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The CM Stacker case and some mods !!

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One case in particular with the worse ventilation is IMO the CM Wavemaster, only after serious modifications you can fix the bad air flow in this case.


this and the piece of crap Cavalier3


both of those cases are totally useless in my opinion...once I put watercooling the Cav3, I NEVER was able to put the side panel on again because it simply heated up like an oven in there...a single 80mm in front and 120mm in the rear with a radiator attached...and no other cooling at all


normally that wouldn't be THAT bad (look at the Centurion..it is the same design with fans except that the entire front is meshed like the CM Stacker and the Cav3 is totally solid in front, so the ONLY air it is getting in that front 80mm is from the bottom of the front panel, and if you are sitting on carpet...you are not getting any air at all)


Btw, still haven't got an answer about the CM Stacker T01 top 80 mm fan blow hole: is it do anything? I have mine as an exhaust, AG has his as an intake... IMO and from the flow diagram drew by AG and my own system I don't think its doing anything, well maybe taking care of the top pocket of hot air (PSU is Epsilon 700w).


to each his own really


We did a lot of testing waaay back at PCPER.com at about the time I started working for DFI...we tested with a top 80mm and top 120mm fan exhausting as well as doing intake, and also either not on or not installed...and the difference in case temps in all 3 situations was within 1C


we thought maybe it was an abberation so others started doing the testing...and the best they could come up with was 3C, but most were within 1C and 2C difference no matter what position they had the fan in, no matter the size of the fan, and no matter if there even was a fan.


Normally a top fan should be exhausting just to get the hot air that rises to exhaust...




with good psu's like the Fortron Epsilon/OCZ GX etc, those psu's have 120mm to 140mm fans that do the same thing...so having a separate top fan is really kind of useless, which is why I turn mine around and have it bring air down into the case (the top hole is almost always right above the PMWIC areas on our boards so if anything, it helps maybe get 1-2C cooler on those)

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heh, this "drawing" hehe, is exactly how i have my case and water cooling rad setup, minus the top fan; i don't run it. plus i have the crossflow fan running in there. at 3200mhz i get 31 idle / 39 full load. werx great! i love having a quiet running case.



ya I have the Crossflow fan in all of the Stackers I build for myself and for customers, I just didn't draw it on that thing because...well, let's face it, my drawing really sucks and it would serve to only confuse everyone ("WTF IS THAT THING????" heh)

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The sounds of silence...



BTW Has anyone built a rig in the Cooler Master Stacker 830 RC-830-SSN1 ?



I been trying to get some online stores to loan me one or give me one but they are too damned expensive (and of course CM themselves won't come up off one of these premium muthas lol)

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About top 80mm fan

to each his own really


We did a lot of testing waaay back at PCPER.com at about the time I started working for DFI...we tested with a top 80mm and top 120mm fan exhausting as well as doing intake, and also either not on or not installed...and the difference in case temps in all 3 situations was within 1C


we thought maybe it was an abberation so others started doing the testing...and the best they could come up with was 3C, but most were within 1C and 2C difference no matter what position they had the fan in, no matter the size of the fan, and no matter if there even was a fan.


Normally a top fan should be exhausting just to get the hot air that rises to exhaust...




with good psu's like the Fortron Epsilon/OCZ GX etc, those psu's have 120mm to 140mm fans that do the same thing...so having a separate top fan is really kind of useless, which is why I turn mine around and have it bring air down into the case (the top hole is almost always right above the PMWIC areas on our boards so if anything, it helps maybe get 1-2C cooler on those)

My point exactly, the case has this incredible air flow from just the back panel 120mm and the front mesh (with or with out fans), that I was wondering what the top 80mm fan was for other than make more noise :P


I don't think any air going thru there to the inside of the case can reach the PWMIC components of my motherboard... its just too far away and the air horizontal movement would carry it away from those components even more. And as an exhaust blow hole it is pretty useless as well. 1° C you say? I think thats too much, be lucky if my case temperature was half a degree diferent with or with out that fan... but maybe, if its trully 1° C in my favor I'll take it.


All the advantage comes from having a strong back side 120mm fan and the XFlow fan doing its job, and the two 80mm you are using on the secondary PSU compartment... the rest is ornament or redundant.

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Some guys on a site have conducted and experiment with a case with lots of fans eg top side front back you name it and basically came out with a bunch of figures

any waay the conclusion was that a single back fan worked as well as any config they tryed

I think the system was a super simple p3 or something like that. If I can find it Ill post the link.

anyway just thought Ild put my 2c in


Mind you I still have 3 x 120cm fans in my case with a NV5-3 on the gpu hahahaha

and and considering watercooling but I think Im addicted to changing things and aaaaarrrrrrr, must stop but cannot




" Hi my name is david and I have a problem with technology" hahaha

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Some guys on a site have conducted and experiment with a case with lots of fans eg top side front back you name it and basically came out with a bunch of figures

any waay the conclusion was that a single back fan worked as well as any config they tryed

I think the system was a super simple p3 or something like that. If I can find it Ill post the link.

anyway just thought Ild put my 2c in


Mind you I still have 3 x 120cm fans in my case with a NV5-3 on the gpu hahahaha

and and considering watercooling but I think Im addicted to changing things and aaaaarrrrrrr, must stop but cannot




" Hi my name is david and I have a problem with technology" hahaha

"hi my name is david and I also have a problem reading and following forum rules..."

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"hi my name is david and I also have a problem reading and following forum rules..."


sorry I didnt see any thing about http://www.userbars.com/index.php (userbars) not being in a sig. eg I thought it would fall under items like your xfire thingy. Oh well such is life:angel:

PS Im still looking for that site with the experiment with fans and cooling temps, but I think I have lost it:(


edit cant seem to find the article/link

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"hi, my name is david and I just got banned for 3 days because I blatantly ignored the rules a SECOND time after an admin pointed out to me once before that my sig was not within forum specs.


Maybe next time I will take a moment to actually READ the rules of the forum and follow them instead of just ignoring them or mistakenly assuming that the problem was something other than what the problem really was.


Maybe I will be mad at the admin for being mean to me, but really it is my fault for ignoring the rules and not checking the size of my sig. Whether I agree with certain rules or not, I did agree to READ AND FOLLOW THEM TWICE before being allowed to post, so I have no excuse and will have to accept my ban since there is no alternative."

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"hi, my name is david and I just got banned for 3 days because I blatantly ignored the rules a SECOND time after an admin pointed out to me once before that my sig was not within forum specs.


Maybe next time I will take a moment to actually READ the rules of the forum and follow them instead of just ignoring them or mistakenly assuming that the problem was something other than what the problem really was.


Maybe I will be mad at the admin for being mean to me, but really it is my fault for ignoring the rules and not checking the size of my sig. Whether I agree with certain rules or not, I did agree to READ AND FOLLOW THEM TWICE before being allowed to post, so I have no excuse and will have to accept my ban since there is no alternative."




an honest mistake

I will take my punishment but I didnt "I blatantly ignored the rules a SECOND time" I misundestood the message.

and have given up on picture sigs

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Well, I don't have any "mods," done on mine yet...Just have the window (want to cut my own out from the original side, so I bought the window in case I f'ed it up)

But...I plan on a few things...


The Stacker is probably my favorite case so far I have ever owned. I think it's amazing..Gotta love it

(don't know if this is the place to post the pics of my Stacker..sorry if I threadjacked...)











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