it gets 260 1:1, I just want to be able to run BF2 as smooth as and they say 2GB of ram is th way to go.

What do you guys think?

I just played BF2 for about a 2 hours just to see if I could see Why you guys are determined on 2 gigs of ram to play smooth.. I only have 1 gig of ram and everything was great .. Loaed quick..no jerky graphics.. Hated to do it.. But FOR THE BETTER GOOD I switched out ram for 2 gigs and saw absolutly no difference.. I can understand If you just want 2 gigs but it is not nessesary for BF2 ..or IN MY CASE IT WASNT. I will say that this was also with a crap for a card... Sort of wore it out on Unreal 2004 .. I cant even bench 25,000 in 2001 SE with it... I will How ever note this with 2 gigs of the same memory in my specs .. My BenchMarks actualy go down.. and dont clock near as well as 1 gig does..

Dont know if this helps any but thats what I seen

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I just played BF2 for about a 2 hours just to see if I could see Why you guys are determined on 2 gigs of ram to play smooth.. I only have 1 gig of ram and everything was great .. Loaed quick..no jerky graphics.. Hated to do it.. But FOR THE BETTER GOOD I switched out ram for 2 gigs and saw absolutly no difference.. I can understand If you just want 2 gigs but it is not nessesary for BF2 ..or IN MY CASE IT WASNT. I will say that this was also with a crap for a card... Sort of wore it out on Unreal 2004 .. I cant even bench 25,000 in 2001 SE with it... I will How ever note this with 2 gigs of the same memory in my specs .. My BenchMarks actualy go down.. and dont clock near as well as 1 gig does..

Dont know if this helps any but thats what I seen

keep in mind that 9800XT doesn't have all of the features that the newer cards do, and so there's probably a lot of graphics entities that are not being loaded (mainly large textures and advanced terrain distance mapping).


I've heard 9800's run real smooth in the game where a newer 6600/x800/6800 will have a habit of chugging. From what I understand, it is because the engine sees the capability flags of your 3d renderer and will not load certain items or render certain types of frames because the hardware will not support it properly (and if it tried to force those functions into software mode, you'd be penalized on framerate/performance a mighty bunch).


Since the newer gpu's support certain functions and have certain abilities that older (9800/FX5900) cards do not support, if the engine detects an older card, it turns off some of the rendering functions to ensure smooth gameplay.


At the same time, the support for older rendering devices only goes back so far (ie: Ti4200's are not supported even though they really are still fantastic cards) to ensure that the graphics are not only still very good, but no one gets a serious advantage (ie a 4200 would disable certain things like volumetric fog or some other thing that would give that person an unfair advantage...cant render fog? blammo, no fog, yet every other player has fog rendered and that gives the old school hardware an advantage...just like disabling Lightmaps in Q3 and using vertex shaders nullifying shadows, giving unfair advantages to those using vertex shading).

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To be honest I wasnt even figuring that in... But HEHEHE I do have a brand new Box that I am dieing to open X850 XT.. So i will try to get the water hooked up to it and try It again. I did play BF2 just for about a half hour on my Lanparty NF4 sli dr.. but thats a total different beast so I didnt think it would be anywhere close to fair for comparison.... But will see again hopefully tommorow the difference between 1 & 2 gigs with that card.


SIDE NOTE I aint too good at BF2 anyway so even then It may be subjective

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I just played BF2 for about a 2 hours just to see if I could see Why you guys are determined on 2 gigs of ram to play smooth.. I only have 1 gig of ram and everything was great .. Loaed quick..no jerky graphics.. Hated to do it.. But FOR THE BETTER GOOD I switched out ram for 2 gigs and saw absolutly no difference.. I can understand If you just want 2 gigs but it is not nessesary for BF2 ..or IN MY CASE IT WASNT. I will say that this was also with a crap for a card... Sort of wore it out on Unreal 2004 .. I cant even bench 25,000 in 2001 SE with it... I will How ever note this with 2 gigs of the same memory in my specs .. My BenchMarks actualy go down.. and dont clock near as well as 1 gig does..

Dont know if this helps any but thats what I seen


Run most of your setting on high and enable AAx2 FSx8 enable vsync and see how you go then. Your idea of smooth maybe my idea of crap, I have had ppl say that to me before, my system runs great and then when i see it I think how could they play like this. Big biff between x800 and 9800... also what res are you running? Try that and see how it runs I'd like to know how it goes, It could be a setting somewhere for me, maybe not.


HL2 runs smooth as for me 4xAA and 8XFS 1200x1000 everything on high and vsync.

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all settings on high and max resolution.. Which as Angry said max on a 9800 and a newer card Big difference.. But it still ran smooth.. And everyone has different opions to what looks good and what doesnt.. I understand that.. Like I said was just what I saw.. on mine.. I got Afew more frames with the sli rig but it looked the same quality wise to me.. and both systems are on the same monitor.. and I only have 512 MB ram on the sli.. But realy that is unfair to compare the two.. as I have far more money and better Equiptment in the SLI ..

And I am not a professional gamer so My expectations are probly not as high as others

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I am by no way a expert.. But this doesnt sound like a hardware issue.. But a softward issue... IF you have updated drivers alot.. trying to fix this you could have multiple .DLL's competing to do the same function. If you havent updated all drivers.. I would suggest removing completly the old drivers then updating.. You can also try to install every thing below default I,E IF you default @10X200 back that down to 9X200 .. It could just be as simple as installing drivers on a semi unstable system and small errors causing Driver variations from the original File


If i leave my AGP at 66 (default). I run fine. The problem is that if i try to drop Multi's & Ldt and then bump up HTT, i cant even hit 2ghz without BSODing.

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