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Crucial Ballistix 2x1GB PC4000 kit gone bad (merged)

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Got to say after throwing active coolin on there. At the 2.8V that its rated for 40C a few min after boot up stressed. Much better then the 55C a few seconds after boot up, not doing a thing!


I think there is a major thing to deal with cooling, and now I'm doing 280Mhz again without a problem.

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Deathman, what active cooling are you using? 15c is non-trivial. Did you measure with a probe? Just curious... :)


2x crappy 80mm fans wedged between my XP-120 and the powersupply at an angle. If you know the Antec Super Lanboy you know theres not much space to play with :).


The probe just like last time was wedged between the heatspreader same spot.

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Well, can't argue with that Deathman. I do feel like it's not heat related as well. Seems like some electrical problem between dfi and crucial. Degrading chips due to board design, or ram design...not sure which...or both :dog:

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  1. When I purchase high-end product I believe it should work flawlessly at stock spec.
  2. The product was engineered with RAM sinks which I believe were placed there not as an aesthetic factor but as a vital element to keep the modules at an acceptable operating temperature.

I don’t think it’s acceptable to place the burden of responsibility to keep the product cooled at the hands of the customer in particular those that run it at stock spec. Just my two cents.


agree 1000%. could not have been said better. i am just amazed at the amount of heat these sticks put out at their RATED voltage, and nowhere does it say that you're required to use active cooling. i have a feeling that mine are flaking due to the heat, and i'm not looking forward to rigging up some noise inducing solution to cool my next set.

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Hi guys,

Let's get this thread going for a while until we find any answers for these ballistix.

I tested my each chips last night and found out one of the two isn't as good as other one, my good one can go as high as 290 with 1:1 (could go 300 with divider @ 1:9). But the bad one can only go upto 250 with 1:1.

My brother also has a set of these and his can go up to about 285 @ 1:1.

So I put the good ones together and ran super PI mod 32M and everything fine and also ran OCCT.(also fine)

So I played some CS and Doom for like an hour but there was no BSOD or reboots.

Today I woke up and turn on my comp (OCed to 2.7Ghz) and BOOM, BSOD and rebooted.

Man I am just about to return this and get OCZ. Also telling my brother to get OCZ as well.

IMHO, heat is another factor that might contribute to this BSOD and random reboots.

I have water cooling setup so only heat that is pumping out is this Ballistix and mobo chipset.


I would really appreciate it if someone with similar setup as me could send me his setup so I can try out and see if it will work on my system.

Anyone with 3800 X2 with ballistix has stable setup ????

Plz help me~~

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I would really appreciate it if someone with similar setup as me could send me his setup so I can try out and see if it will work on my system.

Anyone with 3800 X2 with ballistix has stable setup ????

Plz help me~~


Being tested right now for me. I got an Ultra-D mobo, clocked @ 2,565.5Mhz currently.


Anyways I got 3-3-3-8 timings currently @ 2.8V. These are the same timings I had (including all the others that where set at auto), that ran 295Mhz stable which I can't do anymore currently.


But doing a few tests trying to get the most out of the memory at lower speeds, tried a few other settings, still 3-3-3-8 with 1T and 2T but didn't seem to help any so 1T was done through a few tests.


No Active Cooling

250Mhz @ 2.8V = Error

255Mhz @ 2.8V = Error

255Mhz @ 2.6V = Passed

270Mhz @ 2.8V = Passed now fails

280Mhz @ 2.8V = Passed now fails

295Mhz @ 2.8V = Passed now fails


More advanced options

255Mhz @ 2.6V = Error

255Mhz @ 2.7V = Passed


Added active cooling with more advanced options

270Mhz @ 2.8V = Passed

280Mhz @ 2.8V = Passed

290Mhz @ 2.8V = Failed


Currently running @ 9.5x270 with 1.6V CPU/2.8V Mem its done a Super PI 32mb test, a few renders that seemed to crash teh computer if it was unstable, memory or CPU. Working very well currently, this is all air cooling so you know.

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THx deathman for kind reply.

I will try your settings and let all of you know.

Let get this problem solved once and for all.

I will keep ya posted~~


p.s. Yes I have been at 2.75 Ghz stable for about 2 months and not it wouldn't even do 2.6ghz. Well, hope one of your settings with active coolings work for me.


p.s.s can you post up your settings, deathman? lol :nod:

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Looks like Deathman found that sweet niche that I'm in right now w/ 255 @ 2.6v

Never tried to see if I could get my RAM up to 300Mhz.

I might try that this weekend to see where I stand.


BTW Deathman, there are no half multipliers so you would round that 9.5 up to 10 giving you 2.7Ghz

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Hi guys,

Let's get this thread going for a while until we find any answers for these ballistix.

I tested my each chips last night and found out one of the two isn't as good as other one, my good one can go as high as 290 with 1:1 (could go 300 with divider @ 1:9). But the bad one can only go upto 250 with 1:1.

My brother also has a set of these and his can go up to about 285 @ 1:1.

So I put the good ones together and ran super PI mod 32M and everything fine and also ran OCCT.(also fine)

So I played some CS and Doom for like an hour but there was no BSOD or reboots.

Today I woke up and turn on my comp (OCed to 2.7Ghz) and BOOM, BSOD and rebooted.

Man I am just about to return this and get OCZ. Also telling my brother to get OCZ as well.

IMHO, heat is another factor that might contribute to this BSOD and random reboots.

I have water cooling setup so only heat that is pumping out is this Ballistix and mobo chipset.


I would really appreciate it if someone with similar setup as me could send me his setup so I can try out and see if it will work on my system.

Anyone with 3800 X2 with ballistix has stable setup ????

Plz help me~~


So what as this got to do with ur ram? ever thought ur not getting something else right? like ur cpu not getting enough power? Maybe you are pushing ur CPU beyond it MAX OC?

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I'm currently waiting for 2 new 1GB replacement sticks from Crucial. These were both faulty out the box! When I took them out the board they were *HOT*, couldn't hold them for more than a couple of seconds.


Back to using 4x512 Ballistix, no issues with these.


The failure rate on these 1GB sticks seems too high to be ignored, has Crucial got a bad batch in circulation....?

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Looks like Deathman found that sweet niche that I'm in right now w/ 255 @ 2.6v

Never tried to see if I could get my RAM up to 300Mhz.

I might try that this weekend to see where I stand.


BTW Deathman, there are no half multipliers so you would round that 9.5 up to 10 giving you 2.7Ghz



I was able to run 2.5-3-3-8 with 2.7V @ 250Mhz also but only with active cooling.


There are no half multipliers? Then why is it running at such a speed and all other programs are registering it at the 2,565.5Mhz? Got sandra, cpu-z, smart-guardian, memtest86, windows. I know I can't run @ 2.6Ghz with 10x260 so I know for sure its not running 2.7Ghz.

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