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27909488.jpg likes science too...


27909488.jpg27909488.jpg should know that lefte.jpg had 20GB+ of anime downloaded at one time but lefte.jpg stupidly deleted it to make room for other junk.


After thinking about it a few days later lefte.jpg realized that lefte.jpg had plenty of room on other harddrives and that lefte.jpg should have just moved the anime files onto those drives.



lefte.jpg is facepalming himself still whenever lefte.jpg thinks of it...

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^should make better use of ^'s 500GB Seagate that was purchased from <, ^ has no excuses left (especially when ^ can watch one piece with no loss in hard drive space ;))

though once ^ catches up, ^ should also know that nothing, and < means nothing can beat one piece in 720p :wub:

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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