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The ULTIMATE MBM 5 Settings/Help Thread


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What version are you using?

Is your 6600 cabable of showing temps?

Is the dashboard open all the way (use the lil arrows on the right side)?

Does the _xhp_ plug-in show as "started" when you right click on MBM5 in Taskbar?


Im using MBM 5.3.70


The card is capable of showing temps as it displays some temps in the windows advanced display settings menu.


Dashboard is open all the way (simply displaying GPU temps as 0 and GPU Env as 0 also).


I'm not seeing any 'started' thing when right clicking on the taskbar icon, can you elaborate on this?



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Guest LithoTech
I wouldn't know, it's the system speaker so it could be, got no idea what a sensor alarm is though, so I'll check!.


*edit*, do you mean like an alarm that sounds if it's overheating etc?, hmm, I don't think it's set in the BIOS, and when the CPU overheats it's set to just switch off. :confused:


Nah, I meant the sensor alarm in MBM. That should come out your desktop speakers, not your system speaker.

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Hi, did you make the fix for this yet?


I use MBM5 to keep an eye on all temps, and thanks to the people that made this possible with the moded "data" file and the plugin for Nvidia cards


I only have one little "problem"


When using High & Low the plugin for SLi cards doesn't remember the max. temp off GPU's like it does with the rest of the settings.


How can I make it remember?


Pelle / PRJ


Yes, and no :)

This was fixed about two months ago, and it is now sitting on my hard drive waiting for me to test/build/release it.

However, I just can't find the time to do it (or anything else for that matter).

The last few months the things I have to do are just stacking up, and I am geting closer and closer to a nervous breakdown :D

It will be done. When? I have no idea... I don't want to give any dates as I already did that a couple of times before and it is still not finished :D


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Hi xhp


I don't want a premature heartattack or a nervous breakdown on my contionse... :angel:


I'll wait until..... when ever it comes out.


Thanks for the reply anyway



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@ _xhp_ - Hope your schedule slacks off a little. I am sure you know how much we all appreciate the excellent work you have done with the MBM5 PLug-Ins. Jut kind of anxious myself now that I have moved to NV cards. :)


@ PRJ - I've been using ATITool for logging Video Card temps lately. Easy to set up under options and it still gives me the GPU temp on MBM5 sensor 5. The log file is in the ATITool program files. I attempted to mod the .ini file in MBM5 to read sensor 25 instead of 10 but keep getting errors.


@Neutralizer - sure appears that you do not have _xhp_'s plug in loaded correctly.

Also make sure sensors 21-26 are set to custom and the ones you are using "check" display in dashboard and then hit "aaply". Very honestly I've never seen a problem with setup that wasn't user error (I've goofed myself). Just take your time and read the pertinent section of the tutorials once again. If it doesn't work the 1st time you are usuall better off removing the program, rebooting, and loading it again.


Got some good news. I revamped my rig. Link to pics below my sig :)

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Hi soundx98


Thanks for trying, It's not as easy as one could hope for.


If you have nothing else to do :rolleyes: there is another little bug.


After installing AMDCPU. exe for Dualcore CPU's the CPU speed indicator in High & Low log is a bit confused...


I would love to this to be true... :nod:


Greetings Pelle

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Hmm, don't have a dual core so I've never experienced this.

I'm sure you rebooted already.


MBM5 sees the CPU speed when it is first launched and really doesn't update after that.

But you can change when it updates/starts for a little more accuracy.




let me know if that gets you where you should be.

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soundx98 your a legend! Thanks for the guide!! Its helped me setting this up no end!


But i've got a few questions.


1) I don't think the temp sensors are 100% accurate. I've got a dual core opteron 170 clocked to 2.8ghz and i'm getting temp readings of 35C.


I know that on my old board I was getting temps of about 45 - 48C. My cooling is a thermaltake big typhoon with a 125cfm fan on it.


How do I callobrate this?





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All credit for MBM5 should go to it's Author, Alexander Van Kamm, and the forum members here that have helped tweak his application on the DFI NF boards, not I.


You may remember me from some of my movies. (I'm the guy with the black rectangle over his eyes) :D


Many users of the Expert/Venus series report their temps (specificly the CPU) are 8-10 degrees lower when transfering a chip from the standard board to the Expert/Venus. The latest 3/29 Bios even has a setting under system health that allows you to compensate the CPU temperature +/- 10 degrees C. (Some of us just add the number in our heads.) But since the same results appear with other monitoring programs I think it's more of a system issue and not a program issue.


Got to remember there is a thermal sensor on the chip that gives information to the board sensor (which is good, common, and inexpensive). It's then translated by the software program and readings that are 5 to 10 degrees off are commmon in many motherboards.


Now voltage rails can be measured with a Digital Volt Meter and then the readings can be calibrated/compensated for greater accuracy. There are links on "how to's" in Post #1 and measuring points in Post #2 of this thread.

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Hi soundx98


About #1351


It didn't change it back to correct speed.


Of all the features in MBM5, this is not the most important feature, so if it cant be fixed it can't be fixed.


But what the h... , it would be nice ;)




PRJ / Pelle




I just used "Registry Mechanic 5.1" at it said somthing about "CPU driver" and fixed this, and i works. :)



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well i decided to give a shot at an OSD. its my first, so it is a little simple, and probably not organized very well. it took me about 3 hours from scratch to create this in notepad. i attached a .txt file to the bottom, because it is long. i am going to try making a list that is vertical tommorw. enjoy!


*note that my GPU says 0c..it isnt true the thing glitches a lot, as well as the CPU load and load avg.


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